Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Legally they have to be. Just like with other immunizations. But one can’t just suddenly say “i’m xxx so I can’t get it” There’s a whole process for applying for an exemption.

Also, before anyone (not aimed at you) asks how they can mandate an emergency use vaccine as this question gets asked a lot, any private entity can mandate a vaccine even if it is only at the emergency use stage. It is if it is only approved for experimental use that they cannot mandate it. Furthermore, the vaccine only needs 6 months of data to be submitted for final approval so it is likely to have that before the fall anyway.

Hoping my daughter, who along with all of her close friends there, are vaccinated will be able to have a normal fall semester!

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Can anyone whose student has been accepted to Georgetown share (here or through PM) how their financial aid package compared to other meets-need schools? We are waiting on our initial award package due to some missing documents and are trying to manage expectations. Thank you!

Bkmom28, I PM’ed you if want more info on Oberlin. My daughter graduated last year. It’s such an amazing place. I miss it so much! Yes, she studied abroad as did most all of her classmates.

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Congratulations to your D! Very successful indeed! :partying_face: :partying_face:

I’d love to compare notes after your visits. We are visiting Davidson (currently an alternate for Duke Scholarship) and W&L (Johnson) this weekend. Enjoy your trips!


I’ll just thrown in that in the past several years, with a D19 and D21, I’ve known many a kid whose ‘amazing opportunities’ in the summer were largely through their parents’ efforts to steer their kids in certain directions, if not directly arranged through the parents’ efforts and/or connections…often the same parents who spend $5K for test prep and then have a private college counselor and essay reviewer for their kids.

Schools like UCLA and Georgetown are night and day. Being able to choose a school based on the best fit is a gift and if these schools are in the same ball park cost wise, I completely agree with SoCalDad2002 and others that fit is something that matters big time. Good luck!


In case anyone on a waitlist was thinking of doing this- :upside_down_face: :athletic_shoe:

"We have seen students send a painted shoe with a message on the bottom reading: “just trying to get my foot in the door.”


No religious exemption in California.


Waitlist/reject bar peeps -
We just had the opportunity to call xxx-xxx-xxxx for instructions to cast a voodoo spell but a mod took the topic down! Noooo.


ETA: I opened it thinking it was a leftover April Fools joke (didn’t notice no responses), but nope it was for reals spam. Cray cray.


D22 is interested in both these schools. Can you expand on the differences?

I think it would be more subtle to send a stuffed donkey and tell them in the AO to get off the their a$$es and admit me. Seriously, stuff like that makes me :roll_eyes:


@purplemama I would totally go Meredith Grey. “Pick me. Choose me. Love me.”


They must be really busy around Ivy day :joy:

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My brother’s best friend is a senior in the GW honors program, and has nothing but good things to say about it. He was able to quite easily get two amazing summer internships, and was just admitted to a T5 law school.


If kids still have to get their summer jobs through their parents’ connections rather than their own efforts after their junior year of college then it’s clear that they are very (perhaps excessively) dependent on a “supportive” environment.

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Oof. Vassar’s FA offer came in way less than Skidmore’s. That was a surprise, I’ve always heard they were generous. Has anyone had any success appealing by showing them other, better offers, or do we think they’d just say, “Go to Skidmore, then”?


Couldn’t agree more. But it’s very common here and if it’s not in your neck of the woods, consider yourself lucky. And I’m not talking just about summer jobs…I’m talking about setting them up with contacts so they can do research, steering their kids to apply to certain camps/classes, otherwise directing their summer EC activities to maximize their college applications. I have deeply struggled with the fact that I have not done this for my kids though I had the means to do so (they didn’t want my help and one of them really could have used it last year during covid summer…she found her own part time job but just ended up taking an online class because opportunities were far and few between). But I just think we should be honest about what drives a portion of the ‘amazing opportunities’.


I have a child that refused internship opportunities that I steered her towards (found via contacts). Instead, she took up 2 jobs during HS. I am convinced that her employer’s glowing letter of recommendation helped her gain admissions at a very selective school.


It’s definitely worth a try. I do know that some selective schools consider matching the offer of a school they consider a peer college.

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At the time, Vassar was more generous with my D17 than Davidson or Richmond, so that is curious that they would come in lower than Skidmore.

@momofboiler1 Unfortunately, it’s not ON the campus of Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, but D21 will be a 10 minute car ride away from Avila Beach. But CA just approved a 4.5 bike path from SLO to Avila Beach to be constructed, though construction will take a few years.