Parents of the HS Class of 2019 - 3.0 to 3.4 GPA

One of my S18’s Scout friends is going to Flagler. I don’t know anything about the school, other than it’s in Florida (we’re in Georgia), but he wants to major in sports broadcasting.

@DCNatFan our lists are looking similar! Elon is S19 top choice right now…wanted to get to High Point but ran out of time. Just ran into a neighbor today who sent two kids to High Point and they love it…one is doing the pre pharmacy program.

Not sure if you are going north but my D14 just graduated from Quinnipiac university and has a nursing job in maternity pediatrics and nicu rotations. I looked into their teaching programs as well because her best friend toured at same time for that. Beautiful campus and great experience. About the size you are looking for.

@DCNatFan and @cakeisgreat we’re all about Elon. We live about 15 minutes away and it is a wonderful school. My nephew goes there and I have many colleagues who are alumni.

What I don’t understand about the SAT is how the CB could put out a test that is considered “easy” and then “correct” the easiness by making wrong answers count as more than one wrong answer as compared to an earlier “harder” test. Why would they have to “equate” to this degree?

Math is not my kid’s thing, regardless of whether the standardized test is easy or hard. For him to prep and then have the wrong answers count as even “wronger” answers is a bit spirit-crushing. Why not have tests of equal difficulty?

Of course, S19’s top choice is Penn State main campus which is all about the numbers. Too many applications to be holistic. But he is willing to check the box for summer session and do the 2+2. We are visiting one of the residential branch campuses this week and there are two others within driving distance from home. In our area, the 2+2 is popular. And, we are PA residents who are fortunate enough to be able to afford the slightly reduced in-state tuition at our not-actually-a-state-school flagship. Don’t get me started on the state of affordable college in PA.

He wants to major in English and writing. So the hope is that the PSU College of Liberal arts is willing to consider applicants with decent grades in “regular” math and an SAT math score in the low 500s.

Other schools on the list include Loyola Maryland, University of Scranton, Delaware, Goucher, Susquehanna, and Shippensburg (the favorite actual state school).

D19 just heard back from the guidance counselor office at her HS and they do not send out any official transcripts until the 2nd week of September. So much for getting ahead this summer.

@DCNatFan she will still be ahead if she submits all of her own parts of the applications.

@TwinMom2023 thats great news! Hope you dont mind my picking your brain once in awhile with questions about Elon?

I am seeing a lot if happy people talking about Elon on CC and I am glad because I read some other stuff on other websites that gave me a little pause. Hearing from current CC folks gives so much more credibility. Same happened for Quinnipiac for my other D. So glad I heard feedback from real people in the neighborhood that attended and CC about QU because it was the best experience for D14 in every way.

@infinitewaves loved U Scranton when D14 toured. Also visited U Delaware 3 times…first two kids applied/accepted.S19 and D20 not interesred for some reason.

Edits for trying to type on my phone at doctor office lol

In other cake news D20 is signed up for Aug SAT with princeton review class crunch session. She is my 3.0-3.4 gpa kid…starting early and in summer because school is so hard for her. Going to have her retake princeton review classes at least one more time and spread out tests over the school year. Im nervous lol!

Hi all - I’m new to the CC community and thought I’d jump in here. D19 has very little interest in participating in college search process. We’ve done a few formal tours and some informal drive-throughs. She seems most interested in small rural/surburban schools - specifically those that are not popular with her high school as she wants to get away from the type-A hyper-competitive peers (her words, not mine). We’ve been looking largely in PA/VA/NC although the PA schools are too much like her HS. She has a 3.35 weighted GPA and 1350 SAT. She’s not taking any AP classes as she’s trying to avoid the unhealthy environment those present (again her words, not mine). I’m looking forward to what’s in store the next few months.

@DCNatFan you don’t need the transcripts to submit the apps, if that’s the last piece it’s not a big deal at all and just completes the file. Unless it’s a rolling application, it won’t make a difference whether they get the transcript in August, or September.

@carolinamom2boys a belated congrats to your son on obtaining his Eagle! Huge accomplishment, you all should be very proud

@eandesmom Very true. She was trying to complete the Alabama application and get an acceptance during the summer. Not even sure it is at the top of her list but she said it would be a morale booster.

On another note she has taken a renewed interest in trying to get her driver license by the end of the summer. MD requires 60 hours of drive time so she has a ways to go. I took her out yesterday morning and got in an hour of highway time. I think that puts her at about 10 hours. Not sure she will make it.

DS19 got his driver’s license one week ago and his Eagle Scout 2 days later. It’s been busy here.

Welcome @eb23282 !

It sounds as though she has a good idea of what she’s looking for-- that makes it so much easier! There are a zillion smallish suburban schools in PA- my son LOVED Neumann. A good friend’s 3 kids have attended Alvernia, Lycoming and Misericordia, all in PA as well.

Welcome @eb23282! You didn’t mention MD schools, but it’s near your search area and I’ve heard good things about Washington College (private) and St Mary’s College (public). We recently visited Ursinus and really liked it. What are your daughter’s academic interests?

Anyone know much about UNC-Wilmington? I’m going to be down in that area in a couple of weeks and thought I’d have my younger son (‘21) check it out since we will be nearby. I don’t know much about it at all but my friend’s son will be a freshman this fall.

Also, since it seems like there are many in the mid-Atlantic and southeastern states here, has anyone looked in to the Academic Common Market? I found a couple of majors that S21 might be interested in but he has a couple of years yet. I know the son of an old friend was benefiting from it at Univ of South Carolina (we live in MD), but I haven’t spoken to her lately to see if he ended up graduating within that major and therefore got in-state tuition the whole time.

@4kids4us University of SC awards instate tuition based on GPA and scores to all majors .

@carolinamom2boys, S21 will not have stats high enough for instate tuition awards at Uof SC.

Hi @eb23282 - My S19 really liked Washington College and Ursinus. Lycoming, Susquehanna, and Lebanon Valley are really nice as well. Can you tell that we made the PA/MD LAC rounds? LOL!

@bjkmom The small PA Catholic schools such as Alvernia and Neumann are popular at his (small, Catholic) high school here in south central PA. I think Cabrini is another?!? :slight_smile:

Alas, my kid decided (after meeting a recruiter at career day this spring) that he wants to try ROTC wherever he goes. So Susquehanna and Goucher are the only small LACs that have remained on the list. Goucher will probably get dropped though because he’d have to get himself to Towson U or Loyola.