Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 1)

Different schools handle it differently. Some schools require you to get through level X of math, and if you place into a higher class to start, you can take free electives in place of the lower classes.

@Johnny523 right. At Bowdoin, he can place out of classes but still has to take a certain number of math classes in order to major in it. Starting farther down the path just means he can take a wider variety of higher level math classes.

@homerdog Like the new avitar

Hello all, wanted to share
D’s boyfriend’s grandmother, who lives in Brazil, has been visiting for 3 weeks. Well she was going back home yesterday and D went to tell her goodbye. The Grandmother asked for D to add her to “Whats App” to the grandma can text my D. The grandma does not speech English so she is going to use Google translate. She is sure smitten with D

Hope everyone is doing well. We’re in the midst of end-of-year stress. D21 has three AP exams this week (Bio, Calc AB, and English Language) and she had one last week (Spanish Language). I am hoping she will get at least 4s on all, but I am a bit worried about Calculus. She’ll take BC next year though, so if she doesn’t do well on the AB test this year then maybe she can just report next year’s AB subscore on her applications.

After the exams, she has two classes to finish up (a final for Human Geography and Honors Am Hist), and then she’ll be finished her coursework. I think she is going to end up with all As except for two A- grades. One of those is in AP English Language, which starts the A at a 94 and my daughter has a 93.3. Frustrating, but oh well.

Then there are SAT 2 exams the first week of June - she will take three - Math2, Bio, and Spanish. Then she’ll hopefully be finished with SAT2 tests. As a homeschooler, it helps to have a bunch of standardized test scores for the more selective colleges, hence all the testing. All her classes this year are through online providers college admissions know and respect, but still, having all those standardized test scores can help. The bulk of it all will be done this year (if she scores well enough). Then next year there will be dual credit college grades.

Our local homeschool prom is coming up, so that’s something fun for her to look forward to anyway. I’m taking her dress shopping this afternoon after she does one more AP Bio practice test.

We are rescheduling Mother’s Day to a day in June, when we won’t all be tinged with stress because of a million upcoming exams.

Will be happy when May is over.

@JanieWalker Good luck to your daughter! My D17 took three SAT subject tests in one sitting and did fine so hopefully yours will do the same. My D21 has to go out of town for a competition so she will have to take her two AP exams during the makeup period (after all of her friends are finished!)

Hope you had a nice Mother’s Day with “no attitude” as a prelude to the rescheduled one in June. :smiley:

Thanks, @mamaedefamilia ! I did in fact had a zero attitude day! :slight_smile: And we are going to have a Mother’s Day celebration in Vegas next month while we are traveling around.

Good luck to your D21 on her two APs!

Just picked up D21 from her last AP for the year. She had English Language, and she felt it went really well. Thinks she might get a 5.

Earlier this week, she had AP Bio and AP Calc AB. Unfortunately, she had a head cold that was full blown during those two exams (she is much better today) and had a coughing fit during Bio. :frowning: She was upset when I picked her up because she felt the MC part was easy but she lost time trying not to cough and then coughing a bit, and she didn’t get to four of the Grid-ins. She is not confident about the FRQ section. Hoping to get a 4. Plans to take the SAT2 Bio exam as a back up in case this score isn’t a 4 or a 5. She feels if she wasn’t sick she would have performed much better.

The AP Calc AB was her weakest. Felt it was much harder than all her practice exams and is very worried she won’t even pass. I told her not to stress since she is taking BC next year; she can report next year’s AB subsection instead of this year’s score if she happened to bomb the test this year. And again, she was sick and trying not to cough the whole time and on cold medicine; she did the best she could.

Last week she had Spanish Language and felt the second part went well but is a bit worried about the first (MC) section. Hopes for a 4, cautiously optimistic for a 5.

Now she has two classes to finish up - Human Geography (half credit) and Honors American History. She hopes to finish all assignments for those two this weekend (one is through our state’s public virtual charter and one is through our homeschool umbrella school). Then it’s two weeks of SAT2 prep, then the SAT2 exams on June 1, and then all is done and we get on a plane for the west coast that very afternoon of June 1.

Hope everyone is well and that your kids did well on any AP exams they took, and that the end of the school year is treating everyone kindly!

So fun reading all the updates. Good luck to those taking AP tests!

We are having Milestone May over here. S21 turned 16 last week and got his learner’s permit today. Whoo hoo! And S19 finished classes/finals today (graduation next week).

S21 has three more weeks of school to go. He is wrapping up the year really well and will follow the exact same trajectory as his big brother, only with art as his elective instead of music. Their (small, Catholic) school doesn’t offer APs until junior year. S21 will be in APUSH next year, honors English/Spanish, college prep Math/Science. ECs will be XC, track, student ambassador, and NHS.

We discussed college a bit more today. We learned a lot with his brother (Who went 5/5 with merit at all but our state flagship’s main campus which was expected and of course where he’s attending, LOL!) and know what kind of schools we need to target from a budget/academic sense (Thanks CC!). But now I have a better idea of what he wants, which is really helpful. He is not into the “middle of nowhere” small LAC vibe. Might entertain a college town. But ideal would be an actual campus in a more urban or suburban setting.

Mr. InfiniteWaves and I went to Loyola Maryland so we both get what he likes as that is what we chose ourselves. We are central PA residents. S21 wants to consider the Philly, Baltimore/DC, and Pittsburgh areas. Which gives us some great options. He gave a firm no on NYC metro. No clue on major. But now we at least have an idea of location and campus type.

Right now, he is really interested in Pitt. Probably because his brother is going to Penn State. :wink:

I am all for the Pitt over PSU

@JanieWalker Hope your daughter feels better soon! She may have done better than she realized as feeling crummy may have distorted her perceptions.

Thanks, @mamaedefamilia. I hope so. Your daughter is taking her APs tomorrow, is that correct? I wish her well. :slight_smile:

S21 had his AP World History exam today
says he feels okay about it
we’ll see!

Tomorrow is a blow off/field day so he wants to stay home (we’re fasting for Ramadan)
I think he earned that lol

Reading the updates. Wow time flies. D’s last day of 10th grade was today. I hope everyone’s kiddos are on the downhill slide.

I officially have a Junior! ? this year flew by way too fast. I was warned by the upperclassmen’s parents when my daughter was in 9th grade how fast it will go by. Boy were they right.

Last day of school today!!! I officially have a Junior!!! (And incoming Freshman Twins!!!)

Where did the time go?! ?

Wow D21 is jealous - out last day is June 20!!!

Our last day is not until June 25th! That is the D21 last Regent (for those out of NY it’s a state exam and certain ones need to be done in order to graduate)

Wow, June 25th! I thought our mid-June date was bad. Assuming that those of you finishing the year now had no snow days or started before labor day?

Personally, I wish school would get out now, and start again in August, especially as D has a spanking-new H.S, with central AC. This is such a pretty time to get out-and- about, still fresh and not too hot. Flights/vacations are cheaper and (depending where you go), less crowded. Oh, well! Those of you who can, enjoy!

@inthegarden we start the Wednesday after Labor Day. We didn’t use snow days but that doesn’t effect our end date, we are off today because of unused days. We also get the Jewish Holidays off so that adds days to the calendar also. The regent dates though are set by the state, so I guess all NY schools will end at the same time. We don’t have AC in our schools, at least not in our district.