Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 1)

@VikkiG5 Given what you say, maybe physics might be the one to pull back on? AB Calc might be more beneficial than Physics if she’s thinking about Business/Comp Sci for college.

I’m curious to see what other parents have to say. I agree that 5 AP plus her sports commitments seems like a lot!

@mamaedefamilia that’s where my head was leaning as well. Big brother gets home in a few days for thanksgiving and I’ll be curious on his take as well!

Yep, @VikkiG5, I agree with @mamaedefamilia. Physics would be the one I would delete. It Liberal Arts CS program on the horizon, most likely won’t need physics.
D is taking both APCS and APUSH this year. APCS is very easy with a light workload, APUSH, D is really enjoying. Great teacher, class is engaging. APUSH is more work but has been quite manageable compared to the kids taking World History at her school. We are also interested in AP Capstone.

In other news, D has a new boyfriend, they are quite smitten with each other. She has now shown an interest in a little make up, contacts and clothes…Color me surprised. He is a trumpet player in the marching band. So now D has been going to the high school football games…He is a little more main stream compared to her usual nerdy crowd. It has been a real joy to see D enjoying some normal teenage school related social things.

This semester is flying by. D is at her dad’s this week, texting me pictures of clothing items she wants for christmas. Have a great Thanksgiving everyone.

@BingeWatcher I wish there were a love button! I have yet to see either of my kids in a romance so I am looking forward to some of that (the inevitable drama, not so much!) Glad that it’s opening up new social experiences for her of the normal teenage variety - I think that can be hard for girls that are academically focused.

Thank you @mamaedefamilia.

S21 is really coming into his own this year. Transitioning into honors English was a bit challenging. He’s already in honors history. Geometry was a bit tough at first. But this kid buckled down. He has been putting in the study time and seeing results. Which is upping his self-motivation game. His GPA is the highest its ever been and he is talking about trying for honors math/science next year.

He attends a small Catholic school. APs are not offered until junior year. And then, it’s only a few. So getting into the honors classes is a big deal. I’m really proud of him. But mostly, he should be proud of himself and what he is accomplishing.

And he did all of this while doing XC for the first time. Oh, and while dealing with his first heartbreak. So @BingeWatcher , right there with you on romance entering the picture. We are all-teen over here. :slight_smile:

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!

For those of you who had students who took the PreACT, have they received their scores back yet? We are still waiting. They said mid Nov.

@EGHopeful mine only took it November 17… When did yours take it?

My son just took it yesterday.

We are still waiting on scores too…

Wow! I guess their dates are more flexible. D21 took it the same day the PSAT was administered which was Oct 10th? Or whenever the main date was for the PSAT.

If any of you have access to Naviance and your counselor enters the PSAT results you should be able to see them. I can see D21. We have work to do before it really matters next year.

You already have the PSAT results for this year? I thought the scores were not released until 12/10 or 12/11?

ours don’t come out until 12/10. I think guidance got them 12/3.

Our school does not have Naviance or anything like it. Counselors do have them but told the kids yesterday they had to wait for CB release dates.

Quick question: when are your kids planning to take the SAT? My S21 is planning to take it next August. By then he would have completed Honors Algebra 2 and his teacher says that they will cover thr necessary trig by the end of the year. I am hoping he uses the summer to study and once he completes that he can focus on handling his junior year.

@dronedad., yes, prep next summer and take it Aug and/or Oct and hopefully be done.

DS is applying to a residential boarding school so he took it this August. He prepared over the summer by using Khan Academy, mainly their practice exams. It worked out really well taking it in August as school had not started yet and he had enough free time to spend on it. Good luck!

Thanks for the tip about guidance getting the PSAT scores. I checked Naviance and our counselor has entered them already. College Board will have more detail but at least I can see the total score and subsections.

D21 will take the SAT in August and, if needed, December. Hopefully that will be that - would love to have her finished all her testing (besides junior year APs) a year from now.