Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

@JanieWalker You’re the winner of the best post of the week. :trophy:

My D21 is frantically getting end-of-semester work done as well, and she has both math and physics exams tomorrow. To make matters worse, her English teacher who, for the past 1.5 years, has stamped an A on the top of every paper with no feedback (much to her irritation), has now become a teacher who ruthlessly critiques everything, in keeping with his bad temper since Covid began, and who is now lowering grades on papers that would previously have received an A. This is a time when our kids need more leniency and compassion, not less.

Your story of your ex is quite entertaining, though I’m sure it doesn’t feel that way. He is the one missing out on enjoying the close relationship with your daughters that you’ll always have. Even so, it must be very irritating to watch.

Hope you’re able to breathe a big sigh of relief now that the report card is done. :relaxed:


tight hugs

It’s been such a joy following your daughters’ journeys. You’ve done an AMAZING job with them and yes, you totally deserve some much needed ME time after D23 enters college…you do YOU!!!


Oh no - I am so sorry for your daughter. What is wrong with that English teacher! I wish your daughter well on her exams tomorrow.

As for my ex…he doesn’t know what’s about to hit him. He never got up once during the night with either of our kids, I think he maybe changed one diaper, he was never around. He’s near-retired now and will always be around with the baby, and he’s got quite a shock coming. I love my two dearly, but I’m serious - I’d much rather the Fork In My Eye than go through all those sleepless nights again. I’m old (but not as old as him!) and I want my rest.


Arghh. I received notification of my vaccine appointment as an independent provider on the same day I tested positive for Covid19. Fortunately my family all tested negative at this time. D21 has been virtual this semester and D18 will start back virtually and test negative again before return to Pitt. My Dr thinks I will have 60-90 days of possible protection so my vaccine will go to the next provider on the list. It feels like a weird, heavy sinus infection with complete loss of taste and smell. I will keep quarantining away from my family and cannot wait to feel better. Hopefully the fall will look more typical for all the students. Stay safe and well :mask:


I’m sorry you are positive for COVID! I hope you get better quickly.


I’m so sorry to hear your Covid news!!! Murphys Law struck with it and being sooo close to getting vaccinated!!! I hope your symptoms stay mild and short lived in duration.

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A friend of mine from high school moved to Italy and married a man 30 years her senior who owns an olive farm. They had a baby and it was a major rude awakening for her because he refused to change diapers or help with the baby. I’m guessing your husband’s new wife is also in for a shock. What was he thinking?

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@JanieWalker- my goodness! That is a crappy week. So sorry. But maybe this portends for only positive news from here on out?!
(And while I personally don’t have twins and always wanted them, would it be mean to say that I hope your ex’s gf or new wife, I forget which, somehow surprises them both with twins, hahahaha. The he’s really be stuck with having to do some diapers, hee hee!)

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@GoldPenn We have a few treating this tougher than usual as well. 2 AP courses are treating it like kids are in person every day, when we are hybrid. One gave a bunch of assessments in Sept and Oct, none in Nov Dec and when asked about it S21 was told your grade is great at a B+ . One test in Sept brought down 4 months of really hard work. How can you not give an assessment in 2 months? Ridiculous!

I think there are a lot of teachers overwhelmed and taking it out on the kids instead of showing compassion. That is not to say there aren’t many amazing teachers who are giving it their all to help these kids. So many are going above and beyond, but there are definitely some that are very angry at their situation.


No! That stinks!!! So sorry to hear that about the stats and the phone Google docs issues. I wonder if there is any way he can show the teacher what happened and that he in fact had finished the work on time.

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I have no patience for this. None of us are doing great right now but students need their teachers more than ever before. Fortunately all of D21’s teachers have been really, really good throughout this crisis, with the exception of the English teacher. Honestly, he needs to leave his bad attitude at home and stop taking it out on kids who are coping with a lot of stress and an uncertain world.


On our end, S orders his cap and gown tomorrow and I can honestly say that he probably doesn’t even care that much about walking in June, assuming there is a graduation. (Last year the school did the car drive-they thing.)

So…I don’t think we’ll be needing to order any cakes with high school colors in 6 months…but maybe he’d entertain college color ones. (Assuming he’s not in waitlist purgatory which is NOW my anticipated nightmare. I have the biggest feeling that he will get called off a waitlist in July!)


I’m really, really sorry about this! How frustrating. I agree with @GoldPenn that teachers should be trying to make things easier and not harder on the kids right now.

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I don’t think my ex was thinking…I have a hunch the girlfriend planned the baby without his knowledge. She latched on to him quickly after meeting him, she convinced him to buy a giant property within seven months of their first date, then she quit her job to live there and garden. He doesn’t want to get married again and she doesn’t own anything (everything is in his name). From day one she seemed like a golddigger to me…I think she might be trying to secure her own future with this baby. He didn’t announce this pregnancy news to anyone (not even our own kids) until the girlfriend was seven months pregnant (my kids never see her, they don’t want anything to do with her so they visit my ex at a separate property).

But anyhoo, back to our kids and the college process.

@JanieWalker sounds like you’ve had a tough year yourself!
We all need more compassion! Wish more teachers would realize the importance of this.
I told my son to ask if she could give another assessment grade, but when she said no I didn’t take it any further. I know the teachers are struggling too.


Anyone else feel their stomach drop every time they see another college announcing, “For class of 2025, we received the biggest increase in applications ever! A new record!!!”


Ugh… so sorry to hear. My d18 lost taste and smell for over 3 weeks

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Saw discussed on twitter that Duke had a 10k increase over last year and expects an acceptance rate around 5% or less. NYU had something like a 20% increase as well. My kids aren’t applying to these schools, but nonetheless it’s nauseating.


So sorry to read this. What crummy timing. I hope your symptoms remain mild and your family stays well. I had covid in July and would have thought it was a bad summer cold or sinus infection any other time. Luckily I knew I’d been exposed so was quarantining before test results rather than possibly spreading an asymptomatic virus. I also lost my taste and smell and, to be honest, I don’t have that back completely even now. Wishing the best for you and your family.


Wow, this isn’t good.