Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 1)

Thanks @3scoutsmom, I think we now have a summer project…

P. S. Love the giant bunny. I noticed you changed your Avatar around the time the giant bunny died on the plane.

@BingeWatcher yes that’s Jojo our last giant house rabbit. I really miss that big bunny, though having an almost 20 pound rabbit hopping around the house was a lot of work even though he was mostly litter box trained.

I can’t imagine ever putting a big bunny in the cargo of an airplane! They are very sensitive and really don’t know they are “big” Jojo would freak out if a hawk half his size would fly over when he was in the backyard. They still have the instincts of prey animals and really can die of fright.


I also have a 2021 potential graduate. He has done well in middle school and hopefully will scrape by in Spanish with an A so that he will finish the year with straight A’s. We have almost completed registering him for 9th grade. It will be a big transition as he will go from a very small middle school to a large high school. The middle school enabled him to accumulate credits so he will start with 8 HS credits.

He hopes to apply to a residential boarding school in our state for 11th/12th so needs to demonstrate rigor and very high grades so it will potentially be a tough first year of high school, not sure though as he has decent experience in programming, physics and math. His writing is not great so I think that could be a big challenge. Also, he will be taking Honors Spanish III and I am not sure how prepared he is for that.

He will tryout and, if all goes well, make the soccer team and that concerns us a bit. We want him to play but it will take a lot of time and we are not sure what his homework load will be as it looks as if he will have a challenging schedule. Good luck to everyone!!

@yearstogo Welcome, so glad you joined us. Hope your son has a great summer.

My DD brought up the driving topic a couple of days back. She will be 15 at the end this year. I am thinking to start her driving education next year, as the behind wheel instruction can only be scheduled after 15 years old.

Welcome, @yearstogo! @Hillcountry, my DD is about the same age as yours. She will get her learner’s permit in January or February, take driver’s ed in June, finish her driving hours over the summer, and pick up her license on her birthday a little more than eighteen months from now.

Hi, I’m new here. Started reading CC about 2 weeks ago when I realized I better start thinking about D19’s future and have learned so much already. I also have a D21 and a S23 and we live in south Florida.

My D21 is so excited for the middle school to be over in three weeks - can’t wait for high school. She goes to the local, very competitive public schools. Middle school was about 2,100 kids and high school is a little over 3,000 now I think. Both schools bigger than my college! She is a great student with almost all A’s - only B’s so far in math for one or two semesters - she hates math!

Her biggest love is theater. She also plays soccer on the rec league (wouldn’t try out for school because she thought it would interfere with drama - hoping to get her to try out at least for the freshman or JV team in high school), sings in the show choir (basically glee club) and helped to create the SAFE club at her school (similar to a LGBT club but aiming to make anybody who feels left out feel included.) She also loves music, took violin for about 8 years but when teacher moved away she just started to teach herself other instruments.

We are working on her high school classes now. It is very hard to figure out how to fit everything in as our school has the AICE program (does anybody else have that? seems like I never read about it on here) and an AP program. The school makes it very hard to have electives if you are doing AICE and AP. For example, if you want to take advanced science you have to take a double block freshman year of AP Marine Science and AICE environmental so there goes one of your elective periods. If you also want to take advanced english you have to take another double period of AICE and AP so then you have no room for electives. I’ve also heard that the drama program at high school can take up all of your after school time and your weekends so I am a little worried about that, don’t want her to stop doing other things she loves.

It will be interesting to see how things progress!

Hello @momtogkc, your D21 sounds like an awesome kid! Looks like the AICE program is similar to the IB program.
My D21’s brain is on autopilot. She is just going though the motions. School is out the 26th.

I get burned out too and I am not the student so I can imagine how our poor kiddos feel.

D21 is just ready to sleep late and stay up late.

Hi all especially the new folks @NEMomof4, @mom2cats, @yearstogo, @momtogkc!!

DS21 graduated from 8th grade yesterday. It looks like he pulled an A- out of the hat for Math, so his only B (B+) is in PE! The rest are A and A+; not even A-. For him, that’s quite an improvement over past quarters. He’s become much more interested in doing well in school since starting the hormone treatments, and those seem to have also dramatically improved his overall outlook. He’s even asked to cut back on therapy sessions (which while super useful have been $$$).

He is looking forward to taking Health this summer, doing Les Mis for musical theater, and being a counselor for younger kids in the local Pride summer program. He enjoys his leadership roles in various LGBTQ groups, and is happy to have turned over the management of the junior high GSA group he founded to a good crew of new kids.

