Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Thanks for the link. We too are thinking about a Plan B. My hope is that college is in-person and that D21 will be on campus. If not, a gap year is an idea but I’m not certain what she would do during that time. Attending remotely is an option, maybe we could rent D21 a house with friends as they attend remote classes. It’s a tough call. In a way, I favor a gap year because those 4 years away at college are special and I hate for one of those years to be done off campus. If anyone has good ideas for a gap year, I’d love to hear them. Ultimately it’s D21’s call and it would be nice to have options.


Congrats…and it’s D21’s birthday here too!


That’s really intesting, I hadn’t heard of anyone doing that. Do you mind sharing your location, if not specifically what the issue is that made your school have a pre-COVID virtual plan in place? I don’t need to know for anything, just find it interesting and you piqued my curiosity.

I’m really hoping Plan A, but also interested to hear ideas. D doesn’t know a soul at her college yet, so I think finding something productive for a gap year would be best. Most of her friends will be in school at the local directional, so socially she would be fine to postpone college for a year and work or do something here. Not sure exactly what she would do though.

My first thought would be to do EMT training at the CC (she is premed). That would at least provide productive experience. Or maybe she does that for 6 months and decides she wants no part of medical practice. Which would also be a productive use of the time!


Congrats @burghdad! My D’s birthday today, too (or three!). And Miami U is high on her list. We’re planning to be out there in a couple weeks to see the place!


Congrats to her! Miami is on DS’s list too (admitted EA) but didn’t get selected.

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So funny we have three girls on here with the same birthday. Here in western pa on 1/25/2003 we had a snow storm.


Regarding possible gap year EMT training, do make sure to reach out now to your local community college or tech school to see how they are handling that course. My son who is currently a tech school student was told he could not take the EMT class at his own college as they were decreasing numbers and giving most of their spots to persons who were working at fire departments and needed to get their training in.

Plan B would probably involve either an in-state public (potentially remote and living near campus), a very generous but a bit lower ranked Jesuit school he’s been admitted to, or maybe U Vermont honors if he got in there with the best discount and if they do well again with Covid this spring.

Other than Vermont, I don’t see paying OOS rates for a big public riskier option (like Boulder) if Covid is bad, or paying $65-80k for a brand name T10-50 school if remote. I’ll have to look and see how the other small private schools did. I think some of them are in person this year but they are pretty selective RDs too so he might not get into those. Just thinking out loud here.

We would definitely lean toward a more normal in person or hybrid option somewhere even if it cost more, but the lower rank would be a potential trade off.

No snow in NJ, but I remember it was bitter cold spell. My hospital room had a view of the river, which was frozen from the first time in ages! D came fast and I remember shivering in the freezing cold car while battling contractions in the middle of the night!


Seems like this is happening RD at all the very selective schools – universities and top LAC. Have read same thing over and over about multiple schools. Super stressful and trying not to think about it not all that successful.

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For those kids that applied to UCLA here, receive an Alumni Scholarship invite email?

Allegedly, the invite is not sent to every applicant, but specifically chosen applicants and there’s a correlation, though not causation, with acceptance to UCLA. Anyone?


I’ve seen a couple mentions of that upthread. I can’t recall who, though. If you search the thread, you should be able to find them.

Ya, I tried and maybe the search function isn’t the best here on CC, but I came up with nothing on this thread. I was just curious. Thank you.

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Yes, it’s a bit overwhelming to see some of these app numbers at some of the schools. Between that and the several more weeks of waiting it’s enough for me to go a little nutty.

Although… somehow I’ve been less obsessive this past week. (Maybe the inauguration distraction, and the beautiful weather we’ve had the last few days has helped?!)

(I did Google some notification dates and add them to my iPhone calendar this afternoon.)


I just looked to confirm I had a brief exchange about it and it was with @Suave123. I believe there was at least one more mention.

@gumbymom, any insights to help us out?!

Yes my son received that UCLA email


My D got it too. Do you have any insights?

I’ve read about here on the UCLA 2025 thread and also on the corresponding Reddit thread on the subject. But the info is so mixed.

BTW, after reading about it here on CC, I asked D if she received the email. She looked and said yes. OK, thanks! Thus, I’m a little late to the party. :man_shrugging:


I was kinda hoping you had some additional info. :smiley:

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