Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

My son wants to loft the bed so we will have to do that. They actually say it’s not difficult and 2 people can do it. I have already told my husband he can. One trick I heard people say to do as far as making the bed though (wish I heard this before) is to put mattress on floor, and make the bed that way, then put it back on the loft. I sure hope it will see the light of day again and my son will change it, but at least I will have done my job then. If it’s not changed again until parents weekend then I guess I will be doing it again then.

I have so much crap in my living room I cannot imagine moving him in that quickly, but I think also because we have to empty the car and also still get to Target and stuff and I keep thinking of a prior move in experience when there were not enough bins. I’m definitely scarred from that. :wink:


I am coming the 26th-31st because I wasn’t sure if we were going to be invited to come early. I am going to have a lot of time on my hands to explore MA.

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I think lofting the bed might take 20 minutes!!

I have WAY more brawn than brains and I thought of jumping out the 1st floor dorm window back in 2018, when attempting to loft the two beds for D and her roommate. I wish your husband the best of luck.

Anyone here have kids attending UCSD? One of the reasons my D18 went OOS:


That comment scares me. My husband is useless and not handy. This makes me think that it’s going to wind up being my son and me doing it. No surprise I guess. A lot of mom’s said they did it with their kids so I guess I can handle it but prefer to do the more mundane stuff like putting stuff away and organizing and bossing my husband around, lol.

At least no roommate to worry about when this will be going on but that said, also probably no one else to flag down to help if need be.

Ugh UCSD too? Where isn’t this happening? I just saw Wash U also has too many freshman and is moving sophomores to other housing.

It’s not really about being handy, but about strength and lifting the HEAVY wood bed up and on top of the dresser(s) and lining up the steel pins into the drilled holes. It’s one thing to just lift it to waist level, like a gym curl, but you have to lift it to your chest level and holding it steady in order to get the bed to line up into the holes.

Maybe I’m making it seem more difficult than it truly is, but I just know hovering the heavy bed over and on top to line the steel pins with the holes took time. And not pinching your fingers underneath is a key too.

Edited for image:

This is SIMILAR to what we had in D18’s dorm room.

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My son is lofting his bed also, my husband should be able to do it for him. There is no way I could help lift a bed.

I am thinking of shopping for his dorm stuff in the Chicago area before we drive to the school. I am hoping the Target and BBB will be better stocked there? S also told me the school is taking them via a bus to Costco to shop one day.

Remarkable how callous the school is to the rising sophomores.

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“Unexpectedly large class” about sums up the situation almost everywhere in the top 100, at least. Still marveling at how off the yield calculations were.


FWIW, S19’s bed was easy to loft. He and my 5-foot-tall D21 did it in about 5 minutes, maybe less. They put it on the highest level, so head-height.

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S and his roommate want their beds lofted. We found a video of two girls demonstrating how to loft and unloft the beds at his college and they made it look super easy. I hope its as effortless as they made it seem!

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This is the consensus among parents on the fb pages too saying it’s much easier than it seems. Many moms have said they have done it with their daughters and even when the kids don’t like it it’s easy to change to half loft. It’s not something I want to spend a lot of time thinking about especially in a non air conditioned room so really hoping my son can decide quickly and we get it done.

The good news is he may have 3 days of lead time in the room alone to get settled in before his roommate moves in so the less amount of sweating this old mom can do in getting him settled, the better and happier she will be! :slight_smile:

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FYI, Costco has laundry duffel. Online it’s $40/2 but less in-store and you can buy singles in the store. Costco things last forever and if they break, you can return them.


I don’t think anyone thinks a 4 is a bad score. It’s great in a stand-alone context and shows mastery of the topic (as does a 3). If the goal is to get college credit, then that context may change for specific students depending on the specific college policy. For example, my D wanted credit for Calc BC and that could only happen with a 5 at her college. Her friend gets credit at a different college with a 4 (and coincidentally got a 4). Both goals achieved!!! Woohoo!


Are you sure the 20 minutes isn’t just for unloading the car? I’m about to do my 3rd move-in at my 3rd university and the time slot is for the time you have to unload before you need to move the car. Then you can spend time in the room getting set up. I hope that’s the case for you! (Although boys are quick :wink: )


We lofted a bed at Virginia Tech which required a rubber mallet and flipping the bed upside down and banging it on the floor to get it loose from its current setting. Definitely a 2 person job, and of course my husband ended up bleeding on the brand new sheets :roll_eyes: At least the first aid kit was handy.


Still not much reporting going on about the cycle and yield. I’m so curious!


Sure does and you and I were the two loudest who didn’t think there was much double depositing as the “experts” tried to claim there would be and that would equate to huge summer melts and hence the long awaited waitlist movement. Well? Where is it? These people just don’t want to acknowedge they have egg on their face and they made a mistake. Period.

One of my kid’s schools I’ve already paid the tuition which is due by 8/7. The next two bills are going to be coming in the next few weeks. I have friends that have also paid their tuition bills, so it does not appear that there will be a huge summer melt or waitlist movement. Some of course like all Augusts, but wow what an end to a crazy application year.


A couple of the UCs I thought might cause late movement could have changed plans if they weren’t sure about housing triples due to Delta. LA in particular it was reported was one of few UCs to not grow enrollment in ‘21. However Berkeley I think did increase. Anyway, looks like I was incorrect but will be interesting to see reporting eventually.

We send my S check Saturday. He’s still on 2 WL at UW and UCLA but wouldn’t switch and it will be too late. Other students who committed to some public schools can still accept August spots.

With all the crap I’ve bought, class schedule done, dorm assignment made, hotel reservations, retreat at school, sports tickets bought and paid for, I cannot imagine my kid changing course now, lol. But I guess for some if it’s their dream school they will sacrifice everything they’ve already done and would probably sleep in a tent to go to that school they’ve dreamed of their whole life lol.

As far as UC’s I don’t know how their system works, but I cannot imagine having a kid going to school in LA and the cluster going on again there and parents should be happy they’re mandating the vaccine just in hopes to have as normal year as possible.