Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

@NateandAllisMom Ok. I have to laugh at this because today is the day where I’m just over everyone at work, too.

The counselor told the junior kids to figure out a plan to go aggressive on COVID ECs?! I’m not sure if I’m out of line but I’m pretty sure this is that one unique time where counselors should be enabling the kids vs lecturing them and then providing them with no solutions.

How about, “Hey guys, we know it’s tough. Here’s what we do. For those of you who are good at art, we in the counseling group are going to set up virtual sessions for you, classmates, middle school kids in the district. Teach them to art. You musical kids, let’s do a district wide concert. Teach the younger ones. And the nerds who are really good with this virtual stuff, here’s a sign up sheet. We are going to have study hours where you can help others.” Bam. Leadership solved in one session.

And for the super geeky, I found you guys 3 free online sessions from MIT teaching you how to code. Learn it and do something with it and teach the younger kids. Hold your own virtual coding session. Now you can write how you took the initiative to learn an online course and turned around and pulled up the little ones.

Not that hard if they just tried to help vs lob an expectation out there without any solution to help the juniors.


Right there with you. Mine wants to wait until he has his decisions from all the schools he’s applied to. That may work for him, but that doesn’t work for me when we have to consider which schools we may have to pay a housing deposit “yesterday” to make sure he gets a spot. In his case, we are in it for the long haul until April. So, we just sit and wait, but I think come mid March things will be a little more clear.


Same. I went to a parent event recently at one of the top contenders. They plan to open if allowed by the local and CA government but who knows. They changed plans at the last minute last year.

We are too unsure of where he’ll end up to insist he go to those plus the ones last summer weren’t great. Some are scheduled during the school day as mentioned before. :woman_facepalming:t3: I hope they are recording things.


[quote] We are actually stuck in Omaha, Nebraska right now. What was supposed to be a 3 day weekend volleyball tournament … Meanwhile my senior twins are just happy to be trapped in a hotel with 10 of their teammates/friends and their coaches…
I have been there! My daughter decided not to play club this year due to pandemic but I certainly remember vball tourneys in a blizzard in Omaha! Why in February-why? Des Moines in Feb was only slightly better.


You’re hired!


I can relate to the feeling of uncertainty regarding how college will be for our Class of 2025 freshmen next year. I’m trying to remain optimistic about vaccines and I think the schools are trying to be optimistic as well.

Meanwhile, my d20 at FSU has just registered for her fall 2021 housing. She and her roommates scored one of the nicest apartment dorms on campus, complete with private bedrooms and kitchen, and she’s excited about that. It was nice for me to hear this news and I’m happy for her. Crossing my fingers that vaccines are distributed widely, that Texas and all other freezing states thaw out soon, and that the fall goes smoothly for all our college kids. Goodness knows they (and we all) need some normalcy!


It is so funny! On the other hand I am worried about my Calculus students who are also giving up. :disappointed:

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@123Mom123 Hold on to this “I don’t care” sentiment when it comes to AP exams. When was the last time we all freely felt, “You know what? I don’t care. It’s up to you and I’m okay with whatever.” It feels kinda nice, right? I’m trying to find a silver lining here. I also deleted the AP exam and AP prep emails. I figured I’d come here and someone will flag things if they’re drastic enough for me to care.

And then for some reason I’m still seeing Wooster, University of Arizona, Pacific, private schools in Seattle that I was always envious of when I was in high school and all my fancy friends went to them vs. cheapo UW. I just delete those emails. It’s kind of freeing.


@CheddarcheeseMN I’m sorry your stuck there, but is it wrong that I’m envious of you because that actually sounds kinda fun!


My daughter told me that her English teacher said all AP tests will be in person - paper and pencil this year. There is an all remote option for kids, but I guess they will be coming to school for AP tests. They brought the seniors back for an SAT and are planning on bringing the fresh, sophs and juniors in for a PSAT in April, so AP will be the same I guess.

This is good news for us. The first sessions don’t conflict with finals and won’t force the seniors to come back to school after they’ve graduated.


It all depends on what a school chooses to offer wrt AP tests. CB is offering 3 different administrations, only the second two offer remote test taking options. There are many schools that aren’t going to offer and/or mandate in person AP tests.

Administration 1
May 3–7, 10–12, 14, 17
In School

Administration 2
May 18–21, 24–28
In School and At Home

Administration 3
June 1–4, 7–11
In School and At Home


I know about the three administrations. I’m saying that my kids’ school is only offering the first administration (all paper tests)

What about kids that are still fully remote? Are they making them come in to take it in person? That’s horrible. We have kids in our school who are staying remote due to parents who are older or at risk and aren’t yet vaccinated. They’re not being required to come in for the exams as there is an online version. Of course no one wants to take it online if they don’t have to since it’s 3 hours long but at least they’re making the accommodation.


@srparent15 I think it’ll be up to the district and county guidance on the AP. We have been remote since 3/2020. Teachers getting vaccinated this week in the district. Ours may go back to school in person or stay remote the rest of the year. If it’s the latter then we will prob be stuck with virtual. I don’t want the virtual version because this year, they have put in silly bandaids to prevent cheating. Kids who are taking the virtual exams are not allowed to go back and change their answers. Once they proceed, they can’t go back, which is the opposite of how I operate as a test taker, myself. I like to go back and double check. There’s not a time in my math world where I don’t go back and change an approach due to an insight a few pages down. Or skip a couple of questions and then go back and tend to them later.

We are done 5/30 or essentially 5/20ish for seniors. The virtual test dates for many start 6/4. Of I am a senior, I’d be soooo checked out past graduation.

I am not sure what the district will prioritize. I feel like AP is the last thing on their list to consider on their radar in my district. The AP coordinator hasn’t even sent a note to reinforce the new format.


I know how he feels. One college has posted a virtual open house which starts at 11:00 and ends at a tour starting at 4:00! The other had an admitted students day running from 11:00 to 2:30 with different programs all day. On the weekend. We almost had to laugh b/c this is every day of his life now virtually. Nobody shows up at school on his hybrid (in class das 2/week) and he’s just done with it all and we need feet on the ground at campuses.


Its @momoftxtwins who is stuck in Omaha at the vball tourney. I have been there in previous years.

It’s like we are sharing this experience. I have never felt this way about things like AP exams. My son decided to skip them all this year. Why bother? He had enough with the online ones last year. It’s so good to hear another clearly fabulous parent say the same thing!


Anaray, I’m glad you spoke up from the mentor side of AP. :relaxed:Please know, for example, that while my S is SO eager to be finished with senior year, he still appreciates the fact that it’s a class he needs to do well in, (A or B) even if he doesn’t end up taking the exam.

Do AP teachers get negative evaluations (if so, from whom? College Board?) if some/many of their students don’t ultimately sit for the exam? Just curious. I’d hate to think there was any consequence to the assigned teacher/mentor of kids started checking out a bit.

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@Momoftxtwins - how are you all doing? Still at the hotel waiting for TX to thaw before returning home?

I feel SO badly for so many TX people without electricity, water, etc.


Wow. Do they honestly think students will be paying much if any attention to multiple hours of zoom?

These kids are mentally worn out. They are over it. We all need the nightmare of zoom, etc to end.

My S would laugh, too, if they thought he’d sit and watch zoom all day on a Saturday. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: