Parents of the HS Class of 2021 3.0-3.4

Well, we got an acceptance to Clark. No merit and no aid (so no go). It was a reach so the acceptance itself is exciting!


Congratulations. Great school!

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Bill, I forgot and am too lazy to look it up. How did Ursinus end up?

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They got him down to 25K he applied for an additional scholarship, but if he doesnt get that it is out of my budget.


There is a hilarious bias to whatever school you visit most recently. Now we are on the Montclair bandwagon.


We live in Montclair. I’ve known many students there, several faculty. I even met Joe Biden there 2 years ago! What does your kid want to study? It’s a really fine choice. if we weren’t 2 miles away it would be the school on our in-state list.

Secondary education Social Studies concentration. Since we live in NJ this may be the best option with the fewest hoops to jump through for licensure.

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It sounds like Montclair is like Rowan for us… not 2 miles away, but not really much different than home.

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My son was an education major - Rowan required you to double major. It’s a lot of work! I don’t think he could do it in 4 years if he’s playing sport, but something to ask about. My son’s girlfriend couldn’t. Not sure if all NJ state schools handle it that way, and Rowan was going to change it, but too late for my son. Something to keep in mind when comparing programs. Getting certified from PA is easy so I wouldn’t worry about that part. I would recommend your son take the Praxis Core as soon as possible, unless his SAT is high enough to get it waived. It would have been much easier for my son taking it while SAT prep was fresh.
Is TCNJ in the mix? Their education program is one of the best.

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I am mostly concerned with need based aid going away at a small LAC vs in state where it seems less uncertain, because I am barely getting any LOL

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We have the same thought. Part of what makes Allegheny’s offer so enticing is that the merit is not tied to GPA.

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Congratulations! Do you mind sharing her stats as a point of reference for someone who might apply next year?

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DD has been deferred from NC State. She is pretty bummed about it. Looking around, several of her friends got in with similar/less credentials. So, that’s gotta hurt. Trying to be supportive. Looking back, should have submitted ACT and applied for easier major.
In state, Wake County (:frowning:). 3.7 UW, 4.3 W, 16 honors classes, 8 APs through fall of sr year, not submitting ACT (26) as could not retake. Also, rank just outside of 10th percentile but had serious health issues. Long shot! Good luck everyone.


We’re still over here hanging out in Review Purgatory for TAMU lol. We’ve scheduled a visit for Texas Tech’s admitted student’s day in February. I hope he likes it!

I think NC State would be a tremendous long shot for kids in this thread who fall into the 3.0-3.4 range.


Sad for your D! Also in Wake at an IB school, so D who has similar GPA and can barely crack top 100 kids. NC State is very numbers focused, I don’t think the ACT would have helped. Seeing the numbers of others they were high stat kids in both.

Did she take any Covid-19 passes in the Spring? Has she contacted her GC to ask if Fall semester grades will be sent?

Hopefully a lot of these kids will eventually get in, including your D!

From NJ (Exit 138)

– Taylor Ham
– Everything, including Sandy Hook is “down the shore” :slight_smile:

As for college - 3.3/25ACT son.

Accepted to: Appalachian State, Ball State, U Nebraska, West Virginia U, Kean, U Kentucky, Univ of South Florida
Waiting: Rutgers

He went to a specialized performing arts HS for Technical Theater, so looking to pursue that in college. Rutgers is a reach, BUT the tech theater major and Rutgers relationship with his school makes it a little easier for him than someone with another major and those stats. However, even though it’s in-state, Rutgers would end up being the most expensive option.

His top 3 would be Ball State, App State and Rutgers (if accepted). He got money from most of the “U of” to offset the out-of-state status, making most of them cheaper then Rutgers. We know Rutgers will give no money (daughter, 4.0/1430 SAT got nothing from there so no way he would).

If I stay in NJ, Ball State would be the most affordable, and if I move to the state he goes to college than App State would be the most affordable, followed by Ball and Nebraska.


@1dadinNC I’m sorry to hear about your daughter. My daughter was accepted to NCSU. She had a higher UW GPA but less honors/AP’s so a lower weighted GPA. She came from a private school in CO where less AP’s available but took honors when she could and transferred to Moore Co in NC last year. She is in 2 APs and dual-enrolled this year at the community college - no idea of her rank or how to find it.

We did not submit ACT for the same reason, but she applied to Social Work which I assume is an easier major to gain acceptance with. I also hear that being in Wake Co is tough for admittance due to the high number of applicants. I also heard that many kids that were deferred were admitted in RD round last year. I hope this is the case for your daughter - if this is her top choice.

We will drive up next week to walk campus and get a feel for it since we are not familiar with the setting. My daughter’s main concern is the large campus and it’s tough to get a feel for what it is like as a student when there won’t be any admitted student days…

Great to have so many choices! Has he spent time in the other parts of the country (My in-laws were in NE for a long time and personally I think I’d need to be paid to spend 4 years there but that, obviously, is subjective. My son has friends at UWV who really like it. FWIW

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Hi there, I was all over this same topic board for the Class of ‘20. I just wanted to say, I feel your pain at all the stress of the search. My son ended up going to one of his last choice schools - he only applied because I asked him to - and miracle of miracles, not only is he happy there but he is excelling. A friend told me “the process works, and kids end up where they belong.” I tried to keep that in mind and it helped. Good luck to all of you!