Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

D was named as well. What does it mean if you are chosen? I have only heard of Presidential Scholarship through colleges. I thought it was a type of merit award. This looks like something different.

I donā€™t get how common app data that isnā€™t specific to a student would help AOs make a decision. If they are looking at an app, they donā€™t know where that one student applied so it canā€™t really inform their decision.

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It means a lot more work writing essays, getting another letter of recommendation, and going through a competition process where a little less than 150 are chosen as U.S. Presidential Scholars. They take a trip to Washington, DC to meet the President, covid allowing, in June. Thatā€™s it. No merit. Just prestige. I didnā€™t think my D would be excited to write a bunch more essays, but she is all over it right now, lol.


For UW Madison, does anyone know if it is necessary to put in housing deposit prior to deciding if you are attending? Do they give preference if you get your contract in earlier?

Re: UW housing ā€“ at least several years ago when my kid attended, no, UW housing is not ā€œfirst come first servedā€ but rather a lottery. So students just need to submit their housing preferences by the due date. There is no advantage to putting in the housing deposit early to hold a spot, while the student waits to hear from other schools. UW does it differently from other Big 10 publics, like Iowa or Indiana. But do double check that on the UW housing site, I havenā€™t heard that anything changed, but just to be careful.

I think there is a process that students applying to a residential learning community, which is in a designated dorm, do get to pick their room, rather than go through random, lottery housing assignment. Students can also select their own roommate, typically meeting through social media, rather than ā€œgo random.ā€

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Iā€™m afraid Iā€™m still waiting for D19 to come around. After a semester and a half away, she was unbearable when Covid sent her home last spring. She was the same kind of ick when she came home at Thanksgiving until mid-January. After freedom, itā€™s hard to be home again with Mom knowing everything youā€™re doing, plus not being able to just go walk across campus somewhere whenever you feel like it. Home really cramped her style.


No promises, but for my oldest there are more tears shed when he leaves now than there were when he first left. When he first moved out the attitude was more ā€œIā€™ll see you when I see youā€ on both sides!

Honestly, we were just hoping when he was on his own we would still be able to get him to spend an afternoon with us on Christmas. And not super confident. So at least in our case there was a dramatic change.


Donā€™t get me wrong, we still cramp his style! Although I have moved somewhat to ā€œsuggestionā€ mode rather than ā€œdictateā€ mode. I figure when he is in college he is doing whatever he wants and I donā€™t know about it, so no reason to have more restrictive rules here (as long as they donā€™t affect others). That did make my 7th grader last year annoyed that her older brothers were allowed to do whatever they wanted and she wasnā€™t. I think she is smart enough to understand the difference and was mostly trying to play me. But it still did bother her on some level.

I also think that Covid is making everyone (myself included) behave at least a little badly. I am kind of low grade angry all the time if I am being honest. And that isnā€™t really me. But I am just so sick of this. And my life is not impacted nearly as much as a 19 year old, who should be out partying with her friends, or having intellectual conversations with her peers at 3:00 am in the dorms, or whatever your kid is into. Whatever her jam is, Iā€™m confident it is not hanging out with mom for the 34th night in a row. So I wouldnā€™t write her off yet.

My S was such a turd his senior year that even his covid self is better then his normal one then!


When I originally looked it up, I apparently read the description for a presidential scholarship in the amount of $16k-$25k each year for all four years. At that point my son was all in on filling out the application (whether he wanted to or not). Once I clarified the difference between the Presidential scholar award and a presidential scholarship (offer by individual universities), we were both much less enthusiastic. My question though is, does applying for the presidential scholar award get them on the list to be invited to apply for other monetary scholarships? It feels unlikely that there will be an in person trip to DC with COVID.

I doubt it.

The data from the Common App, Naviance, College Board, etc ends up at enrollment consulting firms like Ruffalo Noel Levitz where it is used to help colleges manage enrollment, FA, merit awards, amenity deficiencies, competition, and anything else related to admissions.

Iā€™m not sure what this looks like behind the scenes but itā€™s a billion dollar industry.


This is actually very comforting, thank you! D21 and I have had some very ridiculous fights lately, with me feeling like maybe she should just stay in her room and not come out until itā€™s time for her to move into her dorm. Well okay, itā€™s not really that bad. Just once a week or so.


My D had a bunch of tests towards the end of last semester when cases were going up at Purdue. She never waited more than 24 hours and usually had results the same day.

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Also, look up Leanne Morgan ā€œwhen you have a mean babyā€ on youtube. Very funny.


FSUā€™s tests have a 24 hour turnaround, although they donā€™t say that. My D20 gets tested there regularly and sheā€™s always gotten her tests back the next day.

Oh my goodness, thx so much for sharing - I can so relate - crying laughing!


FWIW, I had never heard of that consulting firm until I got a l-o-n-g survey from them yesterday about D19ā€™s experiences at Emory. Weird to have two mentions in two days.

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I played that video for my daughter several months ago. Shockingly, she was not amused.


Gosh, we just got D21ā€™s financial award from TAMU and it looks like she will get a little over full tuition in merit aid (including an OOS waiver)! This was unexpected, as she got a couple of extra merit scholarships that more than doubled what we thought she would get. So happy for her to have what looks to be another possible option! Whew, this is going to be a rollercoaster.


Thatā€™s great. Was it in the mail or the portal?