Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

This document conversation is very helpful. I will say my D22, who was adopted from China at age 9 months, has never encountered a situation where she had to prove her citizenship. We live in a coastal state.

  • Edit to say never asked for proof of citizenship beyond the standard documentation anyone is asked for when getting a new job, etc.

Fortunately, neither have we. But I read this on an adoption forum and scattered/rare news reports of citizens being detained/adoptive children being taken into custody temporarily several years ago when general issues with immigration and ICE were heating up. Human trafficking concerns surely played a part in it too. I think adoptive dads were more likely to be questioned in those instances. Never even a hint of trouble when D was little but once or twice when she was an older teen I’ve gotten a bit of side-eye when staying In hotels with her. One woman in a mid-town Manhattan hotel seemed a bit distressed, looking at us a little too much as we went down to check out. Not sure what that was about, but I do feel better carrying copies of her passport and adoption paperwork.


Maybe he was home when he filled those forms out for the first job and had what he needed here and then, for the second internship, they already had his info on file even though it was a different project. Checks come from the same place I believe.

I am sending my son to school with his ID, his vaccination card in a protective sleeve (he has a wallet sized version laminated) for the booster, and his passport card. I-9 allows you to use the passport card vs lugging the biggest passport.

For I-9, you def need another form of ID if you just have your drivers license. I just went thru this process with S21 when he applied for his new job a few months go and my new hires who just graduated from college are having to provide HR with similar documents.


My son’s college requires original social security card for on campus jobs. Every fast food job my kids have had have also required they bring their original SS Card for onboarding.

S21 isn’t going to work this fall semester but when he goes back for Spring he may get a job so I’ll give him his SS card then. His dorm has a lockable drawer in the dresser. His passport is expired and he needs a new one anyway now that he’s 18 so we’ll do that when he comes home i. September. We plan to start traveling internationally again in 2022, and I know he wants to start planning for study abroad, whenever his new passport comes in we’ll hand it over it to him to keep.

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Nationally it’s rare that an off-campus employer will demand the original SS card for verificaiton purpose. However, it could be more prevalent in certain geographical areas where there’re a large number of undocumented and USCIS enforcement actions are more frequent. For on-campus jobs, I’ve never heard a school requires an original SS card. Even international students can work on campus and almost all of them don’t even have SS cards.

A passport (or BC) may be needed in some very special circumstances. Some colleges have affiliated national labs/facilities. For national security reasons, they always demand proof of citizenship to even visit, let alone to work there.

Parent of graduated kids here with a suggestion – make physical copies and electronic copies of all important docs your kid might be taking physically with them. Wallets get lost, envelopes in the desk drawer “disappear” (only to be rediscovered months later). Having an electronic copy of a driver’s license etc. (front AND back) can make it much easier to get replacements! (spoken from experience . . . . )


If they get a job , they’ll need their social security card.


Fwiw D19 had to have a ss card to work at McDonald’s.


I guess the ss experience varies widely. My kids have had a total of 5 teen jobs so far and just needed the # but not the card.


Yup, I have one that worked at McDonald’s and one at Whataburger and both had to bring their social security cards at hiring.


My kids recently started jobs and both just took their passports, but yup, the places initially asked for SS cards before my kids offered up their passports.

My D21 is on the pre-orientation canoeing trip with @inthegarden’s D. I’ve only heard from her once which was to say that the kids on her trip are great, she is out of clean clothes, and she climbed a tree to get reception. Until she was about 12, she was constantly climbing trees, so it made me smile to think of her doing it again.

I thought they were going to have very wet weather today, but I looked at the radar for the Lynchburg, VA area where I think they are and I think the storms passed over them in the night. D21 got very nervous before the trip, so I’m so pleased that it’s working out, and I hope she won’t have to be as nervous before the actual move in.


Hopefully that settles the debate. :grinning:


Nope. No one needs a passport other than for international travel, and no one ever needs a SS card. Would never leave these items in a dorm room.

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I made an envelope with copies of health and dental insurance, prescription info, his Covid vaccine card and other medical info. On the outside of the envelope I wrote important phone numbers. We didn’t send passport or social.

Same here for S21 who got a summer job in June. He didn’t need to show the employer his actual card.

That is awesome (“climbed a tree to get reception”).


Great discussion. Since D21 only has a learners permit still, she is bringing her passport because she will need it to fly home. She has a pdf of her vaccine card. SS card stayed home and we have scans of her POAs and HIPAA authorization.

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Moved D21 into her room yesterday. Last night they had hall meeting and had a movie night in the football stadium on the video scoreboard. A trip to Target this AM and then time to let our baby girl spread her wings.