Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Thanks, D21 is very liberal in ideology but coming form Georgia I am sure it would be a bit of an adjustment. I should her the article and she told me she had seen it before and it is one of her concerns about the school. They have been sending her lots of emails to connect with students and I think even go to a virtual class. It will be interesting to see what other schools virtual programs will be for accepted students.

At one point Carleton, Oberlin and Macalester were on her list. We were at one point planning to visit butā€¦covid. We talked about added a few more schools but she is emotionally done. The virtual tours all seem the same to her and she struggled to stay engaged and hated to concept of dementated interest. She wants to read email because of the content not to get brownie points.

In March she will hopefully have a few more schools to compare. We have talked a lot about applying to only schools you will be happy to attend. That being said when she was deferred from Williams she was not happy with the idea of the UGA or GA Tech. Maybe I will ask her again about applying to one more school.


Iā€™m a Reed grad and it was a great place for me in the early 1980s. Very challenging. But even then I was somewhat annoyed by some of the performative liberalism (and Iā€™m liberal). Back then the big issue was divestment from South Africa and students occupied the Admin building and basically shut down the school for a few days. You have a lot of kids there from privileged backgrounds who are basically exploring the outer limits of liberal/radical thought and protest. But you also have a lot of kids (easily the majority) who are just ordinary smart kids looking to learn. I think some of the extreme stuff from a couple years ago has died down a bit with the pandemic. But it is always going to be the sort of place where there is some student protest just lurking under the surface as that is how they release energy since there are no varsity sports or other outlets (plenty of club sports though).


Same here

Iā€™m not at all familiar with Reed but they have not stopped emailing or sending my son mail. Even today got something. Itā€™s so much worse this year than Iā€™ve experienced with any of my other kids, AND this kid checked the box NO for receiving any mail/solicitations when he took the ACT, SAT and PSAT so no idea how they got all of this info, including an email he set up for college applications only! Grr

So had a fun reveal PowerPoint last night. She eliminated schools one by one until there were two left. A big factor in her elimination process was her decision that she wanted a direct admit nursing program and that if she decided to try for medical school she will use some of the AP credits for some gen ed requirements and add the core premed courses such microbiology, organic chemistry etc. while taking the nursing classes. Could be very difficult to do but that is what she decided she wants to do.

So the final two were Delaware and Miami. And god bless her she chose MIami where we will only be paying room and board.

The whole thing was very cute and included a trivia contest with different facts about each school she applied too. Very happy day yesterday.


What a special presentation by your D! Love reading how she shared her decision with you all. Congrats to her and happy early 2021 to all of you!


Wonderful to hear this!

Wohooo!!! Ohio or Florida?

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Sorry Ohio.


Our school is the same about having to be approved for honors and AP. They give much less weight for honors (.25) and AP (.5). Thankfully they are adding weight now though. Two years ago when my oldest applied there was no weight added. He was the valedictorian with a 4.0 with very high rigor but there were many with a 4.0 that took no extra rigor - just college prep level.

My understanding is that most recalculate the GPA as an effort in standardizing it. Some are very transparent like UGA which posts how they do it on their blog and others are not. Interestingly though since my sons school started adding weight last year the college admittance rates at a couple of schools have been quite a bit higher.

Congratulations! My son earned the same scholarship, but is waiting from many other schools. I am hoping I can still get him to do the Honors essay, but heā€™s not real interested but maybe after he finishes his other RD apps he will change his mind.

I was just looking at the Miami website about the honors program. They are actually going to an honors college with Living learning communities in these very fancy ass new dorms. Although the essay is rather lame ā€œTell us how you can meet our motto of Love and Honorā€ or something like. The dorms look they would be worth it. I am also hoping there might be an invite to the Presidential Fellows weekend with a shot a full ride. Your son no doubt would have a shot at that as well. He wants engineering correct?


Great news, congratulations!!:balloon:

Word from our college consultant after conferring with her peers is that international ED apps are higher than expected despite Covid as well, so it doesnā€™t seem like a year to catch many breaks. Hopefully all those over-reaching will have enough target/safety options to fall back on.


Hah! The schools that wonā€™t leave my daughter alone, despite her never showing the slightest interest in them are University of Chicago, Johns Hopkins, Montana State, and for some odd reason, Miami of Ohio. We get stuff each week from one of those four schools like clockwork.



The Montana State is a funny one in that mix

Yes! U-Chicago is infamous for that. Mainly for their yield and it gives a lot of false hopes to many.

I forgot about that Montana State. Weā€™ve definitely gotten a bunch from them.

Baylor also sent something that was cool my son had to put together. I didnā€™t know anything about Baylor at all but once someone told us they were ultra conservative and Baptist which we are not, that was a quick pass. They still kept hounding him with mail for a bit. Just kind of chuckled after that.

All the Ivies over and over too which was more than my others even got and was a little surprising. Not sure why they have the need to market so heavily.

But Miami, OH definitely takes the cake and 3 of my 4 applied there and they donā€™t stop. Also after accepted down the line they usually send a personal note and I canā€™t recall if this is the school that may also make a personal phone call too. Back when my oldest was accepted they also sent swag but didnā€™t when one of my others was accepted.

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@burghdad Yes, I was looking at those Honors dorms yesterday as well. Makes me wonder how bad the other dorms are or if theyā€™re that bad at all. My daughter is in an honors program and itā€™s the honors dorms that are the dumps, not the regular dorms. She also refused to live in the honors dorms. This one if he wound up there I think would rather be with the honors students than not.

Is that really the essay? How cheesy. He will not want to write it. Thereā€™s a reason he passed on it the first time and then we thought there was some mistake when they kept asking him to write it.

Yep, he was accepted into Engineering. Iā€™m so shocked at the merit amount. My daughter was offered 24k/year and I thought that was a lot. 50% more (with only slightly better stats) than her only 2 years later is crazy!

So exciting but we have such a long road to go!