Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

I can’t think of many things I’d rather do less than serve as a secretary for my fully-grown adult offspring, sorry!


Whatever works! :grinning: My D wants her passport so I’m fine with that, although with covid there is slim chance she’ll be heading out of the country for fall break or any time soon. Wishful thinking on her part! We never considered sending her SS card or birth certificate… just passport, power of attorney, a copy of her vaccination card as a backup. If she needs something else we can send it later. The little lockbox she is using is hardly Fort Knox, but it will keep important items in one place and provide a bit of security.


Don’t kids need their SS card and BC or passport for a job?


Sigh. DD can’t attend her orientation/tour today after all. My husband tested positive for Covid this morning, so we are all staying home until we can be tested (first available was tomorrow morning). We are all vaccinated, but then… so is he. The most frustrating thing? First his work made him come when he said he had symptoms and was getting tested. Now that he has a positive result? They’re still making him work in-person. I’m at a loss for words and very angry, especially since it was a work trip with forced in-person meals in restaurants and other group maskless events that most likely got him sick. If he weren’t active military he’d be quitting his job over this.

My D has never been asked for that at any of her jobs… summer camp counselor (two summers) and yard sign company. She completed a W-9 and provided a copy of her drivers’ license since both jobs required driving. Is that typical where you live?

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SS card isn’t generally needed. However, a passport (or BC) may be needed if your college student needs to enter/visit/work at a national lab or facility that requires proof of citizenship.


A pic of SS card (texted) might suffice for employment - I don’t know whether that’s technically correct, though we’ve done it and it was accepted (locally, just because someone forgot to bring it to new job - obviously of the teen variety).

I don’t know anyone who’s been asked for a birth certificate for a job. That would be useful to replace ID or get a passport; we did have to fedex that last spring so D19 could get passport for summer internship abroad.


Thanks for the additional information. And thanks, @Aguadecoco, for bringing it up.

I think S showed his BC and SS card for work. In any event he is taking his docs because he needs to renew his passport once he turns 18.


If I am remembering correctly, acceptable ID when under 18 can be a drivers license and school id. Once you are over 18, companies will have a list/options to verify your identity that go beyond just a drivers license.

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Aww, @milgymfam I’m so sorry that your D is having a tough week!!

We left D21 with a copy of her birth certificate, social security card, actual Vaccine card and copies of the medical power of attorney papers (well, I forgot to make copies so those will be mailed and stuck in the same envelope.) Her passport is being renewed no and won’t be here for a few weeks. I’ll probably keep it here unless we decide to go visit D19 in Italy and for some reason D21 needs to fly out from Denver. D19 never needed any of those papers but I figure it can’t hurt to have them.

I would check with your student’s school about whether they need to bring original documents. From D’s school: “If you think you’ll want to work at Williams…make sure to pack original ID (i.e. passport, birth certificate, social security card, etc.) to use when filling out the Form 1-9.” In a separate email to families, the administration said that your student can present their document at check-in, and then families can take them home.


Good point. She turned 18 last fall, so perhaps it also has to do with the types of job she has had so far. She may be a 1099 contractor for one of her jobs, but I know she’ll get a W-2 for the camp counselor position. Or sloppy payroll practices!

I just asked her what her college required for a paid training session she completed this summer. She said she had to send a copy of her passport for the I-9, which makes sense because the I-9 is required for 18 and older. All the things we have to think of as our kiddos grow up!

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If your kid has a face that could be construed as “foreign” (as my Asian daughter’s face can be) it is important to be able to show proof of citizenship within 100 miles of any US border (which includes coastlines). Not something that most U.S. citizens have to think about. I admit I haven’t always packed her passport with me on EVERY short trip (we live not so very far from that 100-miles-to-a-coastline boundary, but I/she always carries at least a copy of the passport to have SOMETHING in hand should the worst happen until we can retrieve the real passport. Nerve-wracking. She became a U.S. citizen by law the moment she was stamped in at U.S. customs after being adopted in China, but she will have that lifetime burden of proof to bear should anyone question her.


Huh? I’m hardly their secretary. S19 has been gone for two years and his passport is just sitting here. I’ve done nothing with it. I don’t even think about it.


S19 has had two internships and filled out forms but never needed his social security card or passport. And they are both through NASA so I’d think the government would want mucho-IDs but nope. All I know is that he must have been good with just knowing his SS # and maybe used a copy of his drivers license. He’s never called home for any docs we have here.


That is odd because a drivers license is not proof of authorization to work in the U.S.


It can be if you have a Real ID license. My D just got hers but before that she just had to supply her SSN and a copy of her passport. She has never needed the originals.


Check out the requirements for the Form I 9- my kids have always had to either supply a passport or SS card if they only give their driver’s license for all their jobs. D18 always takes her passport and SS card with her. We also keep an electronic copy.