Parents of the HS Class of 2019 - 3.0 to 3.4 GPA

It seems like the schools that offer guaranteed scholarships for X GPA and Y test score will probably stick with reviewing the documented junior year GPA (some high schools recalculate GPA on a semester basis - but not the school district where @orangefish and I send our kids). My D16 went to one of these schools and I think she would have gotten her scholarship based on her junior year GPA even if she had done significantly better or worse senior year.

Some schools without firm cutoffs for scholarships probably would consider a mid-year transcript and ongoing grade trends when awarding merit. Probably best to check with the individual schools.

Thanks @eh1234 ā€“ we are looking for merit at some of the ā€œholisticā€ schools (such as CTCL) and not any of the X GPA/Y test scores schools.

Probably makes sense to ask specifics when we meet with the college coordinator at Dā€™s high school, too.

@me29034 welcome to the world of science olympiad. since its pretty much the only EC my S19 doesā€¦ They make for very long daysā€¦ i have been coaching since middle school.

Last year my son received his merit aid offers for all of his EA schools based on grades through end of Jr. year. The offers came quickly. For many schools, we found their deadline to be considered for the big merit scholarships was Dec. 1. The semester at my kidsā€™ school didnā€™t end until late January and transcripts for first semester couldnā€™t be sent until February.

D attended the last representatives-come-to-your-high-school visit today. She is so practiced she already prepared a list of questions to ask the representative. (Wish she would be as prepared for her history class.)

Thatā€™s great that sheā€™s making the most of these visits!! It looks like our college rep. visits go until Thanksgiving break. So far, S managed to attend the UVA visit held in the auditorium. He has no intention of applying to UVA and I think his girlfriend dragged him along? Ah well, maybe next year.

My kidā€™s school has had college visits all fall, but none of them have been colleges on The List. Part of the kidā€™s criteria is that the school be far away enough that my husband and I wonā€™t be dropping by at the least provocation, and the school reps that come to our school tend to be places within an hourā€™s drive or so.

Interesting list requirement, @ninakatarina! :slight_smile:

Dā€™s take-away from the college visit yesterday? Interesting school, would make a good safety school, but itā€™s a state school thatā€™s very far away. So itā€™s off the list (for now).

@OrangeFish @ninakatarina I went to school 45 minutes from home. My parents never stopped by and I only went home for Thanksgiving and Winter Break. I went home with students from other parts of the country for spring break or went on a trip with friends. I even stayed there over the summers, lived in off-campus apartments with friends and worked in the city. If you have a school nearby that passes all of the other criteria, donā€™t let the location be a deal breaker! Plus it was good when my dog had to be put to sleep and I could easily go home to see him =((

My kid is a one and only and my husband has been deeply involved in the kidā€™s theater career. I know my husband, he would not be able to resist dropping by all the time if the kid was within an hourā€™s drive. Self control is not his strong suit.

@ninakatarina ā€“ the theatre performance thing is something I have thought about to myself but have not mentioned a word of it to D19 (or my spouse). Iā€™d like to see her work!

D19 is so wrapped up in the schoolā€™s theatre production (opening night is tonight) that Iā€™m not talking about college stuff at all. Iā€™d love to hear more about the college visit yesterday, but Iā€™ll take the ā€œitā€™s a safety but it can come off my listā€ sentence for now. :slight_smile:

Hope your daughter breaks a leg, @OrangeFish - Iā€™m always told by my D that thatā€™s not what you say to tech people, but she hasnā€™t come up with anything better, so I keep saying it :slight_smile:

Being involved in two simultaneous theater productions had the predictable result on S today - he had a huge argument with the girl who thinks sheā€™s in charge of costuming at the school play then collapsed into a weeping ball. Theater kids. Bah. Maybe we wonā€™t be asking the theater teacher for an additional recommendation letter.

Theater season on this thread! Opening night here for S19, first time having a kid in the pit orchestra, really different (but cool) experience!

Quarter ended yesterday, now we wait to see how bad it is and if he really turned in/gets credit for some of the missing work.

So today I learned: California schools ignore freshman year grades. So, If you (1) exclude my D19ā€™s pretty disastrous freshman year, and (2) include only the smaller academic disasters so far from sophomore year and the one likely one approaching this year, then (3) even with the not-great-not-terrible score all the practice ACTs are saying sheā€™ll get, she has a high enough selection index to get into Cal Poly Pomona (for industrial engineering, which is oddly not an impacted major), and CPP is a WUE school.

This is a Good Thing.

@Gatormama @OrangeFish Ballerinas say ā€œmerdeā€ to each other before performances. If you donā€™t speak French, look up what ā€œmerdeā€ means literally in French. (I certainly cannot post it here.)

Maybe you could substitute it for ā€œbreak a legā€ just for kicks. :wink:

@homerdog LOL! Your mention of dance performances and the proper wish :slight_smile: is included in a great Reddit ā€œExplain Like Iā€™m Fiveā€ thread. Search on Reddit and the history meaning behind the saying break a leg.

@Gatormama ā€“ we were told by a Broadway theatre tech person that Break A Leg is appropriate for technical theatre types, too. Who knows if that person is right, of course.

Now that the theatre show is done, itā€™s time for auditions for the next show. 8-}

D19 has scheduled a meeting with the college advisor at her school (different person from the school counselor) for the week after Thanksgiving.

Has anyone met with someone at school about college lists? What sort of things did you bring to the meeting?

Personally Iā€™d like D to do most of the talking instead of me. But Iā€™d also like to hear from the college advisor about the various majors/programs D19 is considering, and about the schools (especially in-state ones) on her list.

Weā€™re in a very competitive area and Iā€™m concerned about not-so-high GPAs being good enough for most (any?) of the in-state schools on her list.

How did the show go, @OrangeFish?
I canā€™t help you with college meetings; as usual, we seem to be behind everyone else with these things.

Went to Towson University open house last week. I wasnā€™t expecting D19 to like it but she did! She thinks it could definitely be on our list for a state school (I think a safety since we can afford it and I believe she could get in). So, this was a happy surprise and relief. I would like her to visit UMDCP but I donā€™t know if we could even get in since college data has their average admission stats rather high. She thinks CP is too big anyway but maybe if we visit she would change her mind. My kiddo is between sports right now waiting for Winter tryouts to start. Its been nice to not be running to practice/games constantly.