Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

Their website might be out of date? It said only with symptoms but mask up until test is passed.

July 27, 2021: ā€œ* Added a recommendation for fully vaccinated people who have come into close contact with someone with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 to be tested 3-5 days after exposure, and to wear a mask in public indoor settings for 14 days or until they receive a negative test result.ā€

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The Delta variant is highly contagious. My son and his 5 friends, all fully vaccinated with Pfizer, went to Barcelona on a post-HS trip in early June. They mingled a lot and went to clubs. Of the 6 boys, three tested positive before their trip back. Two boys had symptoms (including my son) and one boy did not. The symptoms were a little different - congestion, sore throat and the familiar luck of smell and taste, plus fatigue. My son was stuck in Spain for 14 days until he tested negative. So, it is not super dangerous but enough to wreck the quarter as you feel quite lousy.


Oh my, this was me forever ago when my parents ā€œforcedā€ me to take the free ride to state flagship + Honors program instead of the expensive LAC of my dreams. I was a bit grumpy about it, maybe more than a bit. And then I went to orientation and met my peeps in the Honors Dorm and had fantastic professors and interesting classes and I have excellent memories and lifelong friendships from that experience. It is quite likely a similar transition will happen for her.

Like @Midwestmomofboys I also have one kid who does not process transitions well. In her case, she was going to the school of her dreams and I was unprepared for the tears and the angst. And of course, by the time they kicked the parents out after move in, she was all smiles. So she may be processing a lot of anxiety about the unknown and feeling like she was forced into a choice may be accentuating it.

I agree, itā€™s great that sheā€™s willing to confide her fears and anxieties to you, even if it may be stressful and exhausting for you. There is also the phenomenon of ā€œsoiling the nest,ā€ which I donā€™t think is the case here but is adjacent. In that case, the kid is surly and unpleasant to the point of everybody welcoming the transition to college.

Do keep an eye on her, though. If she still seems to be struggling after a few weeks, she might want to seek out some counseling on campus.

Also care packages and letters can be a big hit. Youā€™d be amazed how big an impression a letter with a stamp makes!


Terrifying! Glad your son has (I assume!) fully recovered. I have been hearing now about most of the breakthrough cases having congestion too.

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That does not say that vaccinated people should isolate though, unless Iā€™m missing something?


It doesnā€™t use the word ā€œisolateā€ but ā€œwear a mask in indoor settingsā€ ā€“ the former would be more responsible (and Iā€™d bet thatā€™s what the recommendation will be very soon).

My son has recovered, thank you. At least I hope that his sleeping till 10-11 in the morning and doing nothing with his days except going to the gym/basketball court and hanging out is not due to long Covid brain fog but just enjoying the last days of the summer break. :smile:


That must have been scary, glad he is ok.

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Thank you so much for sharing your story. I truly believe sheā€™s going to a great experience. As much as Iā€™m trying to savor these last couple of weeks I think it would be helpful for her to already be there.

She got her roommate assignments today and was happy. Sheā€™s reached out to them but hasnā€™t heard back yet. I think once they start getting to know each other before move in some or her worries will start to fade.

She will absolutely love letters and care packages so thank for reminding me to send one out relatively soon because I know it will put a smile on her face. I remember loving the ones my parents sent to me.

We discussed campus counseling resources today in fact. With all the advice here Iā€™ve been able to really have some meaningful conversations with her and I can tell they are helping both of us.

Thank you, truly!


@mom2jgd Yup. We tested within the days recommended and weā€™re stuck at home, masked, isolated from patient zero til we got our negative test results, which came at 10:47pm. Immediately, S21 bucked out of the house and headed to In and Out Burger drive thru with his friend :joy:

Symptoms my husband had included sore throat (when he told us that, I was alarmed since itā€™s not cold flu season), tired for two days (slept), headaches, achiness, loss of smell. Luckily, he was fine after day 3 but I can still hear him cough from time to time.

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My daughter is feeling some apprehension too about going 1200 miles away to a school where she doesnā€™t know anybody. We had a visit with my dad over the last few days, and he pointed out to her that our dog is really old and sheā€™s going to be far away; asked how sure she is that this is the right school; asked what her top 2 or 3 apprehensions about going are. Iā€™m like, what are you doing?? I try to acknowledge concerns but spin things in a positive light. Obviously he didnā€™t get the memo.

My father in law is like that. No censor anymore.

The crazy thing is, heā€™s very excited for her and proud of her, but thatā€™s his twisted idea of appropriate conversations to have with a rising college freshman! Iā€™m like, dude can we focus on the positives?


Yep. I totally get it. My son is up there visiting with him right now. I donā€™t even want to know what they are talking about. My fil took him on a long driving tour of a nearby town destroyed by wildfire and an empty drought lake. Good times. :upside_down_face:


Miami just sent email. Mask required indoors. However not when they are in their own dorm rooms. Vaccine status has to be verified with school and if no vaccine weekly testing. If anyone tests positive it is off to quarantine.

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UW Madison also announced earlier this week that masks are mandatory indoors even for those vaccinated.

I am not sure who kidnapped my introverted D. But this faded purple headed girl just got back last night from a camping trip to Taos with 12 friends from school. She drove the round trip (5 hours one way). She then headed out early this AM to central Texas for the optional pre-freshman adventure camp.

The school sent an email asking for local kids such as her to reconsider living at home instead of the dormsā€¦offering a 2k "scholarship if they do. School is having trouble finding housing for all the freshman. D is very much looking forward to the residential experience and excited for all that comes with that.

On Covid front, Still no mask or vaccine mandateā€¦as it is a state school in Texas. The school is sending out ā€œurging kids to get vaccinatedā€ emails and setting up vaccine clinics on campus. I am getting anxious to see how Delta plays out. I think it will burn through the campus pretty quickly. Have no idea how many students or faculty/staff are vaccinated. I donā€™t see the school going fully online this semester. My neighbor is an engineering professor and he says they are fully in person with no plans for online. As far as gap year. Dā€™s scholarships that cover full cost of attendance canā€™t be put on hold. If she does not attend they are null and void.
I understand this is all very fluid and things can change on a dime, one thing that is constant is D will be a freshman no matter what this year/semester turns out to be.


My Dā€™s CC isnā€™t mandating the vaccine (unfortunately) but today they announced that everyone has to mask on campus regardless of vaccination status. My Dā€™s response was simply, ā€œgood.ā€

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