Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

If you are considering a gap year then definitely research the policies of different schools. Many will let you defer your admission for a year once you are admitted, but often they will not let you take classes anywhere else (then you become a transfer student). I know of some schools who made an exception to that for the class of 2020, but who knows how things will be handled going forward. So if your student can’t take classes, they will have to think about what kind of work/travel/etc. they would be able to do for a year. It sure has seemed like options have been limited in 2020 (especially the normal allure of foreign travel), and who knows how quarantines/travel restrictions/etc. will be for Americans traveling in 2021. Anyway, just throwing out some things to think about as far as the student’s experience in lieu of starting college in fall 2021. (mine wanted to get the heck outta dodge and didn’t even consider it)

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I think it should be a college color as well.

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I do understand that most students are waiting to graduate and leave the nest!

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I saw the pics of the Tech campus that a friend’s son sent her…absolutely beautiful!! Even in College Station they got good coverage…somehow DFW got left out. It was very sporadic, and didn’t last long at all.

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I’ve reserved my child’s graduation venue over a year ago. lol I like to plan in advance. It’s an air bnb that will allow for 20 guests as most of our family is out of town but it has a covered outdoor area with seating and it sits on acres and has a fire pit, etc so there will be plenty of social distancing. We are doing the party in the high school colors. So my vote is for high school colors and then do the college colors at the college graduation party!


@Classof202125 We didn’t do parties per se for my two older kids, but we did have small family gatherings. The day of the graduation I had decorations and cookies/cupcakes in the high school colors. Then when we returned from the graduation ceremony (at the school for my 2018 grad and an outdoor drive up one for my 2020 grad) I brought out a cake and plates/cups/balloons/etc. in the college colors. They loved it. Suddenly they were college students instead of high school students. :slightly_smiling_face:


I love this so much - such a great idea!

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THIS!! Thank you!

I’m in Chicago so snow is a four letter word for us! Can’t wait to move somewhere without ice and snow in January!!
Interesting discussion today with my D 21 friend pod moms about planning for next year. A couple are SCU commits who are already exploring a ‘plan b’. Another is committed to another school that is not in person so they have strategically let their EA deferrals continue to roll forward so they might have a choice in the end.
My S17 is finishing his senior year remotely, in his bedroom, and frankly is sucks. He is better off then freshman as he has an established friend group who still socialize albeit in each other’s garages/backyards as there are few bars/restaurants open. They have even made a couple of trips to all meet up and hang in Florida to have some ‘normalcy’.
COVID impacted the schools my D21 applied to- we dropped a couple she was very interested in due to their Plan this year. I’m glad it worked out that her first choice had in person school and a responsible social plan for the students.

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No, the final decision isn’t based on lowest price. It was based on what he deemed as best fit.

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I’m not in quite that tough a situation - just 3 in college for the next 2 years.

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@seoace, Yes our child applied to one school ED but they were a recruited athlete so it is slightly different. If something had gone awry with the recruitment plan B was regular decision.


I am going to do the decorations and cake in the college colors. We are planning on doing the party at my in-laws backyard and having it catered by a local restaurant.


I’m looking to book an outdoor venue as well…it’s a local place in my neighborhood here that has a nice backyard set up…it literally used to be someone’s house lol and is now and indoor/outdoor event space. I’m catering from a local restaurant too, S21 wants BBQ; if covid numbers don’t decrease significantly by summer I’ll do individual box meals instead of a buffet and have it as a come and go open house type deal.

Our HS colors are maroon & white just like TAMU…hopefully he gets his admit this month!


Is anyone else sorry the chase is almost over (or is over, if you got in ED)? After all the visits, e-mails, essays, SAT/ACT tests, research, etc., our children are going to decide on one college and…that will be it! No more junk mail, no more phone calls or chasing down recommendations, no more tweaking the Common App essay.

I seriously don’t know what I’m going to do with myself :neutral_face:


You can have my S23 twins lol. We’re starting on all that with them now :weary:


No. I will not be sorry. I thought I would sad when it’s over but this Covid-time search has been nothing but a giant bummer and I’m just ready to move on!


@Muad_dib I am happy the college process is over and D will be going to her first choice. But now that the calendar has turned over to 2021, the day that she leaves home for college ticks closer everyday. I will really miss her, even though I know she is so happy and so ready.
ETA: The early stages of the college search, when we could travel and visit college campuses, seeing D’s excitement (or not) is the part of the process I absolutely loved. I will not miss the frenzy of the Fall to meet EA/ED deadlines. Like, ever.


This process is very difficult. It is hard to get a feel for a school when the campus tour (if even available) is like walking a Call of Duty map.


For those of you who thoroughly enjoyed the process and learned a ton along the way (thank you CC), please consider lending your time and new found expertise to those who may need your help. I really enjoyed the process with S17 and S19 (I’m a bit exhausted with S21.) However, I’ve been able to help several friends, family, and neighbors with suggestions and advice. I am certainly no expert, but after going through the process a few times, it was easy to see that I knew more than most of the people I speak with (including some counselors!) From the simplest things like EA vs ED, LAC vs Big State school, Common App, demonstrated interest, SAT vs ACT, and especially those dang deadlines - some people have NO clue - you can help.

If you had fun, learned a lot, and have time to spare, offer your assistance and help out where you can. Trust me, you will find it very rewarding.