Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

I have access to UC and Common App. My son logs in to my laptop and chrome remembers the password (I’m terrible). He gave me access to review material he input. I was so overwhelmed and confused when this first happened so went straight to CC with my questions. LOL. No portal access but that’s just a ton of things I don’t need access to. I’m not sure what to do with ED notification. Brown says mid Dec. it’s such a reach school that part of me wants to give him privacy to digest the info once he finds out. But the 6% chance that he gets in, boy, I’d love a live feed to catch the reaction.

Whether you have access to their portals or apps or whatever, you’re all here because you’re interested in their future and this whole process. It’s fine either way!


My daughter read her common App essay to me once before it was finalized and a couple of her essays for the schools. One day I asked her what did the portals looked like. She started rattling off the portals, email and passwords. She told me that I could save the passwords. I was really surprised. She usually isn’t a sharer. I think I may have seen her report card 3 times since high school started, but she was always a kid who didn’t like to be babysat and didn’t need to be. My other three kids were a completely different stories. I’m really happy she shared with me. I find the last couple of weeks she has been cuddly and just wanting to talk a lot. I think she is finding comfort in family. I feel blessed.


My D21 has shared nothing and as I have said is super low key about it all. I worry she isn’t checking portals regularly but she’s like ‘stop worrying, I’ve got this!’ I wasn’t even sure where she applied early- and will admit to brief delusional thoughts that maybe she hadn’t applied at all😂
As for the essay- never showed it to me BUT her college counselor sent me the final copy because she knew I hadn’t seen it and would be moved. It was perfect, captured my D21’s essence and was beautifully written. I cried. I am pretty sure my D21 told her she could send it but we have never discussed it.
The boys in the other hand :scream_cat:I was the main organizer, button presser and portal maintenance worker!


@whyboydanny We don’t have a college counselor, so it’s basically me!


@rbc2018 Yep same here. If I were a parent that spent $20k on a college counselor this year, I would want a refund. Sounds like they didn’t know what they were talking about as far as telling people apply ED because admissions will be way down everywhere, etc.

I would really like to see a breakdown though of applications for in state vs OOS at schools because that’s the other thing we’ve been hearing. That in state apps will be much higher than OOS as kids want to stay closer to home.


@rbc2018 I’m the college counselor here too. My sister in law was so impressed with all the knowledge I’ve gained from both of my kids that she just asked me to work with my nephew! :laughing:


I’ve been lurking here for a while, and have to say that most of the parents on CC know more than my D21s school counselor! You have all taught me a huge amount about this process.


D21 got an email today letting her know she received a Trustee’s Scholarship at UNH. That’s the highest amount of merit they offer. :slight_smile:

I have made sure that there is a specific amount set aside for her and her sister that will cover the total cost of four years at any private college for each of them…and if she uses her part of that money to pay for the far less expensive public college (especially now that there is merit money involved), then she could not only graduate from UNH debt-free but also have a significant amount of money left over to spend on graduate school/law school/med school/whatever. So if she goes this route, she’s “won” even if she does not get into any other college on her list. I want her to think hard about this option because being able to go all the way to a Ph.D. or a JD or an MD or whatever without having one cent of college-related debt is such a massively positive thing. So part of me is hoping she chooses this route. Though I do think she will be very tempted to go to one of her matches/reaches if she gets in.


That is fantastic news @JanieWalker! Your daughter is really on the ball!


Thanks, @inthegarden! She has a lotto school decision coming out I think on the 17th, and another “likely” decision coming out the same day. She is prepared for the rejection/deferral that over 90% of those early applicants to the lotto school will receive, but I am sure it will sting regardless, so I want her to remember how fortunate she already is. Hoping the other likely is an acceptance, but I don’t think that one offers merit, or maybe it does but not as much. We’ll see!

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Do you mean that Ed wasn’t actually a good idea because applications are up everywhere?

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To be clear y’all that is my D21 college counselor from her public high school:)

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@janiewalker “lotto” decision. Love it! Lol

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That’s what we call the elite schools too…helps to put things in perspective for D21. Actually, I’m kind of glad we haven’t been able to visit schools, since she hasn’t grown attached to anywhere in particular yet. Her lotto EA was just playing the odds (the place she has the most hooks), but she’s not emotionally committed.


Fantastic news for your D, @JanieWalker!

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Congrats @janiewalker :tada: :tada: :tada:

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Jeff Selingo is doing a webinar tonight. Probably mostly a rehash of his book but I’m hoping for a few tidbits on the early round.


Be sure to come back and fill us in!

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Here is a link: