Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Congratulations! My D21 was also accepted at Eckerd this week. She actually cried… sobbing happy tears!

(Waiting to hear from Rollins but she applied later so we aren’t expecting to hear right away.)


First time using the new CC and it seems ok but I would not say I see any improvements at all and I believe it loads more slowly than the old site, so not sure why it was done. Also, you have to reply to someone to make a post which is a change that I do not like too much.

DS has applied to 14 colleges/unis and has 4 acceptances so far. We are in NC and I believe he should get into both UNC and NCSU so even if he is shutout from the rest he has a very good set of schools to choose from. He’d love to get into MIT or CalTech and those are coming up soon. He fully understands the odds are not good and started completing a few more applications that he may or may not submit.

I have read many threads and see varying opinions but I think/hope that as a full-pay, no hook, non-URM male from one of the top HS’s in our state with a 36 ACT, great rigor, all AP 5’s, etc that Covid has a greater chance of helping him with admissions into reach schools than hurting him. Apps to most of his reaches from his HS are relatively flat this year, although I do not think test optional is used often as most kids there have v good test scores. His HS has decent placement at the schools he is aiming for so now we wait and fret and pray…

Good luck to everyone!!!


Hi all - this is my first time posting to the new boards. Just checking things out.

We had a nice Thanksgiving - college application wise everything is in limbo. All 7 apps submitted, three more scholarship/cohort program apps to go. Two should have been done today, but aren’t officially due until 12/15. We had an unexpected family development that took us by surprise, so we all just took a “pause” for a few days to deal with that and she’ll finish those apps next week.

I feel like the wait for EA decisions, which should come in December for most of her schools is such a hard wait. Three weeks is not a long time in the real world but it’s eternal in this one.


This is getting exciting to hear about everyone’s process and news. I guess we will have a flurry of December and January activity and then a slow period for a while.

S submitted UC yesterday. @JanieWalker my S applied to UCSB (where we are), UCSD, Davis, UCSC, and UCLA. A very nice person on another thread sent an email to me describing the vibe differences between the schools. Due to its rural location, Davis was not my first choice originally but S might like the lifestyle. Also, UCSC totally fits him campus-wise but socially I’m not sure since there is no hub and he would probably have to live off campus after the first year. That is shame - there is so much land but they cannot build. OOS kids have a great shot at UCs this year I expect.

So S has 14 apps in counting the UCs I believe and we are hopeful he will do 3-4 reach schools this month. The essays are mostly short answer, thankfully. For many reasons, it seemed wise to “overapply” this year plus he by the skin of his teeth got to take the ACT and not until October so we were originally potentially undermatching.

Now, I’ve been doing a little research and it sounds almost impossible for a no hook kid like mine to get into Williams regular decision round. Middlebury also caught our attention since he is interested in environmental science as well as programming and Vermont will greatly appeal to S I think. Someone told me today that Tufts almost went bankrupt a couple of years ago so not sure what’s up with that? So, we have a little last minute-ity research to do. If anyone has thoughts about this, please feel free to share.

Finally, S got a “personal” invitation to apply for a full ride scholarship at an EA safety (Seattle U). Is this unique? He would only have 6 days to get it done by the extended deadline, then would have to interview and give a speech later, etc.

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I’m just curious to hear what schools seniors have been hearing decisions from and whether it is ED (if there are any) or EA earlier than they were originally expecting per the school’s websites?

My son has applied to 7 schools thus far and I don’t expect he will hear from any prior to his ED school, but maybe one or two may sneak out early. I thought I saw someone in a FB group I’m in hear already, but assuming that was early ED.

@srparent15 My nephew has decisions from EA and Rolling schools including Rowan, Penn State, University of Arkansas, Iowa State, Ohio Northern and possibly NJIT.



I’m excited for what’s to come for my son and I would never have him apply to a school just for the sake of applying to have an acceptance, but I admit I’m a little envious now of all the parents/kids at our school starting to hear some decisions. Kind of like the mom watching all the kids being asked to the dance and posting their pictures except yours, lol.

@NateandAllisMom FWIW, my no-hook daughter from an overrepresented state got into Williams RD last year, as well as Middlebury (after being deferred ED1). If your son is interested in Williams and his stats make him a competitive applicant, he should go for it. Williams only has one round of ED, so there are probably more open spots in RD than at similar SLACs that have ED1 and ED2. Good luck!


