Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Hope your S is not too bummed. There are some articles out there regarding what to do if you are deferred. I think there is even one here on CC.


@AlmostThere2018 , Iā€™m sorry about the deferral, but it sounds like your son (and you) took it in stride. The word around here is that a lot of kids are going to get off waiting lists this year due to all the uncertainty about enrollment. It happened to the 2020ā€™s and people are thinking itā€™ll be even more common with the 2021ā€™s.


@NOVAGirl87 , Iā€™m originally from NOVAā€”I went to Madison High School. I know how it feels to have your kid fall in love with your alma mater, and worry they wonā€™t get in! Itā€™s a stressful combination of feelings.

Iā€™m glad they re-instated ED in time for your D21 to apply and Iā€™m crossing my fingers for you for tomorrowā€™s decision! :crossed_fingers:t4: :crossed_fingers:t4:


Thank you!

Sorry to hear about your son. The good news as others have said, heā€™s not out for the count yet and he just gets bumped to their RD pool. He can submit his grades for this semester and still showcase any awards or activities he does during the next few months before their RD announcement.

Good luck!


@NOVAGirl87 Iā€™m jumping in here from Class of 2020 (and 2022) threads to also wish you luck! I was in your spot last year - S20 applied EA to UVA and it was his first choice. H and I are both alums but we are out of state. He got in and has been really really happy there first semester despite knowing almost no one and with all the restrictions. It has been fun for us to go back.

I know just what you mean about there being an extra layer of stress or something about it because itā€™s your school. Hoping it is good news tomorrow. Wahoowa!


Wahoowa! Did you do anything through the ALP? They say that they arenā€™t affiliated with Admissions, but part of me worries that D21 didnā€™t come off so well in the virtual interview (she was visibly nervous and kept touching her hair to the point that I tried a few times to grab her hands in her lap!).

Yes, S20 did an in person interview with ALP. I assure you that it did not help with getting in. Meaning S20 was polite but didnā€™t have much to say. It didnā€™t feel like an interview but truly like it was designed to answer his/our questions about the process and offer suggestions. In fact, it was helpful in that the counselor suggested changing one of his classes which he did.
Iā€™m a huge Dean J fan and I believe she said it doesnā€™t ā€œcountā€ as an interview. I saw that somewhere. So all of that to say, I definitely wouldnā€™t worry about the virtual interview!


Daughter just got into UT Austin OOS yā€™all :slightly_smiling_face: Itā€™s my alma mater too. Hook 'em


@evergreen D21 is grateful Georgetown is accepting AP scores in lieu of SAT2 for this cycle. She had one great score and bombed the other. :bomb: APs were all 5s and one 4. Hoping it all becomes moot In the next couple of weeks.

@JanieWalker FWIW I think your D has such a compelling story. That she has accomplished so much as a homeschooler is remarkable, I think. The scores are barely a blip in her case, and the AOs will be much more interested in who she is both as a student and a young person.

I think the waiting causes us all to ponder all the ā€˜what ifā€™sā€™ before we even have their decisions in hand.
Worrying: itā€™s what we do!


Woops, I just hit the wrong reply button.

My D got in to UT Austin CNS out of state as well! Congrats!


Congrats! How does admissions work for OOS UT? They donā€™t have ED and RD, right? Just one deadline? Do all OOS decisions come at the same time?

Nope, they release waves of admissions and you never know which one you will be in. They say you will hear back in Jan if you applied by the priority deadline. My S21 is auto admit and he still has gotten his major acceptance, as a matter of fact we donā€™t know anyone locally that has gotten their major yet.


Hang in there, @AlmostThere2018ā€¦I am sure he will end up with good news with that background, Rice or somewhere else!


If you apply by the priority deadline, you may hear anytime from December middle to January end. I think some majors like Engineering are harder than Natural Sciences. My D is a Biology major.

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My son was admitted to McCombs UT business School this afternoon. Very excited, as itā€™s been his first choice for years. Still waiting on some other EA schools.


Congratulations. Business school is harder to get into.

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Congrats! My daughter is in CBHP at McCombs and loves loves loves it! Their handling of covid has been the only negative but everything else has been the best! She loves it and we canā€™t be more thrilled for her and how well it has gone for her!

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@rbc2018 Congrats!! Thats a great school.

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