Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Thanks for that. I am spending too much mental energy imagining different scenarios and I also want to be realistic, whatever that means! She just recently got a request from Rice for an additional FA doc and I got excited that she may still be in the running, but when I called was told the offers are completely separate and no news there.


Congrats to all these acceptances!

My kid seems to be on the losing end of the lottery so far.

Trying to remain hopeful butā€¦ man, itā€™s hard for CA kids who want to stay in state, itā€™s so competitive. I guess we should have added more safeties but they applied everywhere they would seriously consider going to over CC.


S21 got a rejection and a WL yesterday. Neither were surprising as they were both reach-y schools for him.

We are only waiting on 1 more but, of course, it is his frontrunner. He was deferred EA and I would not be surprised if he gets WL.

On the plus side, his #2 school where he was accepted EA with merit has been doing a nice job with virtual gatherings and he is starting to fall in love a bit. Sounds like travel restrictions open up a bit after 4/1 so hopefully a visit will help.

I just want some certainty. S18 was torn between 2 schools and finally made his decision on April 30 by which time I was nearly bald from pulling my hair out in frustration!


@spaceaquarium I donā€™t believe SDSU is even close to releasing all their decisions yet. D applied there, and hasnā€™t heard as well. But it appears they havenā€™t announced her major yet.

In our case, SDSU is much like Irvine, D doesnā€™t have the slightest interest in attending with the SLO acceptance.

As I mentioned upthread, D applied to all 9 UCā€™s, because of FOMO. So, keep your chins up, there are more decisions to come.

We watched a video of a vet speaking about the vet profession and I think she said the single largest contributor to the suicide rate, IIRC, is/was the huge school debt.


If we had a SLO acceptance, there would be no stress! I thought in a major with an estimated ~70% acceptance rate, maxed MCA stuff, good GPA we would be okā€¦

SDSU isnā€™t a likely choice for my kid either, but not being in the acceptance wave was a big confidence deflator.

It will all be fine, I know, just wanted to add a bit of realism to the conversation since it can seem sometimes like everyone else is getting into all of their top schools.


Generally schools take what they need from the WL. URM? Anthropology major? Wyoming resident? Full pay? etc.

In normal years itā€™s a lot of full pay students, but this year is crazy.


Selingo was interviewed on CNN this morning, clip on twit ter. 6 min, nothing we didnā€™t already knowā€¦ waitlists etc


We can post twitter links now! woo hoo!


I saw this this morning. Sounds like the percentage chance of getting off the WL will go down, especially at T50. At most of our likely future WL spot schools it wasnā€™t that high to begin with. And if you get off a list, it might be later than usual. I have a pretty roll with it kid, itā€™s me who really wants it to be settled!

A podcast I listened to yesterday said treat it as a nicer deny and get excited about your May 1 school. Importantly, they said stay up on your voicemail because very often (especially after May) they will try calling first to see if you will take the spot before they officially offer it to you. If you donā€™t get back to them they move on!


Hang in there @spaceaquarium. Thinking positive thoughts for your family. I told my dad this morning we might take a beating this week since he will get some UC answers and the privates are pushed back to later.

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Shoot, I watch him every week but was proctoring an SAT today. I feel the pain of those waitlists. Weā€™re the recipient of another one today with Georgia Tech. Expected a rejection, so not all bad ultimately. Eventually things have to shake out somehow. I already see students accepted at different schools than one another, some accepted to the same, some waitlisted to the same, or rejected to many, some commenting that money is the deciding factor, waiting on a number 1 choice, and so on. The plot thickens for all of us. I think two more weeks now for our next decision so another long wait it seems.


I have a pretty roll with it kid, itā€™s me who really wants it to be settled!

You and me both!

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At least Georgia Tech might be very transparent with their numbers. I hope schools are so we can make decisions and have a little more clarity if waitlisted. Donā€™t they kind of owe us that after all this?

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I hope they are too. Iā€™m anticipating the rest of S21ā€™s decisions to come back as rejections with maybe a waitlist or two, and itā€™d be nice to know the numbers if thereā€™s a waitlist involved. Heā€™s hoping to visit his top two acceptances in a few weeks so he can decide between them - but if heā€™s waitlisted at one of the remaining schools we might try to sneak an extra school into our trip.

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Well letā€™s look at the positive side of things, for those waiting for decisions. As of tonight at 2:00 AM, thereā€™s one hour less of waiting. :slightly_smiling_face:


My clock self changes for the time change and whoever programmed/designed it, seemed to fail to account for leap year so it moved ahead last night instead of tonight and I had to get up for proctoring, sooooo instead of waking up at 615 on a Saturday which is already way early for me, I got up at 515, walked to the shower like a zombie only to have my husband tell me when I walked out of the bathroom that it was 545!!! Iā€™m ready to go back to bed already.


Yes true, someone already posted what % they waitlisted, accepted, from all rounds, etc. It may appear even that they waitlisted less than last year which would be surprising, but have to see what the RD apps were. Last year 6k were wl. This year they waitlisted 27%.

This is for 2019 but general waitlist information with a list for certain schools. Last year might have been really skewed anyway because Covid was new. 2019 Waitlist compilation

Seems like the vast majority of kids are being waitlisted this year instead of denied.

I donā€™t know what the answer is, but this whole process is so unpredictable it really messes with our kidsā€™ self confidence. So many kids on reddit are just so confused and upset that they were rejected/waitlisted by their supposed ā€œsafetiesā€, schools where their stats are above 75th percentile. Every year, I see a couple of kids in my district who are outstanding students and great kids who couldnā€™t even get into a T100.

D21 and I were looking through her classā€™ college announcements instagram page the other night, and she kept commenting ā€œSee? This just goes to show that what you do in high school doesnā€™t matter.ā€ Theyā€™ve become so cynical.