Parents of the HS Class of 2019 - 3.0 to 3.4 GPA

@TwinMom2023 I would disagree that Converse College is not political.

@carolinamom2boys I meant in comparison to women’s colleges such as Smith or Bryn Mawr. There is a difference in atmosphere re: political activism.

A rainy weekend makes for lots of Common App work. S19 and I got through a lot of it yesterday. Two bumps in the road. First, they ask for his senior schedule and our school will not make that available until the day before school starts (Aug. 29 is the first day of school)…and it is one of those schools where you don’t always get the classes you request on your first try…even if they are required for graduation. Second, turns out a few of the schools have supplemental essays buried in the Common App. Sigh.

“Our” goal is to have everything “done” by the end of the week. My goal is to have everything done by Tuesday. We shall see who wins. :slight_smile:

S19’s list is firming up and it looks like he’ll have several schools that give the option of using either the school application or the Common/Coalition app. However, they barely mention on their websites that they accept the Common/Coalition app and seem to be pushing the school app in their emails.

I’m wondering if it would be easier in the long-run to use the school app if the communication is going to be better. - these schools have a “portal” that can be used to submit the application, check on the status, receive supplemental applications for the music school, etc. Thoughts?

I’m also trying to steer away from Coalition because S19’s school won’t acknowledge that it exists. It’s required for one school.

@TwinMom2023 Converse is a local college for me. I also have quite a few friends with children who attend there. I could expand on the political leanings but won’t because political discussion is against the terms of service.

@Longhaul for Arts History or Management you may want to consider College of Charleston, Wofford or Flagler College if she can bump her GPA slightly . Flagler also has an Interior Design Program. CofC is the largest is approx 11,000 students . Wofford and Flagler are small LACs with approx 2000 and 3000 students respectively.

Hi all,

It’s great to read about the progress everyone is making with college visits, applications, etc. My D19 heads back to school the week after next - summer flew by! She finished junior year with a 3.2 and 29 ACT. We had hopes that the gpa would creep up, but it just didn’t, so we also will not have that “upward trend”, just a steady stream of B’s, some A’s and a couple C’s (Geometry/Algebra 2). D19 decided to not take math her senior year, much to her stunned college counselor’s dismay. We supported D’s decision, however, as the last two years of math have been grueling and she’s focusing on an art based major for college. Only time will tell if that impacts her applications.

She’s started filling out her Common App and has been working on her essay though she isn’t interested in having me read it and getting my input. “I’ve got this Mom” were her exact words. So I’m trying to stand back and let her handle the process and rein in my own hand wringing tendencies. It’s her journey…deep breath…glass of wine.

Anyway, she had a fantastic experience at her summer art program in NYC, and that school is now her number 1. She loves the vibe of art school versus the typical college/university. She will apply to one state school “safety” and one other university that has her specific program, but other than that art schools. So I’m not sure how much our experiences will help others, but I’ll continue to follow along and share where I can. This is such a nice, supportive group and I want to see the happy endings for all the poster’s kids.

@Longhaul - would you consider Arizona State University for your D19? They have an excellent interior design program and a well regarded art program in general. I believe they also have a special study skills/support center for students with ADHD. Just a thought.

@Longhaul of course you are welcome!!!

I can’t say enough nice things about Seattle U. We’ve a ton of family history there and it’s in the #2 spot on S19’s list despite it being a mom pick that he was not at all sold on pre visit.

Evergreen is an interesting one. It gets a lot of love on CC as a CTCL School and our HS guidance counselors are fans. However it is not a popular choice with local kids and parents, or especially highly regarded by local employers. It attracts a lot of CC transfers and older students so the average age of student is a bit higher.

@golden3 it is really hard to step back. Glad she enjoyed art school this summer. I am envious of artistic kids.

S19 officially has a draft essay started. He is writing about how doing theater helped a technology guy come out of his YouTube shell. It’s promising but he wrote the part about how his life was going back in middle school before he auditioned for his first play and sent it to his essay reader. She immediately emailed back, commenting that it was a little bit too sad. I wanted to say “Lady, try living it!” Her feedback was well taken though, so he is working in the happy transformation part now.

I am just thrilled he has ANYTHING on paper at this point. We are receiving all these emails about the Common App being open, application fee waivers and so on and it makes me feel like he’s behind in this process although I know in my rational mind that’s not true. Yet, anyway.

