Parents of the HS Class of 2021 3.0-3.4

@g8rmomk8ans yes! So happy for her. And you!


Yes! What a journey! Thrilled she’s found her place. Enjoy a most wonderful holiday!


@g8rmomk8ans Wonderful news! So glad the back-and-forth and anxiety of the past few weeks are now replaced with joy and relief. Congrats!


Wooster is officially out of the race - after College Scholar Award and $0 need aid its more then 30K and just not happening for us

When did you get that?

I fear I am in the same boat.

@Billb7581 -at Wooster portal 2-3 hours ago

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D21 got a $3,000 per year scholarship from Temple. That was a pleasant surprise. Great, affordable option if necessary. Total cost of $13,000/yr as a commuter. I’m glad this is an alternative if things don’t work out.


Wanted to thank you for this! I visited Knox with my SD in 2018. I immediately fell in love with the students and energy, knowing it would be perfect for D21. The students seemed happy!

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My D21 was accepted to Roanoke College this fall. They’ve got some kind of network security issues with whole school email and more that they’re working to fix in Jan. It’s been going on since mid Dec and affected everything, it seems. They posted an update on the website. Seems like a legit thing. Was wondering if this was the school you were hoping to hear from or maybe this was bigger hacking issue?

Good luck!!


It is Hood College. I posted above-they called and she’s in! Due to whatever glitches are going on, they can’t send her packet until Jan but at least we know she’s in. Thanks!


Woo Hoo finally received FA letter from McDaniel and the $ is in budget.

The USPS must really be behind the letter was dated over a month ago, and his recruiting coach was concerned he hadn’t received it yet, last week.


Congrats! D has been waiting for her acceptance package from app state for a couple weeks now! Won’t be any surprises but she likes getting the physical letter!


S21 has starting thinking through his EA acceptances. We encouraged him to whittle down the list a bit because if we’re going to squeeze in a trip/visit or two in 2021 (we hope), it will likely be a trip/visit or two…not 4 or 5.

He needed some help thinking through the options so we put together a spreadsheet of factors and talked through it all with him. He was then able to say that he thinks (on paper - or computer screen - at least) that his top tier is Clark, Wheaton (MA) and Wooster, and his next tier is Knox and Beloit. At this point, we’re not as seriously considering the other acceptances since these 5 seem to make the most sense for him.

It feels good to have a little clarity instead of a list of 8! Now I’m hoping we can at least get to MA to see Clark and Wheaton and maybe (?) make a Midwest trip to see Knox and Beloit if needed. He’s already seen Wooster. We’re still waiting on a need-based aid package from Wheaton, as well.


@nichols51 Ah, moving forward! Yay! He has a fantastic list. And let me know if you need a personal tour of Beloit. My SD would happily do it! I do know the tennis coach at Knox if you’d like personal interaction there also.


Still awaiting decisions from UW-Seattle, Gonzaga, and Cal Poly SLO, but of the five acceptances so far, S21 has declared his top to be Miami OH (accepted to ETBD major) and ASU (accepted to Computer Engineering with Cybersecurity focus). Another top choice is Gonzaga, but he won’t hear until February for that one.


@RoonilWazlib99 Congrats on the acceptances and on having a top choice at this point. It’s always nice to be enthusiastic about some schools even before all of the decisions are in!

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Wooster could probably lower their tuition 10 percent if they didn’t mail so much stuff LOL. 50 post cards and no FA letter yet.


It’s a good thing everything’s closed until the 4th. It’s forced our household to take a break from the college worries! S21 has 4 deferrals all for schools he’s very interested in attending. Still waiting on one EA application and decided to add East Carolina just to have a larger match school. I told him his job is to get the best grades he can so his mid-year transcripts look better. He’s also going to get an additional rec letter and check in with all the admissions reps. Can’t wait to be done with the process. Thanks for listening. Just needed to purge that. LOL


I remember my older son having zero acceptances till late February when all his friends had at least one. It’s tough. Things do have a way of working out though. Hang in there!


Thank you. :blush: