Parents of the HS Class of 2019 - 3.0 to 3.4 GPA

Hey everyone! It’s been almost a year since I started this thread, and we have some acceptances already!!!.

For those that remember the massive results postings from the 2017 thread…I am considering doing it again but perhaps a bit scaled down (t was a lot of work to maintain). I’d like opinions :slight_smile:

I am thinking that I could store the data in a doc and just post updates maybe 1-2x per month? I would like it to be where others could add to the doc but could own the updates and reformat to post here. It was the PM/Add to the doc aspect that was a ton of work on my end and I’d like to cut that down. But…it’s a great resource for many, and source of hope too.

OR, we could make it a results thread of our own that includes the data like the previous one did, but everyone just copies and reposts as they update. The problem with that approach is there are character counts to a post and as we get lots of results, it will take 1-5 posts to get it all up and often folks only update the section that has their college listed and it can get out of whack and items missing as a result. Storing it centrally would avoid that.

For those who haven’t seen it, it can be found here.

Thoughts? Ideas?

I feel like we’ll never get to the acceptance stage - like ever. Twin A won’t be submitting ED and is working on her essays at school. I was really hoping we’d have some acceptances by now.

I like the thread idea. I can’t wait to see where everyone is going and I’m grateful for this thread.

@eandesmom I loved that thread! It gave gave me lots of hope and identified schools that I had never heard of and are on our list now. My favorite part is the inclusion of stats and merit received, because I didn’t know any of the posters, as it was my first year on CC. When I’m feeling worried, I still look back at it for reassurance!

I can only imagine the work involved, but for research purposes, it is so much easier to read the final list of outcomes than it is to use the cut and paste method. Maybe a similar list could be done in batches based on ED/EA/RD? Or would that just prolong the agony?

So D19 is close to submitting a bunch of Common App schools. She has linked the Common App with Naviance but she is unable to move schools in Naviance from “Colleges I’m Thinking About” to “Colleges I’m Applying To”. She did some google searches with no help. She also reached out to her guidance counselor but no response.
Any idea what is going on here? She thinks that she has to submit the Common App for a school and then it will allow her to move it over. That may be true for schools on the Common App but then what about schools that have their own school app (we have a handful of those) plus Coalition App.

@DCNatFan No I don’t think you have to submit the apps. As I remember, it wasn’t an intuitive thing, but somehow we figured out how to do it. I think it involved clicking on the red circle with a X in it and searching for a school and then when you got the result, you add it to the list? We were able to add all of my D’s schools no matter what kind of application they had. I can PM you later if you can’t figure it out.

DCNatFan This problem with Naviance is happening to me too! I keep clicking on the heart icon and nothing happens to switch the school into her “thinking about” list. Her school is waiting for us to add schools to Naviance (a site I am quickly coming to loath) but without success. I’ve tried on a laptop and a phone. Anyone know any secret to getting the heart button to respond? Is it a gentle tap? A double click? A magic spell?

My kid didn’t enter colleges she was thinking about, she went straight to Colleges I’m applying to and clicked on the pink/red button. Try that.

Our school also uses Naviance, but we made no attempt to migrate schools from that site to the common app. D has just added schools into common app by hand. Hopefully, we aren’t doing anything wrong!

I don’t think it’s about moving schools from Naviance to the Common App, I think the issue is getting a list of schools that kids are applying to into Naviance so that they and their guidance counselors can use it to track progress. Like when applications are submitted by the students, transcripts and LOR’s sent by the school, etc. I think the LOR’s and transcripts are sent via Naviance for some, but not all schools also, so you need that list of schools in the “colleges I’m applying to section” if your school uses that process.

That’s the way I understand it at least.

My daughter was not able to move them from the thinking about list to the applying to list until she filled out some sheets her counselor gave her, my d turned them in and then the counselor moved the colleges from one list to the other on naviance. These sheets were one per college and had some questions on them (whether EA/ED/RD, which LOR for each school, etc).

I would guess it may be something individual schools may have set up differently from others.

Had DS19’s IGP meeting today. Just a reminder to those that have naviance to look at the Scholarship tab for local and national opportunities.

At my kids college, all roommates must be comfortable with the overnight guest staying or the couple is told to find a nearby hotel.

Heard back from the GC. Apparently, the school is the only ones who can move a school to the applying list. They only do this once they receive a formal transcript request. She also tole me that they are longer $5 per transcripts as they have in previous years. There will be no charge this year.
Cannot request transcripts until 9/21.

@EENYMum We are not loving coalition app either! So much more difficult to navigate than common app! My ds has Elon and jmu on his list as well. As far as I can tell neither uses the coalition app essay promps. Elon has 3 of their own choices for essay topics and jmu has a place for a personal statement which is 500 words.

@gallentjill D19 did the same…added schools in common app directly. Not sure if HS requires Naviance to be up to date. We used it more for research.

So my D19 hasn’t visited most of the colleges on her list, but she has visited St Mary’s (the one in San Antonio). She kind of fell in love with their gen ed program (yeah, I know, but she’s sensibly weird that way), but then her visit cooled her on the place.

And now she’s back to saying it’s one of her top choices—that the idea of studying engineering at a liberal arts college really, really appeals to her.

She’s already applied, and as far as I can tell, they start mailing out acceptances in early November. Who knows what she’ll be thinking of the place by then…

We add schools in the common app, then waive ferpa. Once that is done we can link Naviance to the common app account.

Students can move schools into the "to applying: category however it prompts immediately for a transcript order, which we didn’t want. We were able to exit out and still have the schools show in to applying. I don’t think it would have mattered thorough if the schools were already in the “applying” bucket, you still have to add them in the common app as well as naviance and then they can sync once ferpa is waived and the accounts “matched”.

We have to request LOR’s through Naviance, but it’s now hidden in a separate area, which seems really silly to me, but it’s been found. Still need to order transcripts but were waiting for a grade update thanks to an AP test score that would improve the transcript. That went through today so he can order transcripts. The new layout and breakout of the transcript was super odd to me but I guess it is what it is.

For the gpa summaries It now puts grades 7-9 into one area, by semester, called Report Period and Cumulative Summary. Grades 10-11 are in a separate section called Academic Record. Very odd. I wonder if it is because a decent amount of students apply to the UC/Cal State Schools and they don’t count 9th grade for GPA?

@eandesmom - I’m just looking back on that thread and remembering how inspiring and useful it was to me as a CC newbie. I know, for me, it will be wonderful to see all our little darlings put together and where they all end up. But I also looked at this, just for ex., 'cause it’s the first:

Techmom99’s S Theater tech production, GPA 3.43 UW, ACT: 27
Other: Strong Theater EC’s, 2 honors, 3 AP”s active in scouting and a gallon blood donor.
COA: $50,805 | NPC $9,5000 + possible theater scholarship | Actual Merit: $16,000

…and I know that YOU put that together, person by person, and how laborious that must have been.
…not to mention the PMs, the cutting and pasting and reorganizing and color-coding and character limits, so multiple posts and argh, I’m getting hives just thinking about it.

A Google doc would ease the pain, definitely. We would all have to update it as we got results. But we’d also be responsible for coming up with that wonderfully concise and detailed summary paragraph that you came up with, like the one above. (Concise being the operative word, really).

AND we’d all be responsible for not screwing it up and deleting everything or messing up the formatting

I’m voting for the Google doc, with a transfer to CC once a month. It’d be easier for you, and I think that’s paramount.

@Gatormama yep, all of that.

But it is helpful and inspiring and it was really a labor of love, a very very rewarding thing to build even if April almost killed me. LOL! The worst was when the coding stopped working across all of CC and we (I) lost all the colors and bolds, italics etc.

I was actually thinking a sheets doc would work far better for multiple user data entry. Nice columns for the fields, sortable, all that lovely stuff. It’s just not something that can be posted on CC or linked directly.

Doing it in word was hideous as a live doc but if it was in a spreadsheet, a monthly update/port or whatever into word would not be nearly so bad. For me anyway.

So, I’ll noodle around with a master doc and when ready put out a call for PM’.s

I think.

Hi everyone! Don’t usually post in here but don’t really post as much in the other forum either as I feel like some posts get “talked over” and lost. Things seemed to be a little slower paced here so hoping this question works for the group.

D is not applying to super selective (or even just selective lol) schools even though her stats could put her in reach of a few. However, she seems to have had her interest piqued at a school were she is WELL above the 75% spot on their ACT and GPA range. This school is small, and really is known more for grad level education (25% undergrad to 75% grad enrollment). She would like to apply and I’m angling towards letting her, but has anyone found that attending a school were there is such a huge variance in stats was “boring” or they weren’t challenged enough? This school does have an honors program so there’s that, but I’m just afraid, with the small undergrad enrollment and small town, she is going to find herself wanting more sooner rather than later. She has so many other interests that she’d like to pursue so she wants a place she where she will learn but also be able to do stuff outside the classroom without feeling like she has to do homework all the time.

A little long winded, sorry. Appreciate any insights, many thanks!