We also attended a CTCL fair in Dallas yesterday. They had a really slick interface in which the kids register on Snapchat. This generates a QR code which the college rep scans during a table visit. So much easier than filling out cards at each table!

S’s school starts tomorrow with the “Last First Day” donuts and snacks for seniors. I can’t believe it.

D19 is trying to finish up her College of Charleston application and is asking me if she needs to complete the personal statement section and if so what should she write.

She is going to use her Common App essay for the essay section of the application.

The sections states:
The College of Charleston does not require a personal statement for your application to be complete. If you have not shared something that you want the admissions committee to know about you, this is your opportunity to do so. (Maximum 750 words.)

Note: We highly recommend that you complete the personal statement. Although this section is optional for most students, if you have taken a GAP semester/year, or you are completing a post-graduate year - it is necessary for you to explain your activities over that period of time.

I hate that they its not required but highly recommended. Just make it a requirement. Any thoughts on how to handle?

@DCNatFan I’d almost handle it like a “why CofC essay” and emphasize their reputation as a highly respected school for education majors and she’s interested in seeing the challenges of teaching in a different part of the country.

So D19 has suffered from anxiety and depression in the past. It’s not something that just goes away. We attended a DBT program for 6 months in 2017 and it really taught her how to change her thinking and ways to cope with her feelings when she’s overwhelmed. She’s taken tremendous steps forward since graduating from the program. I’m extremely proud of her. Well her depression was creeping back in during the last 3 weeks and I could tell something was wrong but didn’t want to push. She was using the skill of distracting herself to try to keep the depression at bay and it sort of worked. But at a cost. She did so much to distract herself that she neglected the work that needed to be done at her internship. Last night she was released from the internship and it thrust her firmly into crisis. Luckily she has presence of mind to come to me or call her therapist when she is in crisis so any serious issues can be avoided but now she’s of the mind that she won’t get into college because she won’t be able to use the internship on her applications. Also, the professor running the internship will be at a wedding we’re going to this weekend. She understandably doesn’t want to go except the person getting married is her uncle who has served as a surrogate dad for most of her life. Her uncle is also the one who set her up with the internship so she feels like a failure and that she let everyone down. I try to be positive and help her as much as possible but it’s so overwhelming. I feel helpless. I know it’s irrational but my first instinct is to try to fix it. I’ve learned to step back and observe abd ask myself what she needs before trying to “fix” which has helped but I still feel helpless.

OK rant over. Sorry for the probably run-on sentences but I’m a little emotional. Thanks for taking the time to read.

@cinn124 - in reading your other posts, is looks like Georgia State is very high on her list. I think her stats would get her there no problem, regardless of an incomplete internship. I’m guessing the fear of not going to college is simply the anxiety and depression speaking, and not your opinion too? Stay strong!

@cinn124 I’m sorry that she is having difficulty right now. Try and assure her that thousands of students are accepted to colleges every day without having an internship on their application. My DS16 has yet to have a formal internship . I hope that things get better for her quickly .

@cinn124 She is not a failure and she has not let everyone down. She is struggling and working through it. You’ve have provided her with resources and support to address those struggles. She is learning how to manage and reach out when help is needed. Those are good things. Skills that will help her moving forward. Her health and well being is the priority.

As @carolinamom2boys pointed out, lots of kids are accepted to all kinds of colleges without ever having done an internship.

Sending lots of positive thoughts your way.

@cinn124 My S19 has also battled depression and anxiety in HS. I know how insidious and awful and frustrating and scary it can be. Stay strong and work through the therapist with this. The black and white thinking is tough…we talk to my son about it ALL the time…but keep talking it through. Stay strong.

@cinn124, your daughter is in my thoughts and prayers. My oldest DS graduated college this May and fell into such a depression that he had many suicidal thoughts. He came to me and we are finally on a good path, but it is a long, difficult road.
Your family is not alone.

@cinn124 hugs to you and your D. I understand the emotions. Anxiety is so frustrating sometimes because it’s like keeping all the plates spinning on the poles. Can never let one drop. They constantly have to focus and practice and redirect. It’s exhausting. But our kids are going to be world changers because they’ve had so much practice dealing with this stuff.

I never realized how many families deal with anxiety. I really thought we were alone (at least in our scope of the world) until I came here. It’s nice to have support and see how great we all are doing to help our kids succeed and how great they are doing even with these challenges!