Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

S got his roommate assignment and I encouraged him to reach out. It took a couple of weeks but he finally did last week and found out his roommate requested a switch. I can only assume the other boy met someone at orientation? Now S currently has no roommate but he wants one. I suggested he email the residential life office but if everyone else is assigned, I’m not sure what they will do.

Time is almost here to say goodbye to anyone still at the waitlist bar. We will mail the tuition check later this week. Good luck to anyone still waiting to hear who would be able to switch in August.

I’m the meantime, saying a little prayer that our kids will still have a pretty open and normal fall at school, that we will be allowed to unpack their dorm rooms, etc. :crossed_fingers:


Shed my first unexpected tears today:
Realized that when I grocery shop and check expiration dates (eg yogurt) some dates are now after S will have left for school.

I am feeling the nest shrink.

And while I’m still very excited for S, I didn’t expect to shed tears when explaining this grocery-shopping-phenomena to S this morning.

I’m not as mentally prepared for his departure as I had arrogantly/ignorantly thought.


Well D had class registration this morning. It went pretty well but she didn’t get all of her first choices. She really wanted Honors Bio but there were only 2 seats left and she got locked out. She is only in 4 classes for now (that is what her advisor suggested, I think because she has so many AP credits that transfer so she suggested taking it easy for the first semester?) She also ended up in Philosophy which she originally did not want but when she saw the other options she was OK with it. She may add a 5th class so she has wiggle room if she hates Philosophy and wants to drop it.

Her classes as of now are

Intro to Environmental (her major)
Intro to Philosophy
US Race & Ethnic Relations
Environment-Society Geography Honors (picked this since she couldn’t get into Bio and she really wanted an Honors class)

They do cover a lot of the Gen Ed requirements so that is good. She also managed to get every class in person which was harder than we expected and her earliest class is at 10:20, a nice perk since she got the off campus dorm and will have to take the shuttle bus.


We did our last round at the waitlist bar
last week. It feels great to not be thinking about “what if” anymore. The truth is S21 never bellied up; he took those waitlists as rejections back in March and moved on…smart kid.

Now it’s mainly excitement about moving and the next adventure.


That was smart of him to have that mindset. As many of us thought so far there has been no summer melt and nothing showing any sort of huge double depositing.

I feel bad for the rising seniors because I think they will have it even worse than our kids this cycle. ED and EA imo numbers will be higher but I think EA acceptances will be down so schools can better control yield until the RD round. Also think they will continue with huge waitlists but this time perhaps take less during the regular cycle and actually use the waitlists so they don’t end with the same problems as this year with over enrollment. Purdue is having major problems finding housing for 2500 freshmen. I thought it was only 1200 but a parent in the UM page has twins with one going to Purdue and said it’s 2500 and parents are raising a fit about it. Can’t blame them when they have to put your kids miles off campus etc and aren’t giving them the option to now opt for a gap year. I wonder if they’ve registered yet and how that went.

Crazy everywhere. Other schools also can’t fit all the freshmen in the dorms which will move to the classroom eventually too.


It is crazy. And these large first year classes (at Purdue, Northeastern, Colby, Kenyon, and others) may impact admissions this cycle. That bolus of students impacts everything…courses and course selection, housing, dining, clubs, etc.


And often there’s an over-correction in the next cycle.

Purdue’s tuition is “cheap.” I guess they’re making it up in volume. :grinning:

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Oh my this just made cry. Lately I am woken up in the middle of the freaking out that my S is leaving soon and I can’t fall back asleep because I don’t know how I will adjust to our new normal. I had been doing pretty well because I’ve just been so focused on how happy I am that my daughter get to go so college. I think I’m gonna be in for a rude awaking when I literally have to turn around and walk away from her.


I keep joking around with D and DW that my “concession” with her college drop off is that I’ll slow down to 20mph, pop the back cargo door and D will have to be ready to jump out with her all stuff. I’m not slowing down for her. And then we’ll be IMMEDIATELY heading back home after “drop off.”

Yes, I’ll be sad, but as I also keep saying to my kids, it’s the “circle of life.” Hakuna matata.


This picture has just been released by Purdue to give freshman an example of on-campus housing this year. :laughing:

I’m kidding of course.


Yep. D’s year at Purdue was overenrolled. The following year they accepted fewer students to hit their target enrollment.

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S thankfully moved on after Notre Dame closed in May. He only has a couple of large publics left in the West left and now with Delta it’s not happening I’m sure due to questionable housing density. I was unproductively staying at the bar just in case somebody came to their senses and realized they should have admitted him to the other three. LOL. We are excited now too. Since I couldn’t go on the tour being unvaccinated at the time, I’ll be thrilled to check it out next month.


My first meltdown when preparing for my oldest to leave the nest was also at the grocery store! In this case it was because of not needing to stock up on special items only consumed by that specific kiddo. So hard!

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Yes! Am now starting to dread that last goodbye. My anticipated grief is finding bread crumbs of escalation every day now. Little things. Like walking by the growing items of dorm supplies placed in formal DR. Annual Termite inspection occurs in Sept “after S” is gone. Etc.

We might need to find some new hobbies quickly!!! Or find a demanding new puppy??? (I suggested that to H and he has already nixed that option.) I then suggested fostering puppies and that, too, didn’t thrill him. Sigh.


Yes!!! Same. Every aisle carried little emotional bombs of anticipated grief Bc now I can still purchase those items that only S cares about having in pantry or fridge….but in a few weeks there will be no more need for those items!!! I’m realizing he has a lot of special things he likes. I stared at black olives this weekend and thought about him. Yep. I need a puppy (Bc my 16 y/o really has little need for me right now and is on happy countdown for when older S leaves. My grief is his joy!)


Careful there. My D has been volunteering for several years for a dog rescue company and a couple years ago, we allowed D to bring home a foster dog. We fell in love with the foster dog, but the foster dog went off to her “forever home,” (new owner) and the next thing you know, we got a puppy.

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Thanks to these recent sentimental posts, I am now getting teary as my D’s move-in approaches. We are making up her trundle tonight with all her dorm bedding (from the mattress bed bug cover, topper to the decorative throw pillows) so she can see it all together and send a pic to her roomie as they finalize their planning. I fully expect to have an emotional meltdown during this endeavor. I am so excited for her but can’t imagine the house without her. However, I can guarantee my new hobbies will not include a new pet! Art classes, volunteering with the park conservancy, travel… but no more pets!


We just received the move-in day schedule for D21. I was fine reading through the schedule: move in, picnic lunch, president’s and deans’ welcome, opening ceremony, reception, then…5 p.m. - final goodbyes to your family. :cry: I lost it.


I think we will be given a one-hour time slot to move D in…and
leave :worried:. There will be things for parents to do, but without our students. For that reason I’m driving her there the day before so we can have the evening and maybe morning at our leisure before move-in. I can’t handle the idea of five-ish anxious hours in the car, a hurried hour of work, and then nothing. Too harsh for my tender heart!