Parents of the HS Class of 2021 3.0-3.4

I think we walk that line because we are the ones that they will cry to if what they won’t doesn’t happen, at least in my house that will happen. D is only applying to 6 schools, her top choice she is applying EA, 11/1 deadline. She is so busy and stressed, I get it, but turn off Netflix for a few hours and she will be done. I’m going to get on her on Sunday. It’s her only day off a week between school, work a d dance, and she already told me she doesn’t have a ton of homework this weekend.

Good luck to you and your son. I know deep down they will all be just fine!

My kid FINALLY showed me his ApplyTexas/Common App Essay!! Since he’s working with an advisor/college counselor, I haven’t been pushing it, because somehow it felt personal, like wanting to read his diary or something lol.

Well, I’m proud to say that his essay is HIM. Is it Top 20/Ivy league/Selective LAC material? No. But neither is he. I think he managed to reflect who and what he is…a good, well rounded, normally average 17 year old that has insecurities and anxiety but also a tender heart and wicked sense of humor. It sounds like a 17 year old suburban kid from ORM family wrote it.

Mission accomplished. Any of the schools he’s applied to will be lucky to have him.

Chasing AUTO merit is a different animal than admission. It takes near perfect test scores for big $$$. so yes a 1480 is great for admission, a 1480 likely wont get the largest merit package at UT Dallas @kethra was hoping for. Hugs to you @kethra I understand your feeling given he had not prepped. I have done something similar and it makes me feel so bad.

@kethra Hugs to you. Your S21 should get full tuition at ASU, Kentucky, almost full tuition at Alabama for being National Hispanic Scholar.

I work at a tech company and for CS it really doesn’t matter where you go to school.

Good luck to you and your son.

@Momof3B that is fantastic. Happy your son’s application process is going well and that he is showing his authentic self so well and clearly and has a college list that matches him and his goals. ?

Well, S has declared his first choice school. Now he just needs to apply - lol.

My S doesn’t want to declare a first choice…or even a top 2 or 3. He’d rather hear what his true options are first (after acceptances/affordability) so as to avoid disappointment, I think. (which I totally understand even though back in the day, I applied ED and very definitely had a far-and-above-all-others top choice as did my husband). Will your S apply ED? It’s exciting that he’s found a school he’s so interested in and feels as if it’s such a great fit.

His first choice is rolling, so once he gets his act together we should learn pretty soon thereafter. The parent in me would still like him to consider other schools so he has options should his mind change, but we’re also happy with this school. It’s a safety for him, but he would prefer to be a big fish in a little pond.

S got his app in to the first choice rolling school and also an EA app to a school that’s lower on his list, but he’s a recruited athlete - so he applied to keep the option available.

@eb23282 that must be a relief to know that your S got two applications in now!

Our S21 has now applied to MSU with one of their streamlined preferred applications and has been accepted. Just got in his TAMU and UTD applications in the last 2 weeks, and now has to get his UT and ASU done before 11/1, nothing like waiting until the last minute. I’ll be happy when he gets those done! Then he has to decide whether to apply to UW by 11/15 since he doesn’t have the GPA at 3.53 uw for a direct admit into CS (direct admit range is 3.93 to 4.00 uw), but did score about at the 50th percentile of SAT for direct admit students. I told him due to being a National Hispanic Scholar that it was worth a shot, but he’s doubtful.

Two days! That’s all it took for S to hear back from his first choice rolling school. He’s in, and with a nice merit package on top (which we expected based on previous conversations with admissions). He’s actually somewhat excited, which is a new emotion for us to see out of him as it relates to the college process.

And then ironically enough, two hours after hearing about his acceptance, the coach from one of the schools lower on his list reached out to offer him a roster spot on the team and asked him to come for a visit. When it rains it pours! But it’s so strange because two weeks ago he didn’t even have his essay done.

@eb23282 Congratulations! Good luck weighing pros and cons and deciding what he will do.

D just submitted her top choice yesterday, I hope we get a quick answer because the wait will kill us

We are actually braving COVID - heading to WV Sunday, with a tour Monday morning (they just started tours again; I think we’re on the first one on Monday!). She’s in there already, waiting to hear about Honors College, but she above their published requirements for that so hopefully it’s just taking longer than expected. Then on to Boone to visit Appalachian State, then to Harrisonburg for JMU. 1 night in each place, about 5 hours of driving each day! I will be exhausted, but she really wants to see these places before it’s decision time and I don’t see things getting any better with COVID in the near future, so taking advantage of school closings and hitting the road!

@NJWrestlingmom would love to here about your WVU tour. My D has applied just waiting to hear. We were suppose to go on a tour in the Spring but covid… We do plan to visit. Just waiting to hear back on acceptances then will try to schedule something.

@NJWrestlingmom same! WVU and AppState are 2 of my son’s targets, as well as Ball State… hoping to get visits in sometime soon but who knows when.

@schadret we’ve canceled 3x now. At this point, it’s not getting any time soon so we’re taking advantage of teacher convention (you’re in NJ too, right?). She’ll quarantine for 2 weeks when we get back and miss only 2 in person days.
I’ll report back! She’s really excited about App…I just wish it was easier to get to!

@NJWrestlingmom yep we’re in NJ. What I’ll probably end up doing for the visit is drive to WVU then to App State… now that my son drives as well it should be pretty easy… only ~6 hours to WVU, then another ~6 to Appstate from there.

Luckily my son does his senior year of HS at Kean University and for the spring semester they’re not going back to in-person classes until mid Feb, so we can travel the entire end of January since his courses will be online and he can do them from the hotel(s).

What he really likes about App is that freshman are required to live on campus, so it won’t feel like a commuter school (might be like a suitcase school, but thats ok). He’s a little concerned about OOS publics since a majority of the students are going to be from that state… and if tons were commuters or go home on weekends that could be hard, but since all freshman are on campus that helps.

@NJWrestlingmom also if you happen to have United miles, its very cheap to fly to Asheville (right now only 9.5k-11k miles) and then its about a 2hr drive.

If the price is equal it’s better to fly into Greensboro (GSO) or Charlotte (CLT) to go visit App State. Those airports are bigger and a smidge closer than Asheville. Boone is not really hard to get to or remote. (I hear people saying that on a NC forum I’m on.) We have a family home in Boone and it’s a little less than 2 hrs from Charlotte, about 1.5 hrs from Winston-Salem. Asheville is actually a good bit more remote from other bigger cities, but Asheville itself is bigger than Boone, of course. If y’all have any questions about the town of Boone I am happy to take a stab at them. We have done the tour, but it was two years ago and mostly just for fun for my then sophomore. App State loves its football! I think it is a great school and would be happy for my kid to go there.

S21 submitted his last applications this weekend. Most of his were EA (8 schools). 2 are RD, but they didn’t require extra essays, so he went ahead and submitted.

He has good reasons to include every school on his list (one is really a financial safety that could work if needed but not his favorite…the others are all schools he’s really excited about).

He got a quick turnaround from Knox which he submitted in mid October (they said they’d have a 2 week turnaround if submitted by Nov 1, so he made sure to do that, and they got back to him this past week). The merit scholarship was enough to make that school a true option, so he feels very good (as do I) that he really has a possibility in hand (and therefore likely won’t need that financial safety, even though that one would be less expensive than Knox). He spent last week learning even more about Knox and feeling quite positive about it.

Now we wait. He’s expecting to hear from 6 more between late November and late December, 1 in January, and 2 in March. We felt his list was mostly matches with the exception of 2 reaches, but it was hard to know for sure since he homeschools and only got to take the SAT Oct of junior year when he thought it would just be a baseline.

It feels strange to have all applications in!