Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)


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Seriously, Iā€™m shocked. Feeling very blessed rn. :pray:t2:


Thank you!

This is kind of how I am feeling, but it is not my decisionā€¦so weā€™ll see!

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My daughter did from Cornell - super exciting and makes the admissions season so so much less stressful !


I read somewhere that 44 percent of NYU applicants didnā€™t submit their test scores


We know someone who applied TO who would never gotten in in a ā€œnormal year.ā€ No APā€™s in a school that top kids take 10-12 and low SAT that they didnā€™t submit.

Assuming your D is interested in similar jobs an MBA would get, I would go by the reputation of the collegesā€™ respective MBA programs in the minds of American employers. USNWR ranks Hass #7 and Marshall #16.

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So nice! Congratulations! They want him so badly and thatā€™s is the reason he got likely. If Duke likes him so much, it is likely that he will get into some Ivies too!

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That is really funny. Thanks for sharing

Why do you dislike Evanston? D21 is waitlisted. Weā€™ve never visited and sheā€™s not sure if she wants to sign up for the waitlist.

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I think it is fair enough to say top choice given the time they have taken for the decision and the pandemic making things difficult. After all they should be able to figure it out if we are going to be committing, as they have gone through that many applications. It is their job, and not ours.

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I am so happy to hear that you are done. But is there an advantage to deposit this early? I am asking only because you have just 4 more days to know about Ivy decisions and one week left for Stanford.

How to delete a post?

Question about this/
By continuously update do you mean email their AO, or was there another avenue they took?

Thank you so much! I donā€™t know about the Iviesā€¦not putting too much faith rn; itā€™s all so unpredictable this year. So thrilled! Not because heā€™s my son, but one of the humblest kids I know. Thanks, again. :pray:t2:


Soooo happy for you!

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Technically, you canā€™t. You have to go back to the original post, edit (delete what you had typed), write ā€œdeleteā€ and then hit ā€œsaveā€. Not sure if thereā€™s a better way.

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Thank you! I get it now.

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We are struggling with a similar decision (assuming rejections at the Ivies). D21 is considering Gtown v. UCB/UCLA for environmental policy. We love Gtownā€™s programs and its location. When I was still working, I traveled extensively for my job to Europe, Asia and S. America. One thing that struck me is that whenever you leave the US, the only colleges that ā€œrequire no introductionā€ are the Ivies, Stanford, MIT and UC Berkeley. Things may have changed in the last 10 years, but probably not that much (maybe UCLA and USC are better known now? but definitely not Gtown) D21 isnā€™t planning to work overseas, but chances are high that at some point sheā€™ll work with overseas colleagues. Having one of these schools on her resume would confer immediate credibility, and a social/networking circle (especially the Ivies, which often socialize as a unit abroad).

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