Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

My D21 hasn’t tried to find a potential roommate yet. Though she is excited for fall, I think her head is still in finishing her last semester of high school. I suspect her focus will drastically shift in about a month, when her classes will finish.

Hang in there parents!! Ivy day, schmivy day. Who cares. Lol. Not us, so so over it. My daughter and I will be spending the day hiking through redwood forests, and shopping and dining in Santa Cruz. We have no expectation other than rejection and honestly don’t care at this point. My daughter is ready to commit to Boston College after we get back to the hotel later and she finally checks her Yale and Brown portals. She thinks since she was deferred from Brown in ED maybe she has a slim remote chance of being waitlisted? Lol, who knows. We have come to accept that today is one final round of a cruel lottery system that has defined this year’s application cycle. And we are done letting this bizarre dystopian like madness have control over our emotions. We are going to go hug some super cool old trees, and go shopping in cute boho surfer boutiques. Peace and love to you all!


My son had luck with his school’s Facebook page for accepted students (in 2017). My daughter has met some kid’s on a school’s Facebook page also, but she hasn’t fully committed so isn’t ready to select a roommate.

We’re not waiting on Ivies, but both kids have vaccine appointments this week so I feel like we’ve won! LOL


I think it’s a little too early. In 2-3 weeks as more kids commit, college social media sites are likely to become more active.


@AlmostThere2018 congratulations! :tada:



I love this for you and we are pretty much in the same head space, minus the redwoods. My D’s school has a very experienced college counseling office with very little staff turnover. They all agree that COVID completely upended what was already a somewhat unpredictable and fraught process. And they believe that it will be a couple of years before the new rules of the game are understood. They will be in “educated best guess” territory for awhile. Which is all very well and good, but really hard on the students who worked hard and went in with high expectations, only to find the rules of the game constantly shifting beneath them.

I know that the chances at reaches were never very good but the decisions seem even more capricious than ever.

And then I remind myself that we are privileged to even be having this discussion. There are many, many high schools across the country where 1/3 or less of students have adequate math, reading, and writing skills according to state-level standardized tests, and this predates COVID. I attended such a HS back in the day. Moreover, many students then got left behind because of COVID due to inadequate internet access or less robust education delivery because schools and teachers didn’t have the time, resources, training, or energy to adapt. This is not to cast blame on anybody - we are all doing the best we can. But the mental exhaustion and psychological toll of the pandemic is real for students and teachers alike. If we all get out of this with our physical, mental, and financial health intact, we have won. And in the end, I can’t think of anybody on this thread whose kids don’t have good college options, even if they are not the ones they envisioned.

I really wish there were some cool old trees near me!


The cost depends on the exchange rate but it’s much cheaper overall. First, the bachelor degree takes 3 years. There are no Gen Ed requirements - all your classes are related to the major for which you applied. A Masters takes 4 years. Second, the tuition and R&B costs are less than a private here. Overall, her degree cost half of what Stanford’s would. There is no financial aid, though.

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Well said, I’ve seen soooo many articles about the schools and how they will handle this etc, but very little from the perspective of the student and how much more difficult this year was on them.


Fellow tree hugger here. Redwoods… :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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In a bizarre turn of fate my H and S will be in Hanover this evening to receive the Dartmouth rejection in person! Lol. No stay allowed in Vermont for S.

Of course I could have secured a vaccination appointment today for my S if he were not out of town. All of the sudden they are doing 16+ here.

Crazy, crazy times.


Amen. Couldn’t have stated this any better, and it puts in perspective the decision our kids are making.

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I needed to be reminded of this today. Thank you!

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@Muad_dib D21’s SLAC assigns roommates for the incoming freshmen. I assume they will fill out a survey that will assist in finding a good fit at some point later this Spring.


We have similar decisions here - with dd focused on as cheap as possible. She is deciding between UCF, Michigan State, and Pitt for Nursing. UCF would be free if they keep benaquisto, MSU would be ~$6k/yr, and Pitt would be $11k/yr if she works for the hospital there for 3 years after graduating, or $25k/yr if she doesn’t. Hard decisions!


Curious if any others here come from these average public schools. Ours did not fare well at all, every student except one at our very average, lower-income public school had disappointing results this year, not at all in line with previous Naviance results. I don’t know what the new rules are, but my kid and her friends seemed to get the short stick this year.


Mine is getting the second vaccine! So I won’t care about Ivy day as well! Yay!


Congrats to the Duke acceptances, what a beautiful school! Good luck to everyone waiting on decisions today, I love the attitude you guys have.

I’m jealous of @rarz69, I could use a day in the redwoods for sure!

D21 gets her first vaccine today, I had the J&J last week. Only one left is S23 who is now eligible but is fighting me about getting it. He’s doing the, “but none of my friends are getting it!” so I’m not going to let him wait a few weeks then sign him up, not worth the fight yet.

D has not looked for a roommate yet. We have heard that you can’t request a roommate so you could go through all of the trouble of finding someone on the FB or IG page you may not even end up int he same dorm. Friends have told her to wait until she has her dorm assignment then you look for a roommate who is int he same one - I think it’s making her little nervous when she sees all these kids finding roommates though so hopefully it works out. He sister, D19, found a roommate on FB pretty quickly, got to meet her the summer before freshman year and they are still a perfect match so D21 is hoping for the same luck!


My D forgot today was ivy day. I just mentioned it and she said she’s more worried about her physics test and could I please leave so she could study! Only 2, deferred ED from Brown and Cornell ILR. Not expecting anything, so no stress. The bigger stress will be picking from LACs she couldn’t tour.

Good luck to everyone on the final decisions!! May the force be with you and may the odds be ever in your favor!


Interesting. My D18 is graduating a year early with BS Economics degree and I tried to convince her to spend that year at the London School of Economics getting a masters. When I researched the cost I saw that the 12 month program was only about 31K. Which would come in much cheaper than two years master programs at similar ranked school. However, she did not listen to my suggestion.

Good luck to your daughter at Oxford.