Parents of the HS Class of 2019 - 3.0 to 3.4 GPA

@EENYMum Congrats! A direct entry PT program? That’s fantastic! Hope it’s high on your daughter’s list. The feeling of relief is wonderful.

Awesome that she has a viable option in the bag. My daughter does not want me going into portals but I am going to ask her tomorrow. Her EA schools say the decisions come between 12/10 to end of year.

@EENYMum , my D got into Arcadia with full merit as well! She loves their freshman year abroad program. Congrats to your daughter!

@milgymfam Full Merit? Congrats!

@milgymfam Congrats to your daughter as well!! What major is she interested in? My D called her cousin and said “I got accepted to Hogwarts” ?Yes my d19 was all about the study abroad thing too :slight_smile: @Acersaccharum the relief for all is soooo real. @JBSeattle we had to promise not to check the portals now that everything is confirmed to have been received (gonna be tough) but the extra nice part was the school sent letter regular mail! I worry about D checking portals while at school or not at home. Would not want any bummer news while at school.

@EENYMum she is going to be an Italian major if she attends Arcadia, but a linguistics majornif she’s accepted into her ED school. She’s content to push linguistics to grad school if it is what’s best for her in the long run.

@EENYMum Congratulations!!! That is wonderful.

@JBSeattle if Western handles things as they have before she will probably get an email first, before the packet. I don’t recall the lag time between the two but it wasn’t much and they did notify very early (EA). I just checked, he got the email they’d gotten everyting on 11/7 and admissions email on 11/23. It definitely takes the pressure off.

Io parlo Italiano! E una lingua bellisima!
I studied abroad in Florence in college and it was awesome! She should do it if she has the chance!

Last app in here. Can I just say how much I hate the Coalition App?

I was really surrpised to be asked for financials in the app itself and interested how much more residency proof it wanted compared to other instate applications.

It is possible he wil lhave one more depending on EA/ED results but I really dobut it and I don’t feel like spending $60 for the ultimate back up plan we probably won’t need. LOL!

@JBSeattle she also applied to Marist in Florence. She’s done a summer at the university of Ferrara and it was life changing for her.

Thanks!! I mostly just want to check the portals to make sure nothing fell through the cracks. An acceptance would just be a nice bonus.

Cool, it is such a fun language to speak!

What a pain, hopefully worth it!

@JBSeattle I confess to requiring portal access. For exactly that reason. None of the kids balked and since I’m footing the bill, it seems fair. Lol.

I also require a review before they hit send, even if it’s free. Which came in handy tonight with 3 small errors.

So, D was accepted to her 1st choice College! We were not expecting any notice until December, so it was a complete surprise. No obsessive portal checking required! She submitted app in late September so I guess it is on a rolling acceptance.

She visited the school for a recruiting overnight 2 weeks ago and apparently her acceptance was processed 3 days later - interesting. The school seemed like a great fit with just a few small things missing. So on Friday she went to a recruiting overnight with her 2nd choice and sure enough it ticks the boxes the other didn’t, but is missing a few things of its own. I actually love that she will be wrestling with the decision a bit because it is such an important life skill! The 2nd school won’t send out decisions until December, but I think her chances are excellent.

Her acceptance is at Ithaca College. She applied with 3.54UW/3.72W, and ACT 25/26SS, and received $17k Merit. If she chooses this, we will have her apply for additional scholarships and work for spending $.

Congratulations @Acersaccharum !

That’s great news @Acersaccharum ! I’m hoping that S19 hits submit on his Ithaca College application today (his last one!) It’s good to know that merit aid exists there since I haven’t been able to glean much info about that.

congrat to @EENYMum and @Acersaccharum on the acceptances.

Congrats to everyone on their acceptances.

@EENYMum and @Acersaccharum CONGRATULATIONS! Fantastic news. I wish we had applied rolling to take some of the pressure off. Hindsight… Nice job to get into real choices early.

@EENYMum I’m struggling with the same thing…apply to one or two more to have work done as back up or save the $60. I think we’ll hold off and wait for ED decision 12/15.

Meanwhile, Twin A is teetering with calculus class and passing for the moment. And…the influential boyfriend of two years who had way too much to say about college choices broke up with her. Rough couple of weeks, but time will make it better. If only he hadn’t been a know it all about colleges, she would have applied to Furman, which I LOVED for her. Grrrrr.

Last question - has anyone bought any gear like a sweatshirt ahead of time as a surprise or do you believe in jinxing? I can’t decide.