Parents of the HS Class of 2021 3.0-3.4

Right there with you. We found out over break that son was deferred at another one of his favorites. And his mid grades are not great, C’s in both AP AB Calc. and AP Econ. (in HINDSIGHT I would have encouraged him to take less challenging math for better grades).

Here is my suggestion, have your son call the college counselors and set up interviews. I think this really helped my son get a defer instead of a rejection at one of his schools. I googled college interviews and found a great resource from college prep that I gave my son to study (basically questions that will be asked and how to answer). He was, during his interview also able to disclose his learning disabilities. It was a zoom interview so he never had to leave his bedroom.

We too are going to add extra schools at this late point in the process.


That’s great advice. My son has a little bit of anxiety about that stuff (and more so after 9 months of distance learning), but I’ll see if it’s an option at these schools. Thank you and good luck to your son!

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My son was anxious as well but he went through with it and survived. I gave him tips, suggestions and a print out of the college prep interview information to study. This was before his deferral and he still has one more chance with a letter of interest and his mid year (mediocre) transcript. He will be setting up another interview next week for his fresh (another school) deferral. Good luck and keep us updated.


@Billb7581, Congrats! We are still waiting for FA award from McDaniel - they mailed it the week of Dec 14


We still haven’t gotten FA letter from Wooster, probably 50-60 post cards from the Football staff LOL. Doesn’t seem doable anyhow judging by the offer you received. My son’s stats werent that great.


@Billb7581 - Your need aid could be better then ours based on your EFC

Updates today, we finally got a response from Temple. We’d almost forgotten about it since it’s been so long. Son got the Dean’s Scholarship which OOS for him is $14,000/year with 2 full years to get a 3.0 to keep it (not quite as generous as Allegheny with no GPA requirement but it’s better than all the pressure from the get go). It’s a much bigger school than he or we wanted but he is seriously drawn to urban and Philly is a wonderful city so it’s in the running.

Also got an email from St. Olaf financial aid. Turns out I’d made an error on the FAFSA which they were looking to clarify and align it with the same (correct) answer on the CSS profile. I hope and believe that means he’s in as I don’t imagine FA doing all the work for all the applicants, just those admitted. Fingers crossed.
And of course fingers crossed for the country today.


This is wild.

Widener coach told him to appeal his award, and send all the ones we have that are better.

Although Widener is higher, I live close enough that he can declare himself a commuter, and get off campus very cheaply after Freshman year making the comparison even more complicated.


so he needs to commute freshman year? That doesn’t sound enticing, especially if he’s playing football.

No. What I am saying is that after Freshman year he can move off campus, saving a boatload of money. I am not suggesting he literally commute.

you are only allowed to declare commuter status if you live within 30 miles. If you live further away they make you live on campus is how I understood it.

They put him in the honors college now also, chipping away another 2K.

edit. I found the policy

All full-time undergraduate (freshman, sophomore, and junior) students are required to live on campus until they attain senior class status, unless they qualify for commuter status.


I have seen Temple go either way, my Cousins son hated Rowan and transferred to Temple.

My friends son hated Temple and transferred to Rowan lol.

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D got accepted to Binghamton last night. It was her top choice and she said that is where she was going. So happy for her, she has been so stressed waiting for a decision. In years past EA decisions went out around thanksgiving, much more competition this year.


@AndreaLynn congratulations to your D…not only for the acceptance but also for being done. It’s wonderful that she was able to be so certain of her first choice.

My S21 has no idea what his first choice is given the lack of visits this year.

So exciting for your D to be in and done and happy about the results in early January.


@nichols51 she didn’t even want to apply anyplace else. We made her just in case. She would have done ED of it was offered.

And thank you


@AndreaLynn Oh, what a feeling!! Congrats to you and your D. Now it’s time to buy the merch and look forward! Something this past year hasn’t really allowed us to do.

Yes, the wait is excruciating this year lol. We plan on appealing merit at a couple of schools in the spring, so we need to pace ourselves.

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Congrats to her!

Did a visit to Albright Saturday, it is really hard to glean anything from these visits when the campus is a ghost town.


Congrats on all the new acceptances!!! Fantastic to get into 1st choice Binghamton and the scholarship from Temple is very generous for Temple. I hear many 5K scholarships from them.

I agree–we did a handful of college tours this past summer/fall and VERY hard to get a feel for the “vibe” when there are no students–most tours wouldn’t even let us inside buildings which was even harder. Mine has still made her choice but it’s a gamble–hopefully these kids all feel like they are a good fit in their choices once they start in the fall! I wonder if there will be higher than usual numbers of transfers in coming years due to this?

We have been watching Youtube videos and stuff, but it isn’t the same.

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