Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Continuing the discussion from Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 1) - #10803.

Previous discussions:


Hello? Anyone here?


Yes! We made it to the other side :upside_down_face:


Hi! Hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving!

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Here, but pretty frustrated by this nonsense of an update. Ugh.


It’s nice to check in after a few days!

Since Thanksgiving is a time of reflection, I am on a new positivity kick.

Let’s give this new format a chance. All change is hard. I bet much will be improved with tweaking even over the next several days. :nerd_face::hugs:


Hello! Not sure if I am replying to the last post? I wish this was a little more intuitive!


Hi everyone, hope you all had a happy Thanksgiving.

Not loving the new format at all.


I like it. It feels like other forums I have belonged to in the past. I’m glad the forums are back!

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Here. Will take a little getting used to.

Heard a podcast predict that certain selective schools may accept more freshmen. Many he mentioned did by 1% last year. Middlebury was up 8% last year. The host said incrementally better for our class, but not to be misled that you should apply way out of your league. Hope that he is correct. I haven’t noticed much other coverage lately.



Hi everyone.


@NateandAllisMom I think this makes sense. I’ve also noticed that for LACs, the ED threads on CC are quite a bit lighter this year. I don’t know if that’s indicative of fewer ED applicants. I know some of the ivies like Brown have seen a substantial increase in applications. It will be interesting to see how this all shakes out.


Hi everyone! Hope y’all had a nice Thanksgiving…oh, and I HATE this update nonsense :rage:


@Rue4 @Momof3B Agree. The new format is really really bad. Not intuitive, hard to navigate, things in tiny font, hard to find search, and so many ads. Ugh. It was impossible on my phone, only slightly better on the computer. Whyyyyyy


@GoldPenn Interesting you mention Brown. They have been bombarding my daughter with emails and mailings to apply, and she never listed them on anything, so I guess it’s based on scores? I’m wondering if their apps are up because of aggressive (and successful) marketing. I know it got Brown on her list.

Here! D21 submitted her last application on Thanksgiving day. So now we wait… hop g all our 21s get good news soon!

I don’t love this new format either. I miss pages on the longer threads. All the scrolling is annoying. But will give it a chance.


Wish that during the transition from Part 1 to Part 2 they could have kept the last couple hundred posts - I often go back and forth between current posts and last few days so I can track something. Oh well.

Hope everyone had a safe Thanksgiving!

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Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Hoping the admins will quickly correct some of the less intuitive (or simply non-functioning) parts of the new site, especially the lag! I can’t tell if I’m doing something wrong vs just needing to wait for it to execute my command. And I am getting a lot of errors when I use links, go to my profile, page back, etc. Perhaps that is due to the work going on in the back office… it is extremely frustrating. But I’ll hang in there and hope it improves over the next few days.

As I type this, I have a “helpful tip” in the pane to the right where the preview would be. It is suggesting I add a profile picture rather than keeping the default “D”. Well, I went to my profile 3 times yesterday to do just that and had no option for it. Once I post this I will try again.

So as not to sound overly negative, I appreciate the pop-up tips and the efforts the admins have made with the video tutorials. I had some down time and went through them on the blank site a few days ago. But in a normal week I would not have had that time. So having relevant helpful tips pop up when needed is going to be essential. However, the feature needs to be working or the tip is pointless.

Stay tuned to see if my profile photo updates! :wink:

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I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving!

We’ve had a whirlwind week. We drove to FL and moved D18 out of her dorm because she is starting an internship on Tuesday that will last through spring semester. We are in self isolation since we got home- a couple of her roommates had Covid exposure in the last couple of weeks. D18 will get another test today, but everyone else has been negative, so we are hopeful she will be as well.

D21 got some love yesterday from two of her schools!!! Eckerd and Rollins sent acceptance emails with merit, that brought tuition down to a comparable level as her other OOS publics. We are all very happy and thankful!


Congrats to your D! That is such great news about Eckerd and Rollins! I hope you guys stay healthy – keep us posted!

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