Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Pretty sure Williams and Amherst have the same rules. I think Vassar does too.

These schools are shooting for zero cases. Bowdoin had three or four student cases total last semester.


I still can’t bring myself to look at what S’ colleges are saying about visits or the fall. I also don’t want to read any more variant news. Going into full ostrich mode over here. Yesterday I was focused on Bernie memes .


I guess I should also say that even though UofSC is having virtual admitted student programming, they ARE running in person tours and have stated that you must be a junior or a senior (with preferences to seniors) to visit in March and April. So that’s good.

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right. We can only control what we can control. Get the decisions and then see where everything stands. We have a little over three months to decide and we should have a lot more info by then.


:crossed_fingers: hope so. It’s going to be interesting. We’ve basically applied to a variety and put off decision making until April. If things are still just as in flux and we can’t even get on most campuses it will be a difficult time.


when is the RD deadline for USC? Lol. Just half kidding


Agree and also way more internationals showed up for regular round.

Congratulations to you all. WPI is a solid and well respected school. I have hired very good engineers from there.


Appreciate your comment, @dw_108!

My husband and I are poli sci grads who know very little about engineering schools, and WPI is not super well known in our neck of the woods. My S loves its project-based focus, how most students do an engineering project abroad, and the fact that all students get the equivalent of a minor in humanities. These all make it pretty different from most big engineering schools. It also appears their business program is strong.

Tbh, my S was a little put off by the fact that it doesn’t get ranked as highly as some of the other schools on his list, but when he dug into it, it seems like it’s b/c it marches to the beat of its own drum. Anyway, the employment outcomes are really hard to beat, that’s for sure.

Would love any other insights you may have!


Only one of S21’s schools is having an in person admitted students day(s)
Texas Tech. And that is the one school
we’ve never visited. We are going to to in February. Only one parent is allowed per student and it seems like they’ve scaled it back to just a 3 hour session offered 3 times a day (you pick your slot). We plan on just flying in and out same day. I just want him to meet with the Business School and hopefully be able to see a dorm or two.

TAMU has canceled all spring In Person events, so no Aggieland Saturday this year, but we’ve attended the last two years so that’s not a big deal.

His other schools are local/in city and we’ve been to those dozens of times so not really concerned about fit/feel or vibe.


Following. WPI is one of the schools we really want to visit as it does stand out and is really intriguing. Do you have a sense of what the vibe / students are like? It would be a little hard to choose over Santa Clara without visiting I think. I hope you get to go and can fill us in.


My S has had the chance to talk to 3 current students there over the last month. One is a junior who graduated from his HS and she hopped on a zoom with my S and got her boyfriend, another WPI student, to join in. The other is a sophomore who is friends with a fellow camp counselor of my S. They all had great things to say about WPI. The 7-week terms with 3 classes are intense, but they said it works.
They said the vibe is more social than you might expect at a STEM school, and the university has worked hard to get to a 60/40 male to female ratio which is better than any other STEM school, I think. I can send you PM with more details!


Great! Yes would love to hear more. I feel like their school had a lot more of a fun personality than someplace like Mines, for example. Nerdy extroverts?


Thanks, @JanieWalker! I’ve heard so many wonderful things about Mount Holyoke. Your D21 has such a unique and interesting story, and I look forward to hearing where she ends up attending. :hearts:


I think they are giving tours outdoors, my daughter’s friend is a tour guide and is encouraging her to apply (she’s a peer mentor for freshmen in the fall). Lack of diversity is the only thing she doesn’t like at UD.

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Anyone else receiving postcards asking you to apply to schools that you’ve already been accepted to?


Colgate also had a big increase. 17,392 applications, an increase of 102.6%.

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No but S21 is getting requests from ones where he has applied and is awaiting decision. It is very nervewracking to get those in the mail as we wait!


Yes lol
you already accepted him lol.

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