Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

I wonder if it’s a yield thing for USC? I never understand the yield thing. Our #1-2 kids didn’t get $. They’re S21’s bffs and the other two S21 knew didn’t get it, either. We thought his UCLA regent and Berkeley MET regent and SEEDS invite buddy would get it. I was hoping for a clean sweep for that kid. I told him there was no scholarship essay involved. :joy: (as he is working on his regents essays and I’m setting aside 3 hours to review them. :joy:).


Same here. No NMFs get into USC and those kids who do are not the tippy top kids. Not sure exactly how they determine fit but I can say that the kids we know who were accepted are a good fit for the school and did indeed enroll likely as full pay. A few were also recruited athletes.


@homerdog It’s S21 and his friends’ first lessons in over confidence. :). I think because they knew some people from older classes who got in with grades and course rigor way less than theirs (prob full pay because as a junior, are you really worried about things like details of scholarships?!) that they assume they would all get merit and the one friend who couldn’t technically afford it would get a full ride where ever. So that was their pipe dream. Unless they got into their dream schools, this would be the one where they would forgo the other schools, attend USC and room together. Haha. Gotta love bosom buddy bro mentality of 16-17 year olds.


Not to try to give too much false hope here, but…my D20 last year was admitted to USC without getting the early invite for a top scholarship. She was an NMF with high stats, etc. The pool of applicants who get the early invite is ridiculously small - around 2 percent of the early apps. There is still hope for an admit in March, although without a top scholarship. There are also a tiny number of smaller scholarships awarded in March. It’s not all doom and gloom, although I understand the disappointment of not getting the scholarship invite. It’s a tough year all around this year. Hang in there all!


Same with my D19, who was an NMF, didn’t get the usc scholarship invite but got in the regular pool in March. But yes, as someone said here, even with NMF, the coa comes a little more than 50K :flushed:


You are so sweet! Thank you for the encouraging words. I couldn’t have said it better.

This does make me feel better. You all are like my second family. Made me feel better.

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You are so correct about that. And she doesn’t even have a legit reason to want USC or UCLA. She is excited about these schools only because she wants to be near Hollywood!

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So true! Everyone is so nice!

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@anaray But when you’re 18ish, it’s so logical to make decisions based on impractical reasons. TBH, I don’t blame her for wanting to be in SoCal to be near Hollywood. Haha. I desperately wanted to go to Duke because Christian Laettner was so cute and the basketball team…I mean…let a girl dream. Seriously, to be young and to have sometimes irrelevant dreams! They have all worked so hard that we sometimes forget they’re still kids :slight_smile:

And since I already paid for the app, I really want to see if my son gets into USC despite not going with the full tuition. If friggin Lori Loughlin’s daughters can get in, our kids should be able to get in.


My oldest (now at Georgia Tech) loved UVA. He is studying civil engineering and there was simply no comparison between the programs not to mention the OOS UVA sticker shock. He didn’t apply to Perdue but their engineering program is excellent- sounds like a great choice!

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Ha ha ha! I decided to tour UVA because a boy I had a crush on who was 3 years older went there. Never even considered it before then :joy:.


If our school is any indication, it is harder to get into USC as a NMF, which should make your D feel better. If they accept the NMF, they have to give them the tuition break. So, it looks like these acceptances are carefully decided (they must take into account majors and other factors).


@VirginiaBelle i can never fault these kids for the emotional decisions. Can only share with them my stories (don’t do what I did!) and let them make their choices. I legit moved took a job out of college for the great company (still with them) but mainly because of a boy whom I’m not even with or ever married. :joy:

Anyone watch To All the Boys on Netflix? It’s a cute trilogy (books are great, too) that I’ve watched with S24 over the years. The last installment that came out yesterday seriously was trolling our kids right now. The schools they used were exactly the ones one of the kiddos I helped applied to. We had a good laugh over text last night.


That makes sense.

It is so funny to think back we were like that and we forget it now!!

This info is probably too late to help our current seniors, but…

Here is a searchable list of colleges and degrees: All Degrees Awarded by US Colleges and Universities, 2019

It’s a little cumbersome at first, but once you get the hang of it there is lots of info.


I saw this earlier today, it’s unbelievable the growth in the people attending and graduating from online (not-for-profit) colleges. Lots of other good stuff too.

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Completely agree. I think being a NMF actually hurts most students applying to USC.

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A NMF Is rejected at a higher rate than a candidate with the same stats who isn’t a NMF? Maybe they focus on NMFs with need who would otherwise get institutional grants? Might as well drop their big NM scholarship if they don’t value the award unless they’re just using it as a hook for more applications.

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