Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 1)

@kartaqueen good luck to your son on the exam!

I don’t think you are being unreasonable at all about the parking pass, fwiw - but I also agree with you that it would be unwise to irritate the people you need on your son’s side for recommendations etc.

@JanieWalker So he finished his test and hurried to get the pass. There were five in front of him and when he was 2 away they indicated “no more passes” and put him on the wait list. He went to the GC and told her he did not get a pass. Ultimately, he went to the person in charge who asked why he did not get to school earlier and he explained he was there earlier than almost everyone but he was taking a test. Apparently they keep a few spots and they gave him one…so it worked out well. He was able to advocate for himself and his parents did not make fools of themselves…

@kartaqueen, yay! That’s awesome. ?

@kartaqueen I still trying to get over the fact that your son took AP Calc BC in 9th grade and has no more Math classes he can take. Very impressive.

@burghdad He is definitely a STEM kid and did independent study for much of his math over the years…we have been quite fortunate to identify opportunities to keep him challenged and his HS has actually been quite good at letting him do what he wants to do. We are lucky to live in an area where there are quite a few kids that are very advanced.

@AndreaLynn I so identify with the tap solo! Thank goodness I’ll never have a child in the Olympics. I would definitely not be able to watch–especially figure skating.

S21 has started getting tons of emails from colleges. This seems much earlier than S18 - he must have checked off a box when he took the PSAT10. He keeps saying have you ever heard of XYZ U? LOL

D21 also is getting tons of mail. I don’t know about emails but she has gotten from almost 30 schools mailings in the past 4 days ?. She keeps them on a folder until she has time to look through them.

DD got more mails than us now. At least it’s not full blown catalogue. The letters have her login Id and password and ask her to sign on to request more information.

DD put my email down on the PSAT (she has one, but hardly uses it) and so now I’m the one getting 10+ emails a day, and sometimes multiple times a day from the same school. 50% we have never heard of. We started putting all her mail in a box in the garage after she looks through it. Figured it would be fun to see how much comes and recycle it all at once later on.

Is anyone else’s kid waiting for midterm grades? D21’s Latin midterm was really tough. She has great study skills and put in so much time, but she is dyslexic and has trouble with all those super similar endings :open_mouth: . Fingers crossed for Latin and also AP Euro, which is so heavy on memorization.

DH and I don’t push, punish or reward with grades. We just support and encourage, but D21 sets very high standards for herself!

@3SailAway yes we are waiting for 2nd quarter grades which will include midterm scores. We are the same as you no punish or pushing but D21 sets high standards for herself.

D21 still has one midterm to take. She takes it this week and will know the next day how she did. This class runs on a different timetable than her other classes. American History Honors, which is not her favorite subject.

Hello to all! Boy do we have wonderful kiddos. D’s rank (Texas public, class size 400) average high school, she has moved from #4 to #3. She and the boyfriend are going strong. They are both the low maintenance kind of kids, have yet to have an argument. Anyway Thinking of Y’all that are in the midwest. Stay safe and warm everyone!

D got her AP World midterm grade and she did not do as well as she hoped. Bad quarter for her in that class. I told her see what you did wrong (probably on the writing part, she is not a strong writer) and learn from it. I assured her the other classes her grades are very good and I am sure she will stay on principals list and not just make it. She seemed ok after our talk. When report cards come out that might be another story.

@AndreaLynn, my D is still waiting on that Latin grade. She got a B+ on the AP Euro one which is very good, especially considering the enormous volume of detail in that class, but she wants to do better next quarter.

When she’s disappointed, I try to tell her that it’s good that she’s being challenged because she’s growing as a student and learning how to study better. Not sure that helps as much as watching a favorite movie or a romp with the puppy ?

@3SailAway thanks.

D21 keeps her "never made anything other than an A streak alive. Some nervous moments with AP HUG but it ended up okay.

All her other classes are fine 95 or higher so I know this one class won’t destroy her GPA. Plus it gets weighted when calculated into her average. She was in a major funk when I picked her up from school, she said she is just tired but who knows.

DS finally got his preACT scores back today…only missed questions on the English section, specifically 3 on the production of writing…all other sections/subsections were 100% so he had a 34 composite (all 35s except a 32 on English). Not sure if he will take the ACT. He scored pretty well on the SAT in August.

He blew his straight A streak last year when he decided to blow off the Comp Sci A final project as he figured his avg was high enough he would still get the A…got a 5 on the AP exam but a B in the class…hopefully he learned his lesson.