My S21 too submitted his UC apps last Wednesday, he applied to UCB, UCLA, UCSB, UCD and UCSC. Working on his USC (Univ of Southern CA) and UT Austin due on Dec 1st. We would not be hearing any decisions before Jan middle or end. Oh long wait…


Thanks @gotham_mom. According to Niche he’s about in the 45% range for applicants. A podcaster just said there are not that many spots left after all of the hooks and ED round since it’s such a small school but you never know. My cousin said she loved it when she took her daughter and hopefully we will be in that neck of the woods in April.


D21 has heard from Arizona (rolling), UT Dallas (rolling) and USF (EA) so far. Should hear from EAs Trinity, USF (CA), UMASS, U Houston in the next month or two. Then the long RD wait for the others begins!


I can relate! My son decided to put USC on the backburner. While getting a merit scholarship there would be sweet if he applied by 12/1 he just finished his last 3 EA/ED apps on 11/15 and was burnt out from the tons of essays. If he did the USC essays and weird questions, they would not be his best and they’re big on service for those scholarships, so we weighed the possibilities and decided to ditch it. His ED decision is about 2 weeks later also so that played a factor too. If rejection or deferral to ED then I guess USC comes back on the list.

I have a daughter at UT-Austin and she loves it. We are OOS and she heard in early December (actually before her ED sister heard from her school which was a surprise), but she applied by the 11/1 EA date. UT is so frustrating because they release in batches and you’re constantly logging in to their portal, although they also send an email around 4am in case you’re not checking the portal. Their admit days are usually on Fridays if I recall. But yeah the regular decision batch for UT is usually late January even February I believe. I think they told her originally to expect February. That’s also why it was such a huge and pleasant surprise. She loves it! Good luck to your son!

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Yes, I remember when my D19 applied to UT Austin, she heard her acceptance on Jan 10th, which was a pleasant surprise as she submitted her app only by Dec 1st. She was not even informed via email or any sort, we just logged in and found her first acceptance there. She ended up at another college though. Good luck to your son too!!!

Common App Race Question: Pre-Submission

Does anyone know what colleges see on the Common App before submission? I know they see basic info for marketing purposes. Do they see race?

I ask because D21 checked and unchecked, “American Indian” along with white, several times before deciding to leave it unchecked. I’m concerned colleges might have seen this and could possibly question the integrity of her application. To make a long story short, D21 is a card carrying member with a tribal ID for a federally recognized tribe. However, for a bunch of different reasons, she feels it’s disingenuous to declare this on her application. She is stubborn and there is no changing her mind. At this point my concern is only with whether or not the flipping back and forth on the race question will have been observed by colleges. If so, any advice as to what we should do?

@srparent15 my son has already gotten acceptances from UTD, Texas Tech & UNT, all rolling admissions.

We’re still waiting to hear from Texas A&M.


@GoldPenn It’s my understanding schools get marketing info about how many apps they can expect along with general info about demographics, but nothing about individual apps.

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Pretty sure until it’s downloaded they do not see anything. Also, some schools sift out certain demographic information altogether. Just before the common app is ready to be submitted you can review a draft of it and see what they will be seeing.

I noticed the differences with what the colleges sift out 2 years ago when after printing what was submitted some of the schools left the religion there and some it didn’t have it there at all. Same deal as when you click you’re applying for financial aid for some schools and not applying for others. They don’t all know you clicked it for school A and not school B.

Thus, I would not worry about it with race. If people knew schools could see that, many people would possibly take advantage of it and click a race they weren’t then unclick it just before submission in hopes a school thinks they’re that race that may give them a leg up as bizarre as it sounds.



Congrats!! That’s so exciting. You must be a Texan with all those Texas acceptances! :slight_smile:
I have one daughter at UT and she’s very happy there. I think after a week home, she’s already ready to go back! Not to mention it’s cold here! :wink:

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How could they see if she checked a box and then unchecked it and then checked it again before submission? They’ll only see the final app that was submitted. I know a family who can legitimately check the box but you’d never know it by looking at them and they don’t participate in anything cultural American Indian-wise. But this family believed it would help their kids in admissions and it seems that it did. All three of their kids at Ivies and they each joined Native American groups on campus. I think one of them even got some sort of small scholarship that way. It seemed very disingenuous to me seeing that they were from an upper middle class family and surely the schools knew their address and financial situation. All of this to say that, if your D legitimately has that heritage, it’s fine to check the box or not check the box. Nothing to be done now.


UC deadlines have been pushed to 12/4. My daughter got kicked out of the system trying to apply this weekend and the extension notification popped up. The also tweeted about it.