Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

We have tons of female students in our calc and physics classes, at least 50% and maybe even a larger percent of the classes!


Let me edit this remark.
girls were in the AB class and physics 1 for sure, less in calc BC and it dwindled in the Post BC math class and Physics C.

There were a good number of girls in the upper level math courses at my D’s HS but she was one of only 2 in AP physics C. It’s been much more even in her engineering courses in college but she’s one of only 5 women in a plant of close to 100 for her co-op. She’s getting used to it.


Awesome! I went to Umass Amherst while my wife was a Smithie and so when it was time for our son to apply to colleges this year we brought those experiences and baggage with us: I found myself advocating for more of a private LAC experience and she was more open to public U like UVM. In the end, he’ll like end up at Vassar, which as a former Seven Sisters college makes my wife smile :slight_smile:


D’s uni has about 50/50 in chem engineering, 80/20 in electrical engineering. I can see manufacturing would be most males and glad your D is getting used to it.
D wants to work in Aerospace, not sure how that mix is.

My daughter’s HS has equal numbers in Calc BC and Physics C Mechanics. For Physics E&M the numbers drop.

OMG! So excited for your D21! That is an amazing accomplishment any year, but this year in particular. So glad she is being rewarded for all of her hard work. :heart::tada:


D is in E/M right now. What a bear this class is. The hardest class she has every taken, and requiring more self teaching then any other class she has every taken.


For those who live in Florida, Benacquisto may not be guaranteed to be fully funded after 2021-22. For OOS, Benacquisto may no longer be available, courtesy of SB86 that passed Florida Senate today 22-18.
Rephrased as a generic comment following @nanosec 's remark (with my apologies).

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My D is a chem e but working for a polymer company. The numbers really do drop off in manufacturing but she loves the company and what she’s doing.


So glad she is soaring!!!

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But there is also the flipside where a 30 year old man that that works out, has a full head of hair, and a solid job contacting only average middle aged women is going to have a really high yield but he might not love what he gets.

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For parents with current college kiddos, when do you sign the insurance waiver for college? Right after you sign SIR and enroll in the summer?
Funny enough, Kaiser doesn’t cover anything other than emergencies when your kid isn’t in WA/CA/coverage areas. This means I have to enroll with my own company insurance so that we could waive the insurance. Trying to time this to minimize my premium. Thank you!

@TVBingeWatcher2 My daughter also taking E&M now
she feels the same! She breezed thru Mechanics last year but this class is definitely more challenging!

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yep, my D21 only got one CU acceptance and waitlists for several UC’s and Cal Poly. This totally took us by surprise because her stats are awesome and she’s not stem and two separate counselors for sure thought her outcomes would be different. I swear the shock and disappointment has not really worn off yet.


She’s not attending Florida, so it’s not an issue for us.

We signed it shortly before the first bill was due–late July. I wanted to give the school time to take the insurance line item off the bill. Make sure that your insurance covers all the items specified in the waiver, or get clearance from the student health business office. My D20 goes to Tufts, and there was a line item in the waiver that said her health insurance had to cover infant health if she happened to give birth while at college. Our insurance covers maternity care for our dependents, but doesn’t cover the (hopefully not happening) grandchildren! So I had to talk that over with the student health services and they said it was ok to take the waiver anyway.


Yes–same–actually more girls in first yr physics(AP phys 1) than boys, then AP Mechanics is over half boys, and no girl in 3 yrs made it to E&M. My d23 and her friend will change that for their yr. Same with the kids who do BC in 12th or the rare few who are post BC in 12th --normally boy heavy, but won’t be for 2023! both will be majority girls unless sthg changes.

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We are with Kaiser and just finished 4 years of having our oldest daughter attend University of Arkansas, which is far outside the Kaiser coverage area. It worked out OK. She did her annual checkup and such when she was home on break. And when she had certain issues like the need for prescription Accutane, Kaiser was able to accommodate it through video consults with Kaiser dermatologists and mail order prescriptions. You have to be willing to do some work-arounds. but it is possible if your kids are basically healthy and just need ordinary care. If you need high intensity care like chemo or dialysis or stuff like that then Kaiser probably isn’t going work very well long distance.

I don’t remember any particular issue with signing insurance waivers. I expect I just signed whatever they had and that was that.

we had to prove that we had insurance that covered the student in Massachusetts (where her school was located.) They specifically noted that Kaiser would not be an acceptable option. I think MA is pretty strict on having all students covered–if you don’t have coverage yourself in MA, you have to buy the university insurance, which was quite expensive, but did cover the student for a full 12 months. So it just depends on where your student’s destination is, and the laws there–sounds like AR is more flexible.

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