Parents of the HS Class of 2021 3.0-3.4

@1stTimeThruMom if you don’t mind me asking, what reasons did he have for going to his last choice school? Was it because it was the most affordable, or was there some other reason? Looking at your previous posts, it looks like your son is attending one of the schools my son is considering, which is why I ask. :slightly_smiling_face: My son went in to the process with no clear #1 choice, but after most of his acceptances/decisions have come in, he voiced a clear front runner, which also happened to be our least expensive option but we didn’t know that when he first put it in the #1 spot. Now he is second guessing and waffling (fortunately, he has visited all of his options in person except one). There are some virtual events coming up at some of the schools that he will participate in to hopefully give him some more insight.

He hasn’t (aside from FL), but it’s always easy to transfer back if he doesn’t like it. He prefers the cold weather. The thing he/we like about Ball state and App State are that they require freshman to live on campus… but he’s quite personable so I don’t think he’ll have any trouble making friends, joining clubs, etc. And in general, kids in the theater programs are a pretty tight-knit group too…

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Theater people are good at community (former theater major here)

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Thanks! No she had all As in the spring including AP Chem. So, decided against P/F. I totally get it regarding IB. You may be right here regarding NSCU and numbers strictly. Commons Dataset indicate that average is 3.8 but I assumed that probably includes a lot of college of engineering high-stat kids. Also, her choice of majors – biochem and biology probably did not help much. Looks like college of health is more competitive than college of engineering based on applicants:accepted students.
Also, I don’t think they care much about ECs either. We shall wait and see.

Congrats to your daughter!

We have an interview scheduled with an admissions rep and hope to get some intel. NCSU not her top choice school but she has virtually no chance of getting into her top choice with her stats (UNC-CH) and being from Wake county.

Thankfully, she has a few admits already, albeit to lesser schools.

Daughter got into UNC!!!

I am so happy for her!!


Congrats! I didn’t think they were releasing until Friday. So happy for your daughter since it was her top choice!

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I saw she was accepted to UNC on the other thread!!! A huge congratulations to her!!! I actually jumped out of my chair- my family knows I’m nuts, so they were not surprised! :laughing:

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That is huge! Congrats to her!

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Thanks to everyone for the good wishes.

Incredible emotional roller-coaster for her and us. Daughter is so excited but we have taught her to stay humble so no social media posts etc. Paid the deposit this afternoon and promised to go with her to the UNC store this weekend to get her some gear.

Good luck to everyone!


Congrats! Enjoy the mini-celebration UNC gear shopping trip.

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It did come down to cost, unfortunately. But he is very happy there - just spoke to him today as he’s been back a week. There are many opportunities at SJU.

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Waiting on 5 deferred decisions for my son. Getting antsy! He did manage a 3.3 last semester, bringing his GPA up to a dazzling 3.01. :wink: Send your good juju, please.


Sending you all the positive vibes! And good for him for bringing up that GPA!!


One deferral has turned into an acceptance for son, Southwestern University! This is without any significant increase in grades (first semester senior grades were requested), he is a steady 3.0-3.5 kid. As a term of his acceptance he will have to attend some sort of academic/study program for the first year, which would be good for him in the long run. And they mentioned merit aid in the acceptance letter. To show interest he sent a letter to admission counselor and had a zoom interview. He has said that all interviewers are friendly.


Wahoo! Huge congrats! Being proactive definitely worked in his favor. Good for him!

D is crossing her fingers for her Lawrence University deferral to turn into an acceptance. She had already interviewed so she just followed up with a letter.


Great news - both the acceptance and the first year program that will likely work to his benefit in the long run…I’d love for S21 to have one of those!


Putting this in here for next year’s parents. My 3.25 son has been punching above his weight on admissions, likely due to a solid SAT (1340) a strong grade trajectory —3.9 junior year and a 4.1 mid-year senior year (although most of his schools don’t use senior year grades), and good essays. He has also done interviews whenever offered as he is a kid who loves to talk to adults. He has acceptances from Elon, Furman, South Carolina, Penn State main campus as a summer admit, and a couple of others. The only hard no was from MD which we knew was a reach but were hoping grade trajectory might get him a spring admit or waitlist. He was deferred from Delaware for mid year grades which was disappointing as it was one of his top two walking in. Because they don’t promise to notify until April on that one I don’t know if it will stay in his top. Naviance has been spot on for all but Delaware, and for that one his GC warned that they might defer for senior grades. He still needs to hears from three more schools beyond that all of which have record applicants this year both in general and from his school. All in all, in a crazy admission year we have no complaints.


@NJMom18 I love this post. Thanks so much for sharing! Huge congrats to your son. What great options!!! :partying_face:

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Congratulations to your student (and you!) and thank you for sharing!

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