Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

What was her breakdown at Alabama - my son got the Presidential Scholarship plus an additional 1k a year. He didn’t apply for any additional scholarships but curious what else was out there!

Presidential Elite for ACT 36, plus 2500. yearly for engineering

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I know upstream in this thread, some folks think CA is a mess, but for Californians and those from OOS considering CA colleges, CA now has the lowest positivity rate in the US:

“[quote]Indeed, according to Johns Hopkins University, which tracks coronavirus cases around the globe, the Golden State has a seven-day rate of 1% as of April 6. Positivity rate is the percentage of all COVID tests performed that are positive for the virus, and yesterday the state hit an all-time low since the start of the pandemic. On Wednesday, the rate went up just a tad to 1.1%.”[/quote]

:raising_hand_man: And I got my 1st dose of the vaccine today!


Although my D’s stats are not quite as high as your son’s (34 ACT, 98 w), we can relate. We were looking for merit from her safeties and matches, which worked out pretty well according to plan. But she got into none of her reaches, a few of which seemed like a perfect fit.

Accepted: Binghamton (Source honors), Case Western, Fordham, Mt Holyoke, Oberlin, RIT, Temple (honors), Trinity Dublin, Union (Scholars)

Rejected: Dartmouth, Georgetown, Princeton, UChicago, Vassar, Wesleyan

Waitlisted: none (HUH?!?!)

Compared to all of the amazing kids I’ve read about in this forum, the ivies were probably out of her reach. But I can’t help but wonder if she had cast a wider net, maybe included schools in a broader geographic range, for example, she could have gotten into some higher ranked schools. Hard to not think about the “what-ifs”…


You aren’t the first person I’ve heard that is going FSU over UF. Two years ago my daughter toured UF and said she was put off by the vibe that “you would be lucky to go here” vs other schools that rolled out the red carpet and tried to convince the students to apply/accept. I’m hearing more and more that FSU is gaining on UF so it will be interesting to watch over the next couple of years. I have D who will be applying in two years so I’ll be watching it closely. From someone on the outside, both are incredible in state options (as is UCF - and love the auto admit program!)

Everyone else - I’m in between two kids and lurking to see how this all works out. Congratulations to all your kids - love to hear all the stories, good and not-so-good. I find myself rooting for people I don’t know all the time :slight_smile:


I know what you mean. It feels like it hurts to have a very good test score and GPA this year.


Congratulations on your D’s acceptances. I understand your disappointment and surprise with some of the denials. (I was surprised by my D’s RD denial from Wes last year since she was accepted to several similar LACs RD including Vassar, Middlebury, and Williams.) Based on your handle, I assume that you’re a fellow NYC resident. Did your D apply RD to Wesleyan and Vassar? These two schools get so many applications from NYC and the metropolitan area, particularly from girls. A large number of these applicants get in ED 1 and 2 which doesn’t leave a lot of room for more females from NYC. I hope that provides some consolation. Best of luck to your D.


Awesome - it’s best to have a partner in crime! Where is she leaning? We’re at UVA right now having a visit and all of the flowers are out and it’s soooo pretty and warm (unlike New England!)

Yes some have hard a really tough ride. I wouldn’t not have handled as easy if it were my first rodeo for sure:) congrats to your son on Bowdoin. My kid and @homerdog ‘s both loved their freshman year til covid hit- so I think next fall should be positive experience for those there.


Congrats to everyone on the acceptances.

Son is Engineering - Hoping this helps others in the future, but who knows with this crazy year.

Accepted in Honors with good merit or FA- Clemson, NJIT(almost full ride,) UCF, U of SC, and Villanova
Good merit no honors - FIT, Stevens, U of Miami
Accepted little or no $ - Rowan, Rutgers, Virginia Tech, UF
Waitlisted - Wake
Rejected - USC, Duke, Princeton


Not too much knowledge other than that as a Texan- UT takes excellent care of their Turing scholars!

Awesome! Didn’t know there was still a boost for a 36. Good for her!

@MommaLue I haven’t been keeping up and just now saw the acceptance to Brown. Congrats to your S21! I believe you said at one point that it’s his dream school. So happy for you both. :heart:


College choices for my chem/creative writing S look idiosyncratic but there are lists that make it make sense! We had planned ED for BU pre-Covid but opened up our search.

Accepted: Bard, BU, Clark (merit), UMass Amherst, Wheaton-MA (merit).

Denied: Middlebury, Northeastern, Tufts.

Evaluated but didn’t apply: Clemson (primary, secondary legacy) - too far, Hampshire College-too unstructured. We have secondary legacy at Stanford but that was out of reach! :grin:

I think it will come down to BU or Clark, although he hasn’t firmly ruled any out. ‘Science friends’ have stressed the importance of research opportunities so that’s a guide, support for Fulbright, + fit. We’re just trying to enjoy this journey. Good luck to you all!


Would love to hear about BU as we won’t be able to tour anywhere before May and my son is deciding between BU and one other school, for engineering.

I’d offer to help except my S avoided anything that led down the science-engineering route. Any questions about the area, I’ll say that being by the Charles River is magical but it’s very much a city campus.

She is. It has a program that she just loves but we are down here now at UVA and will consider them both carefully. I’m just glad we are at the deciding phase!


Hi everyone! Congrats on your young adults accomplishments!!!
What a year!!!
My D21
Accepted: IU, Brandeis, American, GWU (all $$)
Waitlisted: NYU, WashU, Northeastern
Guaranteed Transfer fall 2022(this was new to me) BU
Rejected: Emory

Going to travel to Boston/Waltham and DC this weekend. We had both vaccines!!



Congratulations! Being in this area, I know that Brandeis is amazing for research, has distinguished Professors (including Nobel Prize winning) and is a feeder to Medical schools/top Graduate programs.


Here goes our DS21’s:

Accepted: Ga Tech, UPenn, Brown, Rice, UNC, Northeastern, NCSU, Colorado School of Mines, UTD, Alabama, Alabama Huntsville

Waitlisted: Duke, Columbia

Rejected: MIT, CalTech, Yale, Harvard, Harvey Mudd

Georgia Tech was the front runner til we ran into issues with their math/cs courses seeming to move to lectures online for many courses (recitations in person). He is looking closely at UPenn and Brown. When he was applying he thought physics major, now thinking Math/CS…