Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Did you contact each school to ask about her credit transfers, or can one find this info digging into their websites? Knowing this in advance would help my son decide as well. TIA! Congrats to her!

This post make me so happy. I also work in a very rural, low income school and when I see many students with so much potential, but with not many resources, it breaks my heart.


*makes me so happy.

UVM included it in D21ā€™s portal.

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A friend of mine is a professor at Cal Poly Pomona and told me faculty got an email today saying theyā€™d be fully remote in the fall. This seems crazy to me. How do they know 8 months in advance that that will be necessary?

I have been either naive or woefully optimistic that colleges would be able to have on campus classes in the fall. I am thinking now that a plan b may be needed.


Back on 12/9/2020, the CSUā€™s stated they anticipate going back in person instruction, primarily. And weā€™re back in the lower tier as of Monday. Plus, the UCā€™s just recently announced theyā€™re planning a return to the classroom in the Fall.

Simply stated :man_shrugging:


Iā€™m holding out hope that the country is vaccinated for next academic year. Our schools have been 100% remote since March here in Southern California. My younger childā€™s dream high school is located on a Cal State campus and canā€™t open in person if the campus remains closed. Applying for Fall 2021 so I hope it opens! I have a college and high school admissions riding on this:) Plan B might involve me, a beach and a lot of cocktails. They can have the house!


@MIP750 Until recently, I was optimistic about return to campuses in the fall. I no longer feel optimistic but I would love to be proven wrong. Less than 1% of our population has been vaccinated, and the new fast-spreading strain of COVID has arrived in the United States. If it has the same impact here as it has in Europe, it stands to reason that things will get much worse before they get better. I hate to be such a downerā€”Iā€™ve always had a glass-half-full mindset, but itā€™s hard to look at this scenario and believe that things will be better any time soon. Iā€™m still hoping for the best as I contemplate Plan B options. Having said all of that, it does seem odd the college would know 8 months in advance that theyā€™ll be closed in the fall.


@ GoldPenn ā€“ Actually, according to this morningā€™s Washington Post tracker, 6% of the population has received at least their first dose. (You can find this tracker on the paperā€™s homepage.)
19.9 million vaccinated: The number of people who have received the first dose of the vaccines, covering 17.4% of the prioritized population and 6% of the total population.
Iā€™m not in panic mode yet, but agree the new variants are concerning. I recommend double masking anytime you go indoors (grocery, work, etc.). Surgical mask covered by cloth. This will help protect against the new more contagious variants.


So your professor friend says class will be remote but thereā€™s been no report to the public on that. Kind of odd. I guess we should all be hearing schoolsā€™ plans by May 1. I would think the country will know a lot more about how we are doing on the vaccine front by then. Iā€™m still reading a lot of reports saying that vaccines should be available to all starting in May sometime. With teachers getting them earlier and students possibly being required to get them, we should be able to get there by August. It is cutting it close though.

Already, here in Illinois, the system is getting more organized. There is a website where you enter your zip code and search for vaccination sites. Iā€™ve heard itā€™s still a bit Hunger Games-like with people staying up until midnight to grab a new available spot but people are having success.


I am trying to stay optimistic about the fall. Between the vaccines and warmer weather arriving, I am hopeful that the US numbers will start trending down. If not, I will be joining @rideofmylife at the beach with cocktails!


That is great news! I keep hoping that with efficient vaccine distribution, we can move into a quasi-normal fall. Fingers crossed.

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@homerdog Hunger Games! :joy::joy:.

Hate to be a Debbie downer but Iā€™m not optimistic this will be under control by fall and it might be looking pretty bad in late spring when we need to decide. The government response is getting better but some Americans are not great at doing what they are supposed to be doing.

We are talking over what Northeast schools would be attractive enough to attend without him visiting first in case the big April trip is a no go. My husband is on the fence about going ASAP to visit a good merit regional option. I think he should go now since the UK variant is just barely there (as far as they know) and our travel restrictions just lifted.

One of our favorite private schools here in California said they would open May 1 for fall, only to cancel at the very last minute. No bueno.

I imagine itā€™s difficult to be in enrollment management right now. Loads of apps, TO, unreliable yield history and the virus outlook super murky. Maybe they will send out more acceptances!


I am afraid you may be right. Our High School (Teacherā€™s union) has started talking about the possibility of a fully remote quarter in the fall. This has taken the parents by surprise.

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Our teachers unions are super strong. Allegedly they wonā€™t go back even if prioritized for vaccine.

Right. The difficulty in visiting is one problem to solve. The other is trying to decide before May 1 with information that could change over the summer.

The first problem is a more difficult one if you have to fly to visit. Plus, for so many schools, a walk around campus is all youā€™re going to get. As for the second issue, tests how much risk one is willing to take on. Does one choose a school thatā€™s higher up on their list but is questionable for fall in person? Or choose a school that seems more likely to go? The class of 2020 went through this with even less information. Here, I think we would choose the school D likes the best (assuming she can fess that out with limited visiting options) and then sheā€™d gap if things go down the tube. I just have to believe that, by May 1, schools will be able to give good info on their fall plan. 2021 is different than 2020. We have way more info about the virus, vaccines are headed into peopleā€™s arms, etc.


Same here.

that makes zero sense. Teachers are in one of the upcoming vaccine groups. I would think everyone (everyone including teachers!) are tired of remote learning. Itā€™s harming so many students. We canā€™t keep doing this.


If the virus wasnā€™t changing I would agree completely. As I said upthread, it might be a trade off between prestige and openness. Or he might be more likely to choose remote at a UC.