Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

Congrats on the scores but yuck on the higher tuition bill for jr status through AP

It’s so odd the way they hike up tuition like that. I remember someone asking why and getting the answer ‘because they can’ which is kind of silly since plenty of universities could do that and don’t. I guess as long as people know what they’re in for up front, have at it.

Any of these schools “can” but that doesn’t mean they have to, so I’m with you. I had never heard of this before and I only recently learned that all the public schools in Michigan seemed to do it so it is truly a Michigan thing. Weird, but it is what it is. Someone tried to say because upper level courses cost more $ because they’re smaller. Well, there are plenty of smaller freshman and sophomore classes too, so that doesn’t jive either. I assume if someone really did their research or interviewd someone in the legislature or regents they would be able to find the answer, but it’s clear it isn’t changing anytime soon.

The good news on the other hand is that their R&B for freshman year is a lot less than expected so I guess that money can be put away for that extra tuition in later years. Yipee!


We had 5 in Bio, 5 in Psych and a 3 in Micro Economics. Still waiting on Macro Economics and Stats.


I have been away for a few weeks and had a lot to catch-up on. We have done zero shopping for dorm or winter clothes, I better get on that this weekend. S got his roommate and so far they like each other and have a lot in common. S didn’t take any AP test this yr. I have been very sentimental lately and just thinking about S leaving has me đŸ„Č. He quit his job already, but is always hanging out with friends.


Thankfully my D only cared about her Calc BC score because that was the only 5 she received! She knew that going into the exams and it definitely took the stress off the others (looking at the 4s in Bio, Physics C Mech, and English Lang, maybe too much stress off! LOL)

Since she is on a pre-med track, she never planned to take AP credit for any sciences. She had credit for English Lit, French and APUSH from last year so adding Calc BC to that was the icing on the cake and closed the door on CollegeBoard forever! Woohoo!


4s are good scores, I’m sure you know that.


Oh yes!! Absolutely! I shouldn’t have been so flippant with that comment. And to be clear, we are super proud of her and, most importantly, she is proud of herself. It was a bit humorous to our family because her only goal was to get a 5 in Calc so she said she used her time and energy wisely (said with humor). Honestly, if her school did not require all AP exams, she would have skipped all but the Calc BC exam.


Congrats. But “we” did not take the AP exams; your kid did. :joy:


S21 didn’t take any AP tests senior year, he was all dual credit.

Exactly 3 more weeks until move in!!!


S21 ended up with 5s on both Physics C Mechanics and E/M. Very happy/relieved kid!

I feel like we are having to put in extra effort to check everything off the list that’s S is supposed to be doing prior to move-in. He attended his scheduled virtual orientation but then received an email saying that he hadn’t attended and had to reschedule. He definitely attended and participated in the small breakout groups, I could hear him in his room talking with the group. It took a few emails but he was able to prove that he really was there.

Then, S had to submit his proposed schedule to his advisor by a certain date, which he did. A week after the due date she emails reminding him to submit it and the consequences of submitting it late, etc. But he already did submit it, and when he clicks on the scheduling link it tells him that he already responded. Hopefully its just a mistake (like orientation) because it looks like he has been scheduled for a few of the classes in his portal.

We are also both getting urgent emails about uploading medical/immunization info to the schools health center
which is another thing that we’ve already done. Hopefully things go more smoothly as move-in day gets closer!


Funny that people think a 4 is a bad score. My son got a 4 on Calc BC and we are all thrilled! With his 6 on the IB exam and passing Whitman College’s placement exam, he will get 8 credits of college calculus and start in Multivariable calculus in the fall. I suppose other colleges are more strict.


A lot of colleges’ tuition go up each year. We expect a 4-5 percent increase each year. Bowdoin didn’t increase tuition last year so the increase this year was on the 2019-2020 total that was the same as 2020-2021 so that’s saving us a little money? I’ll take it where we can.

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If colleges give credit to 3’s on AP, it’s a good store. I’ve always thought 3+ was awesome.


My son just reserved his move-in time and date. My daughter and I are having a good laugh. It took us 3 days with all our back and forth to the stores. He gets 20 minutes :laughing:.


This isn’t a good way to start, is it? Hope thing improve.

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This isn’t quite the same thing. Their tuition goes up some % each year at all levels, but once you hit 55+ hours there is an automatic jump. So for instance for this year, anyone less than 55 hours pays one rate, and anyone over 55 hours pays a much higher rate (6k/more). So next year, it’s 6k more plus the increase % of tuition.

Cornell goes up about 3.5% every year, but it doesn’t matter if you have 1 credit hour of 150 credit hours, you pay the same tuition. Just because she started a sophomore, doesn’t mean she had to pay more $. It is something that the state of Michigan does for all of their public Universities I have since learned. I don’t know of any state (or school outside of MI) that does this. UM also charges more money if you take more than 18 credit hours. So, it is highly likely that come next Fall, UM will cost more than Cornell with my son being restricted to 18 hours and my daughter not. Great educations at both schools, but just goes to show how crazy expensive tuitions are. I remember UVA was more expensive than both. My saving grace is that UT is less than $7k/semester and the biggest bargain ever, minus how they and the state has dealth with Covid that is highly disappointing, but we know that’s a different conversation.

So many schools lock in tuition, you’re lucky Bowdoin hasn’t.

Omg, who can move in 20 mins?

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My daughter signed up, too, and it’s after the Moovers are available. I better start working out, LOL.

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It might be possible – from what I understand most of the rooms at Williams are cozy. Based on our sleepaway camp experience, my D will be happy to let me make the bed with hospital corners and then will be happy to set things up herself. :crossed_fingers:t2:

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