Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

D21 finally got her roommate assignment. Looks like a good match on paper, they started texting and it seemed fine, now she hasn’t heard back from her since last night. Hope she’s just busy and not blowing D off. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

About a week ago D got an email saying there was room in a RAP (like an LLC) that is located in the dorm next to hers. Normally you live in the dorm for your group, they have activities together and they offer about 10-12 small classes a semester right in the dorm. I guess this RAP did not get filled (probably because it is in the off campus dorm -nobody usually chooses that location!) and now they are opening it to all the kids in the off campus dorms. At first she ignored it but yesterday she clocked the link to see what classes are offered. There were a few she liked so now she is trying to serif she can rearrange her schedule to fit it in.

Pros - you will be in a group of kids who live near you and it could help the big school feel smaller, you get to take at least one class a semester in the dorm next to you with a max of 15 people. Cons - Costs a little extra money, would have to rearrange schedule.

The schedule change would have her drop one class she didn’t love anyway (Philosophy - 75 people), one class she really likes but can take another time (Race & Ethnic Relations - 200 people) and add a small class she really wanted (History of Music - 15 people) and a big online class she can use for her major (Bio online & lab in person.) She is a little nervous about taking a harder class like Bio online but it is the only thing open that fits - such a hard decision!


Just got notice today that Yale is requiring testing as soon as they arrive on campus and then weekly. Also masking indoor areas which is no big deal for my son but the testing seems extreme.

Add University of Alabama to the indoor mask mandate. I feel Texas schools will not be far behind.

Ohio State did this all last year. On campus students had to test immediately upon moving to campus, and then weekly throughout the year. It’s a huge school, so it’s pretty amazing they were able to pull that off. Before returning in January an at-home test was mailed to students and they had to provide the sample in front of a online proctor before mailing it back. For this coming year they aren’t requiring the vaccine (but are heavily encouraging it), and vaccinated kids will only have random testing rather than the weekly testing (at least until October when the governor’s bill kicks in requiring them to treat vaxxed and unvaxxed the same).

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Texas won’t because the governor has forbidden mandates for any state funded institution…. Florida too. We got email yesterday from UCF again encouraging vaccination and requiring attestation of no symptoms on their COVID self checker app prior to picking up keys. So it’s the honor system I guess. No mandated testing and masks if it’s the “student’s preference” which is all the governor can allow. We had a discussion last night at dinner about the overfull Orlando hospitals and crowded ERs and how D21 hopefully will not have any medical issues that require ER (she has a food allergy so this is not outside the realm of possibility), which then evolved into a very frank discussion about alcohol intoxication and alcohol poisoning. So maybe a small silver lining to the COVID mess that it brought that discussion to the forefront. D21 was appalled when I told her I had been drunk, at the age of 21. :joy:

She was appalled you got drunk when you were 21? Sounds like that discussion was necessary!


D did not attend any high school parties in high school. She went to a post high school party a couple of weeks that had alcohol. She drank White Claw, got a little buzz, but purposely avoided getting drunk. She went camping also and there was tons of alcohol there. Again, kept to sipping White Claw and Power Aid. Focused on staying hydrated and not losing control. She has learned to partake in the fun but be smart about it. Now has confidence in a tried and true strategy to use in college when the inevitable parties take place


I am certainly not excited to be sending by D18 to UF for law school in a week with the rampant covid down in Florida. But she had it last fall and was vaccinated this spring so hopefully she has lots of antibodies….


Just saw this in one of our Tech parent groups :flushed:

My state is an embarrassment of riches.

I can’t believe colleges are having to resort to bribery to get people to do the right thing and just get the vaccine!

I just ordered an air purifier for my son’s dorm room…don’t know if it’s going to matter but it will help me sleep a little better night. My anxiety level is now back to sky high because of our governor’s sheer stupidity and willfully obstinate attitude towards science.


The air purifier will help for sure. But they tend to be noisy.

kind of like knowing your parents did the deed. :laughing: she did not want to think I was ever drunk!


They have to bribe people because the governor won’t let them require it. I don’t know if I would characterize that as an embarrassment of riches (although I recognize your sarcasm :wink: ), but at any rate I hope it motivates more people to get the vaccine.


Maybe there is more than one talk that needs to happen :joy:

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Well it’s official - the idea of one’s parents doing that never stops grossing you out. I’m almost 50 and I just threw up in my mouth after reading your post :money_mouth_face:

Right. Correct me if I’m wrong but I think you mean to say that 21 is pretty old to be drunk for the first time!? We have been honest with our kids from the start about alcohol. I drank in high school. We don’t drink much now, but we definitely talked to both kids about choices we made when we were younger hoping to show them we have experience with college drinking and have good advice for them to stay safe.


Oh yeah, I totally get it. I just thought it was funny that her kid was aghast that she had even gotten drunk at legal age :wink:

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On Monday, Hamilton notified families that masks would be required during move-in and at indoor orientation activities. Students will be tested upon arrival and again 5 to 7 days later.

Today’s update is that the college will require masks indoors for fall semester, except when alone or with roommates in residence hall rooms, attending to personal hygiene, or eating. :mask:

Hamilton handled Covid extremely well last school year, and I think this year will be even better.

We leave in a week!

ETA: Vaccinations are required.


How can they say masks all fall? Who knows how this will go? It’s possible this wave will be over soon. And, for the millionth time, those vaccinated have the teeniest tiniest chance of going to the hospital with Covid.

As of today, Colgate is masks on upon arrival and until day seven when everyone takes the second rapid test. Then, those vaccinated can unmask. Who knows if it will stay that way.

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Unless something hasn’t been updated on their website, this is what Hamilton’s site says.

Unvaccinated students and employees are required to wear a mask when indoors, except when students are in their rooms, eating, or attending to personal hygiene, or when employees are alone in their offices. All unvaccinated people on the Hamilton campus must wear a face covering when within six feet of another person when outdoors. Vaccinated students and employees may also choose to wear masks while on campus, and the College will provide masks or other protective equipment to anyone upon request. Please refrain from making judgments when encountering someone on campus who is wearing a mask.

Sorry for so many posts. Hamilton did have a masking update today but it says this - “for the time being”. They will continue to monitor the recommendations from the CDC.

“In accordance with CDC guidance, the College will for the time being require anyone on campus to wear a face covering when indoors on campus.”

They did not say masks all semester.