Parents of the HS Class of 2019 - 3.0 to 3.4 GPA

@Cotton2017 Kent State? I think it starts at $28,000 for tuition, fees, r&b and maybe she would get merit.

Also Youngstown State. Maybe Cleveland State.

Try the net price calculator with 1200 SAT and see.

She might have to go instate or prep seriously to get a higher score.

Also how about UMBC and/or CC to UMD pathway?

@cotton2017 Did your daughter try a practice ACT test? My older kidā€™s PSAT and SAT scores (2 tries) were all in the 1100s. She got a 30 on the ACT without doing any extra prep for it (and I think it equates to a 1300+ SAT).


MD is one of the states with reduced OOS tuition. She might get merit and if she gets SAT above 1200 might be able to apply to Cook Honors College.


A helpful thread above

Btw there are two users named Cotton2017, one with capital C and one with lowercaseā€¦

@cotton2017 I was going to suggest Salisbury! A lot of kids from our school go there and Iā€™ve heard great things. What about Christopher Newport University in Newport News? My sonā€™s school just played them in football, so I had googled it because I had never heard of them! D3, but I know there football is competitive! A quick browse through their website and it looked like a beautiful school. Good luck!

U Maine has the Flagship Match program

*their football! LOL

Thank you for all the responses. I am going through them one by one and researching the colleges you have suggested. She hasnā€™t tried the ACT but I am going to schedule her for one just to see. She doesnā€™t seem to mind taking the tests and kinda just rolls with the scores. She has a lot of ā€˜wantsā€™ but she may just have to go where we can afford and deal with it. Our local cc does have an agreement with UMDCP so she could automatically transfer. The CC is only 10 minutes from my house so a real possibility.

@Cotton2017 Have her do some of the ACT practice tests at home, the format is different from the SAT and timing real tight.

@Cotton2017 If your dd does especially well in the Reading/Writing portion of the SAT, she may do much better on the ACT. My dd had a 1260 or 1290 on SAT but a 30 ACT, which correlates to around a 1400 SAT, so it was definitely worth it to take the ACT. The science portion of the ACT is really more reading comprehension, or so Iā€™ve heard.

@4MyKidz thanks again. Iā€™m honestly not worried about her health, although she is. Iā€™m worried about the fact that she has not done enough to get into college (extra curriculars, sports, clubs, honors/AP, etc.) Add to this her low test scores and Iā€™m afraid sheā€™ll be going to community college - a fate worse than death as far as sheā€™s concerned haha!

Like I said, itā€™ll all work out the way itā€™s supposed toā€¦

For the vast majority of colleges, ā€œextra curriculars, sports, clubs, honors/AP, etc.ā€ arenā€™t remotely necessary to get inā€”theyā€™re minimally competitive entry and/or accept students on a (completely or effectively) purely stats-based system.

And unless youā€™re in Wyoming (which has only one), there are multiple noncompetitive-entry in-state public four-year options available.

@crazyfordlr Welcome!

If she can get her SAT into the 1000 range I honestly think sheā€™s got a solid shot at both of her top choices. Manoa is WUE I believe so would be a much better financial deal and would offset flight cost. Iā€™d be a bit concerned with her that far away dealing with T1.


I just want to say, while I really respect all that are encouraging more and more test taking we had a couple that could only get so far with re-testing. My S17 is a terrible test taker, not anxiety related but his ADHD definitely is a factor, even on meds. We called it good with a 25, and his SAT scores at best might have hit 1200. with a 3.4 UW he was accepted at all 7 schools he applied to. I think your bigger constraint may be limiting it to 2 states and a budget amount, thatā€™s a frustrating situation and Iā€™ve been there (am there with S19 too!). If she is a 3 sport athlete I would not remotely worry sheā€™s not done enough. Schools would much rather see a kid who is consistently passionate about things than one who seems to flit around checking off the ā€œwill look good on college appā€ boxes. That comes across pretty clearly.

Point being, sheā€™s good decent grades, an athletic hook and is likely to have scores that will get her into many places. CC is a weird places that makes normal good kids look like score failures and itā€™s incredibly frustrating. Donā€™t succumb to it! I have a close friends whose son went to Salisbury and was quite happy there. He was more in this threads range and was looking to stay in the area as well, I canā€™t recall where else he applied but was looking at a similar budget range and I know my friend looked heavily at schools that were part of the new england exchange. One of the 2017 kids from this same thread/gpa range is at CNU and I believe is really happy there.

@dfbdfb thanks for the reassurance! Weā€™re in CA, with no desire for Wyoming. She has no desire to stay in-state, but that may be what happens.

@eandesmom I totally agree with you about breaking that 1000 threshold. She takes the PSAT again next week ā€¦ we figure itā€™s cheap practice. She has more confidence this year too. Sheā€™s been doing better on tests and has more test-taking strategies. Another wait and see kwim. Also, Hawaii isnā€™t as big a deal as it seems re: health. Dhā€™s family is from Oahu and a dear friend of mine from high school lives there. Sheā€™ll have lots of resources/support. (And Iā€™ll have lots of spies haha!)

Curious to hear how others have worked through the colleges list. At this GPA range, is it preferable to have more safeties (GPA & financial) instead of matches?

Should we be aiming for about 5 -6 safeties, 4 -5 matches, and 2 - 3 reaches at this point? We will not be able to visit all schools prior to applying, although several will be visited for interviews/portfolio reviews next October/November after applications are in.

(Maybe we need more schools on the list now due to her major?)

I donā€™t understand how the portfolio review works, unfortunately. 11 to 14 schools already seems like a lot. I think 2 or 3 safeties would be plenty unless she really likes all of the safeties equally and canā€™t choose (or unless the safeties are out of range for visiting beforehand).

Thanks, @eh1234 ā€“ she has not decided between BA vs BFA programs so we were thinking selecting 2 or 3 of each for safeties, matches, and reaches. Maybe sheā€™ll decide what she wants to do by the summer and we wonā€™t need to plan on so many applications. (And maybe pigs will fly.)

Oh yeah, I forgot about the BA/BFA options for arts majors. I guess if S19 decides he wants to pursue music as one of his majors I will have to educate myself! I feel like heā€™ll decide what he wants halfway through junior year of college.

If oneā€™s not targeting highly-competitive colleges, need one do the whole reach/match/safety balancing act at all? I mean, you need to have something you can definitely get into and would enjoy, sure, but if you donā€™t care about the reaches why target any reaches?

[Edited to correct a potentially confusing typo.]

@dfbdfb ā€“ there are some Dream Schools she would like to apply to, and depending on how her portfolio review went, she could theoretically be accepted based on talent and with the right merit money, she could attend. But thereā€™s no way she would be accepted academically. (We call these small number of schools the Lotto Ticket colleges.)