Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

My D19 had plants in her dorms. She just knew they would have to be given away at the end of the year. She’s found people staying on for summer that wanted them.

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Mine soiled the nest big time earlier in the summer. She was lashing out at me for things I had absolutely nothing to do with. it wasn’t until I checked in here, found out it has a name, it’s a thing and that it’s not my fault that I was able to feel a bit better.

Lately she has been extra clingy. Wanting to do individual dates with each family member. Lots of hugs and kisses for me and just being ridiculously sweet. I much prefer this end of the spectrum. I am sorry yours is soiling, it’s not fun.

Of course now with all the extra sweetness, I feel like it’s going to be harder to say goodbye to her next week. This emotional roller coaster is no joke.


Bowdoin gave out plants last semester. S19 kept his alive! I’m totally buying some for D once we get to campus.


My D found plant sitters who lived locally for her plants. Wasn’t always 100% successful, but most plants made it through.

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Lol! The cynic in me is whispering in your ear, “Don’t worry, she’ll soon switch gears and soil the the nest again RIGHT before she leaves”.

Bc I’m projecting.
Bc my S has been lovely lately….until this morning. Now he wants to pretendhis dorm is like a house I suppose and has all these ideas of how he wants to transform it. (Let’s just say antique stores, nails, record players- I am not jesting, and buying a “real camera” , not his phone, for taking scenic pictures of his future new city are all involved.)


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My D would like a plant but I think it’s good to wait to see what kind of light the room gets, to know what kind of plant would be happiest. For example, I know my D has a west-facing window but I think there might be a large tree near her window so IDK. If you know there’s a lot of light, little cacti and other cute succulents are popular these days and super-easy, as are vining philodendron (which will tolerate somewhat lower light but not shade) and grow like crazy.

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Ha! Oh, I’m walking on eggshells trust me. We haven’t even started the conversation of what clothes she is brining. My child LOVES stuff, lots of it. I think I may just let her stuff our car and then she will realize it all won’t fit and I’ll just bring the leftovers back home. I don’t have the bandwidth to try and convince her otherwise.

All I hear everyday is her “dorm aesthetic” meanwhile she hasn’t really spoken to her roommates who surely have their own aesthetics, so it’s going to be interesting! I mean they haven’t even decided who gets what bed. :flushed:

I had a similar conversation with my D… let’s wait and see after move-in. To indulge her, I bought a couple of small artificial plants from Ikea for her windowsill. I have a feeling those will be the only ones still “alive” at the end of the year. LOL


I like the idea of small plants. Both girls have fake plants for the dorm but maybe I’ll get D21 a real one this week and see how it goes.

Today is our last day at home. Yesterday D spent the whole day with her boyfriend, we barely saw her. This morning I woke up and saw a box of cookies in the trash, DH said oh yeah, there was a party out here at 3am. Apparently D had friends come over last night and they stayed up super late - two of them were on the couch this morning as I was getting DS ready for school. :rofl: I am glad she is getting tons of quality time in with everybody but we need some time with her too.

The only thing she has left to do is pack her clothes, shoes and pictures (she has been filling frames and printing pictures like crazy.) Sounded like a pretty easy day, until she told me she really was going to Miami with friends. She tried to get out of it but they were going for a girl’s birthday and she made D feel bad for backing out. D wants to be home by dinner so looks like I may be making a run down to get her if her friends aren’t ready to leave. Just what I needed, and extra two hour drive while I’m trying to get myself and the other kids (D19 has to work and deal with carpooling DS) organized.

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Little bamboo plants are easy, no soil needed just rocks and water, almost impossible to kill. Just don’t plant outside, bamboo will run wild.

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Chicago starts so late, we still have more than a month to go before drop-off. S21’s friends have slowly been departing, so there’s been several farewell parties from his former classmates.

I’m not too worried about the mask stuff. Class of '21 has been through so much…they can handle it. These kids are resilient.


I’m grinning big-time while reading this!!

Our kids continue to bring out all the emotions in us, which is a true gift. It may make us crazy sometimes, but they make us alive. Pretty darn magical these young things are.


Son doesn’t even have his dorm assignment yet. No roommate either. We are so behind. Sigh. :pensive:

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Roommates and housing assignments are released tomorrow for D. Finally. School starts 9/20, so we do have time. In-person orientation was last week, Friday and Saturday. D was bored with all the seminars and walking about campus.

Class schedules were “hacked” by someone on Reddit, so we know those already. Freshman are block scheduled, so you get the classes that they give you.

Now that D knows who her roommates are (she’s in what appears to be a spacious triple), there is fractionally more interest in packing. We bought duffel bags, yahoo! I figure anything missing can be shipped or ordered online. Waiting for the other shoe to drop…

Bryn Mawr is reporting verified campus vaccination rate of 95+% - yay! They are following CDC recommendations of masking in indoor public places on campus (minus dorm and dining) for at least a couple of weeks. As a lot of students will be flying in, that sounds appropriately prudent to me.

Who’s still waiting on AP results?


:joy: @NateandAllisMom When you spot your son in the house. Hahah.

Mine is hardly ever home now. The people are saying their “see ya’s,” from send off formal dinner (ok, what parent does this?! It’s friggin 99° in NorCal for a dress up) to pool parties to the kids just never being home since they are always together.

I think we had a blow up a couple of weeks ago because I felt that my son was being a spoiled brat and ungrateful. Threatened to cancel the tuition check and 95% meant it. But there’s 23 ish days left and I’m hoping it’s smooth sailing. Trying not to be annoyed when the room is messy or when he doesn’t put the dishes away (the one chore) on time.

Back to thinking about packing.


@mamaedefamilia I thought all results had come out already…there’s more?

Son is never home so I don’t even see him to argue. He was home for about an 1 hr yesterday, left to a friend’s and is still not back…I guess at this age they don’t want to spend time with parents before leaving :cry:


For tests administered in June, results are released on August 16!

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My D’s AP Stat that was June 10th came out last week- earlier than they said.