Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Excited to see all these acceptances but keeping it real by also sharing our disappointments. DS 21 deferred from Madison last night (OOS) which was a bit of a surprise. Expecting rejection from Notre Dame tonight and won’t take that too personally given admittance stats. Probably rejection from CWRU on Saturday as well. We always have U of MN, and I am more and more grateful to already have an acceptance to a “match” school that he loves due to rolling admissions. It takes the sting out of all the rejection.


Not that I have any dog in the hunt, but I also wonder, not too loudly, about the 2020 gap year students plus the additional ED acceptances at all the top schools this season.


RD will be a very difficult admit, assuming class size stays around 470. There are 257 spots left, (470 class size - 213 accepted ED). Amherst typically has about a 40% total yield (based on class of 2022 and 2023 ED+RD, which means RD is even lower), so projected RD acceptances would be around 643, best case. Guessing around 11,000 RD apps come in, that’s less than 6% acceptance rate!


So, in past years, ND releases at I think 18:42 (6:42 PM), which I believe is their founding year. Is that still the case?

Hugs. I’m sure we will be in the same boat here on Friday. Our back up plan is the UCs in CA, but they’re just as competitive at 12-35% acceptance rate for the ones S21 desires.

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So sorry for your son. That’s hard all in one week. He will find his place! Madison also tends to let a ton in that were deferred so it’s not over yet!


Yes, 6:42 PM this evening.

Sorry for the disappointing news. Fingers crossed for good news tonight and this weekend. :crossed_fingers:


Indeed. We all want the best for our kids and in most cases they don’t even know where that might be Lol … remain open and positive realizing that ultimately their experience/success will be driven by what they MAKE of their time on campus, not where it falls in some ranking or level of prestige.


I have a random off topic question. Since D21 was deferred from her ED school, she is finishing up the last few of her RD applications. Two require official test scores. We have sent her ACT and her SAT II but with regard to the AP scores, I thought there was a way to only send certain ones (ie-only 4 or 5). Does anyone know if this is possible and how it’s done, through the college board?

With my daughter we just sent all of them, and the school decided if they count or not. I don’t think you really need to worry about it until you decide where you are going.

Our school doesn’t rank, Dd19 found out her rank from her track coach because she got a county athletic/scholar award and rank was announced for everyone at dinner. This information helped she and her friends to figure out the top 20. Dd21 is hoping to figure out hers too, I’m sure it’s in the top 10. It does bother them that kids who never took a single AP class will rank higher (she had a B in freshman English, as did Dd19, so knew there was no shot for #1). I do not think our HS submits rank to colleges though.

The only way to officially submit the AP scores you choose, is to pay the fee to College Board to remove the ones you do not want submitted. There was some discussion of CB adding the pick and choose ability for AP submission but that was never realized. When you hear posters referring to only reporting 4s and 5s, they mean self-reporting.


Ah-thanks. This may require some more thought. Don’t want to include the two 3’s as they might reflect poorly. hmmmm…

@mamasquale Do they really require official AP scores for the application? I would be surprised…what school?

3’s are NOT bad


No-not required…but this is for Georgetown and in lieu of SAT II subject tests (which in non-Covid times they require/strongly recommend 3 of), they accept AP scores. We could bag it altogether but would be nice to include the other scores.


My D also applied to Georgetown and she decided to send AP scores along with her 2 SAT subject tests. Out of 8 AP scores, she got a 3, which we were worried at first but we sent all scores anyway. The logic is that kids are allowed to have a bad day(s). After all, they are HUMAN too. :rofl:


“It does bother them that kids who never took a single AP class will rank higher.”

Wow that brought me back to the 1900’s (as my kids say), when I graduated. Even then this was an issue. Our class Sal never took even an honors class in order to maintain straight A’s–she openly talked about her strategy. Those of us behind her in the top 10 would pretty regularly say to one another privately that we were “really” one spot higher because her spot didn’t count. :joy:
Of course that was back in the days when you could get a B or two and still be in the top 10 so the “risk” of taking harder classes wasn’t really a risk.


That comment brought me back too! Our class valedictorian didn’t take high-level classes. No one really cared, and she was well liked, but at graduation the difference between her speech and the salutatorian couldn’t have been more marked. In the end, it was the sal who got a PhD from MIT. Not sure what happened to the val.