Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

Back when my daughter registered in 2019 even then it was before AP scores were out, so this is nothing new. If it impacted courses, then kids like now, just go through add/drop. It can be annoying for some but most kids do have a sense of how they did on the exams, especially since AP posts the answers to many (not all) of the Exams. This year, IIRC they didn’t post any of the June exams though (those scores aren’t even available until August) and certain forms of the May exams, but kids usually have a good sense of how well they did or not.

@4kids4us I’m not overly motivated but have been doing it in bits and pieces. Totally unmotivated admittedly to buy anything for my daughters apartments because they can shop like crazy and the idea of outfitting their rooms again from the bottom up, isn’t fun. My son is much easier going. Just got him Timberland boots for the cold winters he will be enduring and a crazy heavy North Face coat, so he should be set there. But not needing to fly for him makes things much easier. BBB has more stuff online than in the stores. The stores are sort of depressing tbh.

As for the mattress toppers, I did read somewhere that certain brands you have to be careful about because of the chemicals in them so be careful. Check the reviews and research.

I’m just counting on the ziplock Space Bags do what they say they will do so I can get it back to its original packing size and get other things compacted as well!

I have my daughter’s from freshman year in our basement. It was so huge when she went back last year, instead of storing the damn thing like she was supposed to, I had to buy her a new one. So, that huge thing is in my basement rolled up but so thick. I can’t even imagine trying to smush it down to the size it once was. Worse even was that I sent her the new one after we made the bed and she was so lazy that she never wanted to undo her mattress pad and put the new foam topper on the bed, so it sat there unopened all year. I was going to use that then for my son but I couldn’t fly back with in May so we were going to bring it back with us when we get her later this month in NY. Just our luck her stuff in storage can’t be delivered until mid-August. I mean this is so comical. So either we take the old one which I don’t think will fit with all the stuff we already bought, or buy another new one. So, I sucked it up and bought the new one. Would love to see if those ziplock space bags really work, but it was probably cheaper to just buy the new one than the vacuum pack stuff at this point. Unreal.

My large checklist is dwindling though so that makes me happy. Something else I remember was a good buy that I just bought for my son. Target has desk lamps and clip on lamps for $7. They’re LED and they’re great and pretty bright. Different colors available too.

Also for anyone who needs pots and pans for kids in apartments. They have a Farberware 15 pieces set on sale for $39.99 that also comes with a whole set of utensils. Great deal.

The order of space bags was MUCH cheaper than the topper…remains to be seen if they work! I’m not too worried though…we will be taking two cars because I will be staying overnight in the area (even though I won’t be able to see my D after drop-off) because I don’t want to do that round trip in a day (but my H will need to go back) and I may drive on to visit my sister further south. I figure, worse comes to worst and the mattress won’t shrink much, I can put something (not too big) in my H’s car if it won’t all fit in mine. Two cars aren’t allowed at drop-off but H could transfer the last stuff to my car before returning home and I suppose my D could meet me at the sidewalk in front of her dorm at dawn before orientation gears up the next morning, to lug one last armload of something up to her room. We’ll get that topper there somehow! The dorm mattresses look thin and rock hard.

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The space bags have worked great for us, but we’ve never tried them with anything as large as a topper.

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Well, I’ll be a pioneer for everyone then! I’m going to wait awhile before trying to stuff the topper in…a few reviews said the bags are fine for many uses, other reviews say they start leaking after a time or two so I’m not doing a trial run. Letting that baby air out for a few more weeks as D doesn’t move in until late August.

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For the reasons discussed, we’ve not aired our mattress topper out. But I feel badly not doing so. Dilemmas. I guess S will have to deal with it. (Which means he probably wouldn’t even notice one way or other. But I will feel badly!)

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Me. Us. D is definitely chilling.

We’ll probably be picking up stuff on the way down for our mid-September move-in. :person_shrugging:

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As far as dorm shopping, D has done NONE of it, she could care less. I am getting just was is needed for the dorm and no decor what so ever, the only pillow I bought was the “husband” one to lean back on when studying. Very practical over here.

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Not an issue at Purdue either. Courses are picked based on predicted scores and taking old exams. Easy to shift if needed during the add/drop period.

Colleges are used to it, even big flagships.

Count me in to the unmotivated-to-shop group. We have bought almost nothing and move in is 4 weeks away. S has been working and spending time with friends, and we were away on vacation for a week, but now time is getting short so I need to kick us both into gear. I used to love to shop - even browsing around Target was fun for me. Now it feels exhausting, which is great for my bank account but not so much for getting stuff done!

Good luck with AP results, everyone! S is only waiting on one score that will make a difference to his schedule.


I’m glad to know that it’s easy to switch classes if needed. I have to chuckle at predicted scores as D did better on the AP tests she thought were tough and worse on the ones she thought were easy so not predictable!

Does she have scores from this year already? Isn’t there some hack to see score early? I seem to remember that from another thread.

Nah. She didn’t take her senior year tests. I’m talking about the ones from soph and junior year.

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If anyone is looking for winter gear, one of my favorite sites is having a big sale Steep&Cheap75%off

Some of the best brands and sizes are out of stock but some good bargains. The parent company Backcountry may have additional items on sale.


I was motivated to Get It Done. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:. Which it is, at least 95%. Told D she can deal with any miscellany once she gets there. At first it was fun, but sheesh. I wanted the last weeks before send-off to be free for a little spontaneous fun, with no worries about stuff. D gave notice to end her job at the end of the month so maybe we can fit in a little road trip of some kind.

The hack does not work this year since, unlike in previous years, all scores from the same testing date are released simultaneously. The only possible way to see scores early is for prefrosh if their college has updated their portal with scores. And that totally depends on the college.

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Some colleges have already posted them on their student’s portals. Ours hasn’t, so maybe tomorrow and if not then I assume
nothing until Wednesday

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S21 didn’t send his scores to his college, so we will just have to wait!


Same here.

I never really understood CB’s staggered release over geographic regions and then students “hacking” by creating VPN’s in the local area. If it’s a website traffic thing, then let Amazon or Microsoft handle your web services. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: