Parents of the HS Class of 2019 - 3.0 to 3.4 GPA

“I never realized how many families deal with anxiety. I really thought we were alone (at least in our scope of the world) until I came here. It’s nice to have support and see how great we all are doing to help our kids succeed and how great they are doing even with these challenges!”

@cakeisgreat THIS!!

Thank you all for your warm thoughts, prayers and virtual hugs. She has decided to go to the wedding. I’m not sure if she spoke to her uncle (she won’t tell me unless directly asked) but doubtful since I do know that she doesn’t want to intrude on the wedding preparations. I believe going to cheer practice last night helped lift her somewhat. She was noticably glum when we first got there but better afterwards.

I’d like to send virtual hugs to all those that struggle with these types of illnesses. It’s not easy but we get through it.


Anyone have experience with the ZeeMee profile that some schools allow as part of the application process? Couple schools on D19 list allow the kids to submit a profile. Wondering if it is worth and what type of information should they submit and how much.

@DCNatFan - great question and I’m glad you asked it because D has at least one school that asks for it and we are clueless!

For all of y’all who are looking at CofC, this info may interest you.

“Had a GPA between 011 and 4.593 (SC Uniform Grading Scale), 3.29 and 3.941 (weighted) or 3.05 and 3.5 (unweighted)”

Not sure I’ve ever seen a 011 GPA???

The post was just corrected to say 4.011 and 4.593 @DCNatFan

Bumping ZeeMee question. It has shown up on a college on S’s list. Maybe this should be a stand-alone thread to get more collective wisdom?

Anyone else slightly alarmed at all of the freshman moving in this weekend? My friends’ FB posts make it all too clear we are in the final count down. In roughly 365 days our kids will (God willing) be moving in. Schools close to home are looking better and better. :frowning:

@fwtxmom I previously asked about ZeeMee on the boards and didn’t receive much response. We ended up scrapping the ZeeMee idea and chose to create a traditional resume instead. Luckily the schools he is interested in are either a resume or a zeemee. S19 is a serious introvert and his discomfort would have been apparent on a video.

@TwinMom2023 We just moved DS19 back into his new dorm today. DS19 did a lot of the heavy lifting and set up. There’s a good chance he’ll be at this school next year . So yes, all day I had that constant reminder .

@TwinMom2023 We held a send off (BBQ) last week. House across the street - Freshman at GW. Next to that house - Freshman at Loyola. House next to us - Freshman at American. Our house - sophomore at McGill (and a rising HS senior finishing up his college search). The first of the kids left yesterday and, though it wasn’t my own, it mad me sad. I take my son to Montreal on Wednesday and, yeah, I know I’ll shed a few tears when I head back home. Next year when I’m an empty nester…ugh I don’t even want to think about it.

@swimmingdad that is a great group for your area of the neighborhood - all bases covered. Exciting and sad. McGill sounds like a fabulous place though. Can’t wait to see where you '19 goes. It’s going to be a fast year.

My D16 is getting ready to spend the semester abroad after spending the summer at an internship in DC. Have not seen much of her and it makes me sad. I know this is what we have raised her to do - she is spreading her wings and flying away, but our house is so quiet when she is gone! S19 is working on the Common App. and next year at this time we too will be empty nesters. Wow. It went by in a flash…

D19 passed her driver test this morning so we have checked that off the to do list for the summer.
Still trying to get her finish up a few applications this week before we leave for vacation next Saturday. Once we return she starts up school so not much free time.
Trying to get her to finish up College of Charleston, Pitt, Towson and Auburn before we leave.

@DCNatFan congrats to your daughter on her driving exam. Just dropped off DS16 at CofC. DS19 was very helpful during the move in. A difficult reminder that this year will fly by. School starts on Monday.

Zee Mee first came out in 2017. There was a lot of chatter and most students seemed to skip it without any issues, we certainly didn’t bother with my S17. If you are a student who requires portfolio submission or trying to go test optional, I can see where it would be helpful. Beyond that I don’t see it being worth the effort even if offered.

@DCNatFan Pitt just surfaced last night for Twin B. I have never seen it, but it looks great on paper. Did you tour? She wants pre med, but I wonder if Pitt would be too big for her. Still, Pittsburgh has apparently taken off in the past few years.

@TwinMom2023 My D16 is at Pitt. It is a big school. Do you have any specific questions?

@TwinMom2023 We did visit Pitt for a Blue and Gold Day this summer. It was a full day and they did a great job. D19 went into unsure if she would like a city school but it was her favorite of all the city schools we have visited. It is definitely busy on some of the streets but they also have a nice mix of quiet spaces and green spaces. They also have a program that I think would be great for her so I am gently pushing. We all really liked Pittsburgh, seemed to have a lot to offer. D19 is applying but not sure it’s at the top of her list since I think she really wants the self-contained campus. She fell in love with Clemson but it is a definite reach for her stats.

Hi @me29034 D19 is pretty determined to go to med school (she is aware of challenges). I went to UF and swore my kids wouldn’t go to a huge school b/c off lack of personal attention. If she could get in OOS though, I think she would enjoy the city and the pre med sounds top notch. Does you D16 feel like she gets the advising and prof. connections that she needs?