Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

In Texas, my medium stat kids didn’t get anything from a NESCAC. Brown is sending quite a bit of emails but Illinois does the most. For mail, it’s been Case, RPI and Chicago out in front for my STEM son. Tulane was the most aggressive for my D20. Some U of Miami and lots of Trinity U.

When I was a college recruiter, we had a big scholarship for NMFs and ordered names for kids just below the previous year’s selection index for NMSF qualification in about 20 states that yielded well.

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My high stats kid did not get anything from NESCAC

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My 14 year old got multiple emails from the Univ of Denver saying they are impressed with him and would like to help him with college options. Included in the email was a link to an online interactive quiz that would help figure out his college type. Anyone else get these emails? I am not sure if these are spam (address looked legitimate)or how they even got his email. Pretty aggressive and starting early!


My son probably received one or two mailers from most of the NESCAC schools. After he interviewed or participated in zoom info sessions he received a few more. Williams didn’t send him a lot. He got a nice catalog type mailer after he applied for WOW, but that was about it.
I agree with @gotham_mom , if you could pick a school based only on mailers, Kenyon would have won hands down.


Have been off CC for several months but just wanted to report back that we had a great college drop-off of D20 (after gap year) this week! Very excited for her as I know she is going to have an incredible 4 years. I wish you all the same for your wonderful kids from the class of 2021 :smiley:


Where is she going to school? Did she have a good gap year experience?

I have also been worried as my daughter is also out in the mountains doing pre-orientation during these crazy rains created by TS Fred. Heard from her today and she is having a blast- wet but all good. Hope this will make for great memories for years to come! Definitely not what anyone expected when they planned the activities.


If not mistaken, Duke.


We received mailers during D’s sophomore and junior year from all of the NESCACs except Middlebury. They purposely do not print a lot of marketing materials for environmental reasons. Although a thatched roof of glossy brochures would definitely drum up some attention! I recall Bowdoin’s as being the most clever and creative.


I totally understand this. My daughter transferred schools to be with her boyfriend of almost 2 years and just 1 month ago, he broke up with her. They will be living in the same apartment complex. It’s been tough but she’s kept herself busy. Hoping your daughter feels better soon.


First time back here for months as I needed the summer to unwind. So happy we’re done with the college application and agonizing decision process forever!!

We are now done to one. S21 is officially off. He did a pre-orientation program at Duke (which he loved) and then H and I went for move-in and family events, and his older brother met us there, which was fun. S didn’t want any decorations, but thanks to his roommate’s family, the room looks great (though it’s tiny). We flew with everything in 1 big roller and 2 huge duffles. I miss him, but see where he’s been on life 360, or as my kids fondly call it, the stalker app.

We leave with D21 toward the end of the month. She’s planning to get almost everything in NYC. I hope this works! I don’t know NYC at all, and just see it as daunting. Barnard isn’t even allowing parents to enter the dorms, so we’re hoping they have lots of helpers! It will feel weird not to see where she’s living, though I guess she can walk us around via FaceTime.

I hope everyone’s move-ins have gone, or will go, well!


@havenoidea Wow! You have quite a whirlwind move-in with back-to-back. NYC is amazing and you have to be in a NY state of mind. Bring patience. It will be crowded. People are nice and if they’re not, it’s just a NYC attitude. Stores are smaller so you have to get used to the smaller footprints. There’s a Target in Manhattan but it’s not like what you would be used to in the burbs.


I signed up my kid for the laundry service. He is a student- athlete and gets his athletic clothes laundered as part of his program. The time he spends in training other kids have that time for laundry. I am just evening it out so that he does not have to spend time doing this. He has already learned how to do laundry so this life skills box has been checked.


My son needed his real ID and either his SSN card (original) or birth certificate (original) to certify his citizenship for his campus job. I was there with him when he had to show it on move in day, so I just took it with me. But otherwise I’d have just ordered a copy of his BC and left it with him. All of his documents are at home. Wouldn’t trust it in the dorms.

@GlobalFencingMom Laundry service is so necessary for your kiddo! Sports is almost a full tome job. I’ve observed my friend’s son who swam Div 1. Practices twice a day, games, etc. I could barely go to college and hold a part time job!

Well, Brown released room and maybe roommate emails today. S21 is still sleeping. Not me anxious to see the dorm location and layout so I can determine how much more crap to buy :rofl:


I suppose it is kid dependent. My son, a junior, plays a D1 sport with workouts and practice daily, and has a PT campus job (only a couple hours a week working for his advisor). He has always managed to get his laundry done himself but he’s also been doing his own laundry since freshman year of high school.

I’m certainly not judging getting laundry service, but just pointing out that my son and his roommates (all D1 athletes) have never seemed to have a problem getting theirs done.


I would definitely sign up in your shoes! I have one kid who trains 20-25 hours/week at their sport, on top of school and a long commute. Its so hard to make time for chores like laundry with a schedule like that.

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I agree. S19 runs XC, indoor and outdoor track so training is all year long. Practice at 4:00 every day for usually two hours plus lifting twice a week in the mornings. Practice or meets on Saturdays. It’s a ton of time. Bowdoin launders his running clothes. The kids leave them on some hook in the field house and they get washed each day. He does the other stuff back in the dorm. Doing laundry every ten days or so really doesn’t take that long.

Our experience has been similar to yours. My kids have done gymnastics/ballet at 20+ hours per week through high school till now, and they’ve always had time for school, jobs, volunteering, and chores- including laundry/dishes/cooking*/grocery shopping*. I think each person has their own personal threshold for busyness and how a packed schedule affects them. My husband has said a million times that he can only have one serious focus before other things start to fall apart, and that he needs a serious amount of downtime and transition time between activities. I am not like that at all, and my girls are more like me- more to do is better, we thrive on it. It’s like everything else, totally individual.

*depending on their meal plan at school

I see kids training in gym all the time. Lift a weight, check your phone for 5-10 minutes. Rinse and repeat. :laughing: