Parents of the HS Class of 2019 - 3.0 to 3.4 GPA

I’m amazed that there are so many acceptances being reported already. We just had the required meeting with our GC and he informed us that they won’t even begin sending out transcripts or letters of reccomendation until Oct. 1. I’m really eager for that first acceptance letter!

@gallentjill Same for us. Kids get a senior packet at the end of the month and it is go time from there. I am tempted to have DD apply to one of the schools offering waiver of fee, then remind myself, if it is not on her list, what is the point.

@gallentjill Based on input from others, we added an early rolling decisions school (U of Iowa) to my son’s list. Acceptance received literally the morning of his first day of school. That said, we don’t have the “Senior Parents” meeting until next week where they explain the process to us…even though we have already finished applications. :wink: I don’t think high schools have kept up with the timing of the college process - we have one other college that is waiting for his transcript which we requested in August. Sigh.

S19 finally turned in his transcript request today - they want 30 days and he has some November 1 merit deadlines even though he isn’t applying EA anywhere. He had to mark off that he turned in his counselor questionnaire (which he hasn’t actually done), so I guess this is motivation to finally finish that over the weekend.

He has drafted a common app essay, says it’s “terrible” but doesn’t seem interested in revising it or letting anyone read it. Oh well, it’s a start, I guess. I think he at least has his basic idea/theme down. Again, baby steps! Today is his birthday (17!) so I think i’ll give him two days of peace before I start bugging him again on Sunday.

Our HS finally announced today that transcripts are ready for the students to pick-up and review for accuracy. They will start accepting requests next week. They have a 10/4 request deadline for any applications due on 11/1.

@eh1234 It’s my son’s birthday too! He’s 18. :smiley:

I’m startled by all these schools not sending out transcripts already. For one of the schools on D19’s list (rolling), the housing application opens October 1st!

@infinitewaves Happy birthday to him! And bless VA’s September 30 cut off for kindergarten, lol.

Well, looks like we are adding the first college acceptance to the turning-18 birthday excitement today! S19 has been accepted into Shippensburg University. This is the academic/financial safety, actual-PA-state-school on his list.

The total surprise is that he was awarded a small merit scholarship. Was not expecting that at all.

This will make waiting for the next few months to pass much less nerve-wracking. Really happy for him.

Hurray! It takes so much weight off that you weren’t realizing you were carrying.

Just a thought to those who are considering a “cold weather” school and live in a warmer climate now. Found that LLBean is having a nice sale on some of their “packable” down jackets and Nordstrom Rack has some great buys too.

Happy Birthday(s)! And congrats @InfiniteWaves !!!

I see all the posts of folks not being able to get transcripts yet and I feel very lucky to have our GC. She stayed in contact with D19 throughout the summer so when D19 requested her transcript for FIU the GC sent it right away. FIU showed receipt of the transcript within a week of D19s request.

On another note, D19 got her final ACT score (minus writing) today. She’s satisfied and is moving on to finish all her essays for her applications.

I wonder if the difference in timing has to do with the school schedule in much of the northeast. We didn’t start school until after labor day and then school was closed for so many of the Jewish holidays. Things are really just barely up and running hear. D request transcripts already so hopefully, they will get there in time.

My son requested his transcripts a week ago and they still have not gone out. We are in New Jersey - I’m thinking maybe they send the first wave out October 1st? One of his schools is rolling admission and he applied on August 2nd - only outstanding item is the HS transcript. GC knows this and didn’t say anything about timeline, etc. All we can do is wait. Stressful…

We had DS19’s Eagle Court of Honor today. Very emotional day for everyone. Now it’s time to focus on applications.

Congratulations to your son @carolinamom2boys !

Congratulations @carolinamom2boys Eagle is a hard won accomplishment and a testament to great character!

Congrats to your son @carolinamom2boys! An amazing accomplishment.

Congratulations @carolinamom2boys what an amazing accomplishment! I can only imagine how emotional and how very proud you must be.