Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

@curiosa2 ooh…if he ever needs a dancing partner, please lmk! My D is 15, 5‘3 and 98Lbs (easy lifting :wink:). New York has so many great summer programs! Chautauqua, Kaatsbaan. There is also Jacob’s Pillow in western Massachusetts! Let’s hope Covid-19 is soon behind us and the performance world rebounds with gusto!


Another day. Another endless time loop.:alien:

Am feeling that the “end of March”, “before April 1st” (let alone “April 6th”) will ever truly arrive.


I can relate! Could be you’re feeling that way because the deadlines that we were given seem to continually move later and later. Then, of course, there is the reality that many of us are likely to still know nothing until summer with the inevitable waitlisting.

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Thank you, @skieurope, @eaorbust and @Camasite !!

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Exactly!!! The goalposts keep moving is the phrase, right?! I’ve edited my “Countdown”’app too many times. I like solid DATES. Not ranges! :weary:

And yes, so many things won’t be able to be done for awhile (housing, roommates, travel plans, clothing to consider for next year which I see as a fun thing to do Bc yes, TONS of time, sure, but I like to visualize the future and nothing can be visualized yet!!!)

And…I want to clean up and put away my college stacks of info, files, books, etc!


As suggested, I started a new thread for folks to post their fall 2021 admissions decisions without all the back and forth congratulations and side tangents


You know, I’m going to miss all the whining and complaining in the various school forums, when Fall does finally arrive.

One thing is for sure, like death and taxes, every time the U of Chicago gets mentioned the same 5-ish posters come out and “wax on, wax off” about the greatness of Chicago’s Core Curriculum. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


And ultimately…the thread gets closed down. :rofl:


That’s only because Cal Tech and MIT somehow are brought into the discussion and/or the quarter versus semester system is debated. :thinking: :upside_down_face:

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Yeah, what’s with that? Did I violate some term of service or rule that I’m unaware of?

Not that I remember…it’s always the same offenders on those threads!

Actually looks like my thread was merged into another one created by eaorbust at the same time for the same purpose.


I was having a laugh at the expense of the frequent U of C posters, while we wait for our decisions to come rolling in. Some U of C threads float between boring and train wreck.


We did a CA road trip and decided that we are so glad we don’t live in CA and have to navigate that whole alternate universe. D21 was pretty enamored and exited at the prospect of visiting CA and looking at schools. Then the reality of navigating those enormous grimy CA cities and relentless smoke from the August wildfires pretty much put a damper on all the CA excitement.


You should read the news lately, Californians are moving out of CA and they’re coming to “your town.” We all had a meeting and we plan to spread our grime. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

On a serious note, we love it here! And we only had bad air for 1-2 weeks last year.


We already have plenty of CA expats up here in the Pacific Northwest.

What I meant was that D21 had a certain image of CA cultivated by years of watching Hollywood and Disney movies and such. The reality of driving around LA and the SF Bay area with all the homeless encampments, garbage, graffiti, etc. etc. was something of an eye-opener for her. It wasn’t quite the magical golden paradise of sun and palm trees that she was expecting in her mind’s eye. Doesn’t help that schools like USC are very skillful at capturing their campuses in the perfect light and angles without showing a hint at what lies directly outside their gates.


I have a D23 so just as D21 is off to college, I will start whining and complaining on Parents of Class of 2023. :sweat_smile:


I am sure the AOs must hate it because they definitely paint a different picture of the school. They are trying to make the school seem fun and down to earth and CC posters are negating all their hard work!


@Camasite No different from the homelessness issues in Seattle. Traffic in Seattle is just as bad as California. Getting stuck on the 520 bridge going to the UW or I-5 heading to the UW (not to mention the 405) is a nightmare. Every metropolitan has its issues but CA is definitely not all beaches and palm trees. That said, I would take CA over the gloomy and rainy weather of the PNW any day.