Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

No. Also I uploaded the acceptance letter for the coupon and they said it was too blurry. Nothing’s really been easy. I think it would be better to go to the store and scan.

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I was able to upload the acceptance letter.

I wish I could just be sure we could find the few things I want to buy in NY. I don’t care if I get them at BBB or target or Walmart. I’m just afraid they’ll be sold out of things like under bed storage and fans if I just wait until we get there. Kids move in on Sunday and we get there Friday night so we do have all day to shop. Colgate told me we can ship to them but can’t seem to guarantee we will be able to actually get the stuff on Sunday. Lines could be long. Still I might ship one or two things

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Oh that stinks @NateandAllisMom! I used this service from BBB when my oldest went to college since we were flying also but back then you did not have to pay in advance, which was nice because they allowed us to go through the items at pickup and there were a few things we no longer wanted so it saved us from having to do a return.

I need to get on the ball for S21 - I have a couple of things already like sheets, towels and mattress topper that is a cast off from S19 since he will have a larger bed this year. He is taking some things from home he already has like his back rest (called a husband back in my day), his laundry hamper/basket. I’m going to IKEA next week with S19 to get a few things for his off campus house so will probably get some things there for S21. I probably won’t even go to BBB this time around.

On a different note, S21 today said his work wanted his parents’ numbers as emergency contacts. He was like…”I’ve worked there for over a year, am leaving in four weeks and they are asking me this now?” Well, what he didn’t know is that the real reason was that his boss wanted to be able to text me b/c they are throwing a going away party at work for him and another coworker who is leaving for college also. She wanted me to send them his senior picture b/c they are having banners made and was also asking for gift card suggestions. OMG - he is going to die! He hates being center of attention. But anyway, it was a pleasant surprise and such a nice gesture.

And lastly, S21 picked his move in time this week. His orientation is a four day affair that starts after move in. He and his roommate both chose to move in the day before the orientation, which starts the following afternoon, and most will move in that morning. His roommate’s parents asked if we would like to meet for dinner the night before move in so that’s the plan. All so different than when my older two went away to college! I’m actually a bit relieved S21 already has met his roommate and they really like each other. S19 had a horrific experience with his freshman roommate, who as random and he never talked to before moving in (and well, didnt really for the entire semester :anguished:). At least S21 and his roommate are compatible socially, and hopefully will live well together!


@srparent15 years ago when I was in college, one of my friends had a tattered blankie that she kept in her pillow case. None of my kids is attached to anything like that from an emotional/sentimental point of view. I brought a stuffed animal my grandmother gave me when I got my tonsils out and that thing went through the ringer. It was a large monkey with velcro hands so my roommates would torment me by moving it around (almost like Elf on the Shelf). It was pretty funny actually. And it survived college - I still have that monkey!

I have a lot of new gray hairs from dealing with the BB and B site - about 1/2 the items said not available at the desired store, the button to request pick up at a later date outside of the 2 hour window was not intuitive to find (at least i thought it was bad) and I really wonder if it was worth all the time we put in and if we really saved any money. You can’t change pick up to a later date/time until you are almost through the entire checkout process and it is a tiny button at the top of the screen.

It will be nice to have the fan, under bed storage, hangers and bed pillows etc. there when we arrive - but I will believe it when I see it !

Done with daughter #1 and I imagined she warned daughter #2 that I was not very patient or nice as we looked through it all :wink: Would have preferred in person, but guess I need get with the “new times”. Pretty clear why Amazon is taking over the world from that poor customer experience.


@4kids4us I remember the saga of your S19’s roommate! That is sweet work is throwing your S21 a going away party. D21 had her last shift this week. She is the longest working employee - she has been there since the day they opened over 2 years ago. She never got a raise even though a male employee just a few years older got one a few months in. She did not get a going away party even though that same male employee got one when he left after about a year. Her boss didn’t even come in the last day to say goodbye, just texted her to say to text him when she comes home on vacations so she could work some shifts. :joy: I will say he did write her a rec letter for college and gave her a very small bonus for graduation, but the fact that he treated the male employee better made her furious!

@coffeeat3 I agree the BB&B website was not great this year. I finally got an order in and said I wanted to pick up August 12th, then I got the confirmation email saying I had to pick it up this weekend. I called the store and they had no idea what was going on. The lady basically said if I couldn’t get it I’d have to let it expire then reorder and try again. :persevere: I went back to my D’s account and it does say the orders are there for August but I will call again as we get closer to double check.

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Yeah I don’t trust the Colgate mailroom approach for move in day. Want to bring the essentials.

For example, I can get a better deal on the kerig for sure so I’ll mail that Amazon or whatever after (he’s not a coffee drinker yet). Most of the expense is clothes. He needs an entire new wardrobe since he was essentially wearing a uniform.

I was told to use the BBB app. It works better than the website. Haven’t tried it yet.


Always 6?

Wow, this is really terrible! What are they thinking? No reason to even mess with BB&B at all… even with their 20% discount, most items are cheaper on Amazon or at Target.


Exactly. And let’s be honest: very few things do kids need the first few nights. Lots of things can be ordered via Amazon (I’m not a Jeff fan at all but yes, Amazon is efficient) and our kids will have what they need for their rooms within a few days.

Basics get packed. Everything else will be ordered.


but Target doesn’t have the pack and go option. I can’t buy stuff here now and have it waiting for us in New York. I can ship stuff to school from Amazon but we aren’t promised we can get to it on move in day. So, for those of us flying to school, BBB is a good option to pick up bigger things. I’m trying to decide if we can just wait on those few things and just take the gamble that we can find what we need when we get there.

Amazon doesn’t seem to have a good assortment of under bed storage drawers or I would just go that route for those.

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Target you can order maybe 2-3 days ahead and they’ll hold it!


But I’m concerned they won’t have what we need if I wait until three days before. There’s only one Target near school. I guess it’s better than just going and seeing what they have the day before but we’d still have to be ok with not having that stuff on move in day if they don’t have it. The only thing I really want to have is the under bed storage. Other stuff can wait.

Just learned about this. The BB&B location near our campus is closed “temporarily” anyway. Target is close and what we don’t find there we’ll do via Amazon.

Also in some smaller college towns there are locally owned shops that provide just about everything you’ll need… look into that via Facebook parent groups. Bedding might be something to bring or arrange via Amazon/Target delivery but you might be able to support a local business by saving lamps, twinkle lights, shower caddy, power strip, laundry detergent and all toiletries for local purchase.


I do know from packing up my kids’ boarding school rooms that these bins fit inside duffle bags :rofl:


We have some of those! But I think D will need drawers. Worse case, she keeps some clothes in her tote a tons until we get to the room, decide what she needs, and get it sent to her!

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I use them under the kids’ beds to store medical supplies, snacks, extra toiletries, etc!


@srparent15 My sister went to college with her knitted baby blanket. I don’t think she washed it at school. Just brought it home and washed it on vacations. No one ever gave her a hard time about it. She is nearing 50 now, and married with three kids. If you turn back the covers on their master bed, her blankie will still be there!

My D19 takes her favorite stuffed animal back and forth to college. It’s a husky, named after the dog we had when she was born. I’m glad she has it. D21 isn’t attached to anything in that way, but it would be nice if she were. I think that once the rush of the beginning of school is over, she’s going to be homesick😔.


You beat me to it! :laughing:

We all are hoping they make a smooth transition to adulting, but let’s be honest, most of our kids are going to sleep on some nasty sheets with a stained comforter. Oh, they will tell us they wash it every week though…