He’s also looking forward to his new high school next year. It isn’t the one DS17 attended, so I don’t know anyone. He recently asked to change his math class to a higher level course, and I hope that will work out. They say he can drop down if he needs to.

He is definitely not looking forward to DS17 being gone next year. He’s suggested several events for which his big brother can come home for the weekend. I don’t want to tell him that’s unlikely to happen since college will be pretty tough as far as classes, problem sets, and tests for DS17.

Sorry for late response @EastGrad. My dad passed away (abroad), so we are just back and getting back up to speed with 8th grade graduation. DS17 is heading to Creighton University in the Fall. He’s very happy with his decision, I’m the one having reservations about him being so far away! My DD21 is heading to a private co-ed HS and registered for classes several weeks ago. Now we have 5th grade graduation to look forward to next week (who knew that was a thing?. So glad to see so many familiar names from other threads!

@NEMomof4, I sorry to hear about your dad’s passing. @Ynotgo , yea for hormones…I, personally am on the premenopausal bus, begging to get off. :wink:

Sorry to hear about your dad, @NEMomof4. That’s a hard transition.

“I, personally am on the premenopausal bus, begging to get off”

@BingeWatcher or at least have AC on the bus :))

Hi everyone! I am new to CC with a D21, my only. She will be starting the 9th grade at a science magnet school, coming from a small Catholic K-8 school. I am looking forward to no tuition! She plays in an orchestra and loves anime. Has no idea what she wants to do with her life yet. Looking forward to following along with everyone’s journey!

Welcome @mm5678, welcome to our journey. I am the single momma to an only (older mom too).
D’s high school shot our desire to have her take Chemistry IS (which is honors) along with Bio IS as a freshman.
She was really upset at this but we have to move on. So now I have a new plan.

Kicking around the idea for D to take APUSH as 10th grader along with IS chemistry. Skipping AP World.
Our school district only requires 3 social study courses. She is taking APHG in 9th.
I think D is self motivated and organized to handle this.

I would rather her take APUSH with Chem IS than take it with AP chem.
I would think chemistry IS is quit a bit lighter load than AP chem.

I just had a talk with a 2016 grad who is at Emory doing premed, she is home for the summer volunteering at my place of work. She said it was doable and chem IS is much lighter than AP chem. She said APUSH is a booger and required the most work of any course she took at the high school. This coming from a full IB student.

Hi everyone! My son will be a 2021 graduate. He also likes to just chill as much as he can, but he stays pretty busy as well, especially during the school year. We’re Native American, Sicangu (which means Burnt Thighs hence the name) Lakota, and most of my son’s activities fall under that. He is a powwow dancer and singer, the student representative of San Francisco Indian Education, and gets involved in other ways. He loves to skateboard, watch Friends and The Office, and play games with his friends. I honestly have to gently nudge him towards many activities because if I didn’t, he would only lie around. He thanks me now, especially for powwow involvement because he loves it. He thinks he wants to be a dentist now and has taken steps towards looking into what it takes. He went to a dental camp and enjoyed it and is planning on talking to a Native American dentist in Oakland on Friday about a potential internship. We tried to get him into a private school, but were waitlisted. He will be going to the #3 public school in SF (the #1 that you don’t have to apply to separately). I’m encouraged that he is now planning on taking school more seriously now that he sees how it will impact his future. He was never a bad student, just kind of a slacker. Anyway, it’s nice to read about all of your kiddos. I can’t believe I’m the mom of a high schooler!

@BurntThighWinyan , Welcome! Your son sounds awesome. Hope he has a great year and hope all the 2021 kiddos have a great year!

Hello @BurntThighWinyan I grew up in SF and my sister attended one of those top public schools. “L”. He will do well if he attends any of them so good luck. I can’t believe summer is almost over! Where has the time gone. Our kiddos will be in school before we know it and we will be trading crazy 1st year stories I’m sure. I’m buckled up and ready for this crazy ride!!

Hello Fellow 2021 parents.

I can’t believe my daughter is in high school. Where did the time go? I’m married mom of two daughters. They could not be more different from each other. My 2021 student is in marching band this year and dances on the local dance studio competition team. She is loves to be involved with school and is actually very good at school. My youngest daughter (7th grader this year) is quiet and stays to herself. She just enjoys reading a good book in her room. She struggles at school especially with math. We picked up DD21 schedule yesterday. She will have intro to engineering, honors english, AP World History, Band, Biology, and Geometry. She was a little bummed because they gave her a study hall instead of her Drama 1 and 2 classes. I’ve tried to tell her that having a study hall may be a blessing in disguise for her.

Welcome @auttienkassiemom, what a lovely family you have.