Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

D18 got 35 AP credits at Clemson. As a result she is able to graduate a year early. Also had the benefit of being a sophomore at the start of her freshman year for the purposes of selecting classes. D21 will take them as well as it will allow her to satisfy some of the GenED courses at Miami.


@burghdad ā€“ so is it ā€˜final finalā€™ that your D21 is going to Miami for nursing? Sorry if I missed that announcement!!


Bowdoin is a little tricky with APs. You can look up what they take and donā€™t take just google Bowdoin AP. He got credit right away for only AP Macro (econ) and thereā€™s no credit given for any of the calc sequence. Kids take a placement test and that, with your AP scores and your grades, determine the math class you take. He did eventually get credit for APUSH but kids have to take a 2000 level history class first and then it ā€œunlocksā€ the APUSH credit. Same goes for some other APs like Lit - take a 2000 level literature class and then they will give you credit for Lit.

In the end, it doesnā€™t matter all that much because you pay the same amount each semester if you take three or four classes. Four is the normal class load and the vast majority of kids take four. Heā€™s just going to graduate with extra credits I guess unless he studies abroad and doesnā€™t take four classes that are transferable.


Yes, AP credits can be a real advantage! My niece was able to take a semester off for boot camp and still graduate on time due to AP credits. Doing well on the tests can really pay off.

My D18 was not able to use AP credits in this way at her college. She still took all of the tests her senior year because her high school required it. AP credit did allow her to take a more interesting class for her science GE requirement in college, but thatā€™s all.

Full 3 hours

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I read somewhere that they will also allow the AP tests to be downloaded as a pdf to work offline this year to help with the connection issues.

Iā€™ll just have my daughter take whatever tests will transfer credit once she commits to a college. She has enough units from other AP tests and CC credits to give a registration boost if a college does that. With STEM majors there is no real use to have too many extra credits that are not needed for the degree.

So likely she will take English, but see about the others when the time comes. One of her classes requires an in-class (or virtual in-class as it may be) graded final if you donā€™t do the AP exam so it might be worth it to her to do the AP exam and not worry about the score.


Not final final as if she would get invited to UDel distinguished scholars weekend that could change. Long long shot.

But she and a friend on her travel softball team are already taking about rooming together at Miami.


We paid for 6 AP tests this year I think, and our DS21 is only going to be able to use two of them for placement (micro and macro), and only if he gets 5s on both I think. Ugg.

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Yes you can. The deadline to cancel is sometime in March.


Yeah, my D wanted to take AP Span this year. However, she has CAPD, and she quickly found, after a week and a half into the school year, that it was going to be too difficult for her to take the class online. The teacher was super impatient with her not being able to hear properly.

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This year College board is refunding the full amount.


We havenā€™t paid for ours yet. The school said we could wait to decide.

We pay the school in October instead of College Board. Iā€™m wondering if that means no refundā€¦ Hmmmm


Boy, that would be nice. Sā€™ school makes the test mandatory if you take an AP class. He would take a hard pass on the two where the teachers are behind and not the greatest.

Do east coast school AOs have a good sense of what high schools are like on the west coast? There is such a huge variation in school openness, and for example ours is 100% virtual and very minimal (only 8.75 hrs of instruction per week). If only 1 or 2 students from our school have ever applied to a specific uni on the east coast, is there really any way for them to know the character of our high school?

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Thatā€™s what we do (pay the school who then orders the tests). Our school said they could do it, it was complicated for them, but totally allowable.

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I didnā€™t know we could cancel and get a refund. Maybe they will do that this year after what happened last year and it everyone is back at school.

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@Mcastrellon OMG! Your S21 with 6 APā€™s his senior year! Kids are incredible. I thought my son was nuts with 5 his junior year. I couldnā€™t believe our counselor let him do it. I canā€™t even imagine doing virtual and all the APā€™s.

@MotherCopter I hope the counselors at the high school will note the nature of virtual schooling at each school. I think in normal years, the colleges may use US News ranking for the high schools, tests scores, etc.

Hahaha oh yeah, DS21 has been crazy in hs, 15 APs and about 5 full years of post-AP in math and chemistry combined. But his school is not virtual at least, the kids have the option live or streamed, and probably about 65-75% are in class.